Big Brothers Big Sisters Miami Valley, Christopher Mackey and Chad Lovins

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

This week is National Volunteer Week. 

“When you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” – Author Unknown

Lord our God,

Help us to end each day by asking ourselves what we have done to make our lives and the lives of those around us better. Help us to reflect on what we can do to leave this planet and the people on it better than they were when we arrived. And most importantly, help us to put action behind our answers.



  • Tom Novak announced the Avenue of Flags tune-up for 2024 will happen on May 1, 2024. To help, you do not need a large vehicle to carry flags. Volunteers will visit subscriber locations and make sure existing flag sleeves are ready for Memorial Day flag deliveries. The long period of time and the winter often causes the sleeves to be hidden. Contact Tom if you would like to help the team!
  • Erin Laurito announced that the Got Talent contest live finale is May 1, 2024, 6:30 PM at Centerville High School. This is a free event and there is no need to sign up.

Social Events for 2024

To sign up for a social event use the Member Calendar.

  • Saturday, May 4 – Derby Party at Audio Etc. 5-8 pm
  • Sunday, June 30 – La Comedia Dinner Theater – Wizard of Oz – Brunch – 10:30 am
  • Friday, July 26th Euchre at ContempoRoast – 6:30 pm
  • Saturday, August 24th – Summer Party at Bill & Kelly Stone Home – Time TBD

Big Brothers Big Sisters Miami Valley

Joan Cordonnier introduced Christopher Mackey, who is the Community Impact and Engagement Manager for Big Brothers Big Sisters Miami Valley. Christopher became a member of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club on March 5, 2024.

Joan also introduced Chad Lovins, who is the Big Brothers Big Sisters Miami Valley Philanthropy Officer, a Big Brother to Little Brother Cullen, and a Centerville native.

Chris Mackey Spoke

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Maimi Valley (BBBS) serves around 400 youths in our area.

Sometimes parents have a lot of children and think one or more or more of their children could use some extra attention and sign them up with BBBS.

They always have a need for big sisters but there is a much bigger need for big brothers.

To be a “Big” requires at least a 1-year commitment, but you can do more. They ask for a year because it takes time to build a relationship between a big and little. The ratio of big to little is always one to one.

Bigs are not saviors. Bigs are not replacement parents. The best mentorships are when the goals of the parents and the little discussed, are agreed upon and pursued with the assigned big.

You do not need a fancy degree to be a big. You just need to want to make a difference to a little.

Big and little matches are based on similar interests such as sports or a particular sport. Sometimes a match is more difficult, but they try. If a little was interested in being a hair stylist they would love to match them with someone who works in that field.

This month BBBS wants to erase the wait. They are looking for 35 members of the community to step up and become a mentor (a big). If mentoring is not for you that is fine, please share this opportunity with those you know.

Chad Lovins Spoke

Chad grew up in Centerville and has been with BBBS for four years.

He has been matched with his little brother Cullen since 2021.

Chad became a Big Brother in college to Reggie, who was nine years old. Reggie’s mother was working two jobs in order to earn enough to move out of their neighborhood. They were matched for ten years. Reggie’s mom wanted Reggie to graduate high school and he did. Chad and Reggie didn’t go out for fun until Reggie’s homework was done. Reggie’s goal was to play high school football and he did. Reggie currently has a great job and is a great dad.

After taking the job at BBBS, Chad decided to be become a Big Brother again.

Chad has been matched with his little brother Cullen since 2021. Cullen was having problems at school and with his family. In three years, Cullen has come a long way. It has been incredible to watch him grow. Chad supports Cullen by going to his sporting events. Cullen likes soccer and wants to play football in high school, and they are practicing lots of field goals and he is improving.

The minimum age to be a big is 21, but there is no upper age limit.

Chad thanked CNO for being very supportive of BBBS. CNO has donated $12,500 since 2021.

​Mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters

Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

Vision of Big Brothers Big Sisters

All youth achieve their full potential.

At its core they want kids to be a success in life.


You can view the slide deck of the presentation here.

About Littles

  • They are from the Ohio counties of Greene, Miami, Montgomery and Preble.
  • They are between 7 and 14 years old when they are assigned a big
  • They have diverse backgrounds and experiences

About Littles by the Numbers

These numbers are based on the current wait list:

  • Household income: 44% 
  • Trauma: 52%
  • Mental health: 28%
  • Military family: 16%
  • Little Brothers: ~90%

Enrollment Process

  • Complete application
  • Attend an orientation
  • Complete interviews with enrollment staff
  • Complete background check and outline pre-match training
  • Enrollment staff will contact your references
  • Staff matches you with a little

Mentoring Matches

  • How we match Bigs & Littles
  • Fun, safe, inexpensive activities
  • Goals
  • One-to-one; one year


  • 46%: drug avoidance
  • 90%: improved grades
  • 86%: reduced depressive symptoms
  • Benefits to mentors

Erase the Wait

Currently there are 35 kids who need a mentor. To help, start at There is a link to apply to be a big. There is a video on this page.

How You Can Help

Centerville-Based Matches by Year

  • 2021 – 33 Matches
  • 2022 – 31 Matches
  • 2023 – 28 Matches
  • 2024 – 35 Matches (projected)

Thank You

Thank you, Christopher Mackey and Chad Lovins, for educating us about the services of Big Brothers Big Sisters Miami Valley.

2024-2025 Officers and Board of Directors Nominations for CNO

CNO Secretary, Jean Pummill, reported that the nomination committee of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club, comprised of past presidents, the current president and incoming president have nominated the following members for the Optimist Year starting October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2025:

  • President Elect: Sarah Umbreit
  • Vice Presidents: Mike Creech and Denise O’Neil
  • Board of Directors for 2-year terms: Andy Higgins, Greg Hoffbauer, Erin Laurito, Bob Myers, and Paul Stull
  • Board Members with 1 year left to serve: Dennis Dockins, Jim Mogan, Steve Rau, and Deb Saunders. Since Mike Creech has moved into the Vice-President position before his term expired, the Nomination Committee has chosen Karen Charnesky to finish out his term.
  • The incoming president chooses the Treasurer and Secretary. Roland Rapp has been chosen as Treasurer and Jean Pummill as Secretary. They are both currently serving in those positions.
  • Paul Boeckman will be president which was decided a year ago.
  • Past president Representative: Karl Frydyk
  • Joan Cordonnier will serve as the Immediate Past President

We will hear from each of the nominated board members and officers over the next 3 to 4 weeks.

Sarah Umbreit – President Elect, Spoke

Sarah has been a member of CNO since 2/17/2016.

When I got the call and I was asked to consider being president-elect starting this year, I was surprised. I think I told Nancy I need to think about it. I discussed it with my family, and I think I surprised a few people today outside of my husband. It was a hard secret to keep.

I joined the club in 2016 and Sue Brubaker was my sponsor. I have been active with the club getting out and doing activities. I have led some committees as well. The joy is helping the community and meeting everyone. I am proud of our club and what we do in the community. I appreciate everything our club has allowed me to do as an individual for the betterment of myself while improving my well-being. I’m honored by the nomination to serve as the president-elect during Paul’s year as President. Thank you very much.

Denise O’Neil – Vice-President, Spoke

Denise has been a member of CNO since 9/30/1994.

I have been a member of this club since 1994. I know I don’t look that old, but it’s been a wonderful 30 years. I’ve loved all the people I’ve met, the events that we host and sponsor, and the children that we have helped – it’s been very rewarding.

My husband tries to be actively involved as well. He helps out a lot with one of my favorite events to volunteer for, the golf outing. Our family has been helping out with that event for over 20 years by grilling and serving hot dogs, brats and metts.

Another committee I really enjoy supporting is the Childhood Health and Wellness Committee. Before COVID, I was very active with face painting kids at Build-a-Bear events. Since COVID, I just help out wherever I can.

At the very top of my list, I co-chair the Haunted Trail event with Gail Aiken. Rest assured, in the next few months, we’ll start asking for your help as it is very labor intensive. We need lots of trail guides and people to work refreshments. But again, it is very rewarding as it’s probably one of our biggest events for drawing in parents and kids.

We’ve been asked before why we don’t charge for this event, but that’s not what our club is about. It’s all about giving back to the community.

I was honored when asked about becoming vice president, even though I’m busy with two 4-year-old twin grandkids. But they’re what this club is all about.

I also want to give a shout out for the evening 2.0 club meetings, as I can’t make many lunch meetings due to my work schedule. The evening meetings are a fabulous way to network with fellow Optimists.

Thank you for everything this club has offered in the past and I’m really looking forward to the year to come as your vice president.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Alex MyersSarah Umbreit
Chad LovinsChris Mackay
Diane FlickPatrick Arehart
Doug OrfTom Novak
Lynn StuartSarah Umbreit
Marg DrumhellerFran Sheehan
Mike NewkirkFred Polizzi

New Member Readings and Inductions

Mike NewkirkFred Polizzi3rd Reading
Jane HermanStan FronzagliaInduction

Happy Bucks

No time for Happy Bucks this week

Sergeants at Arms

Gary AndersonIt has been too long since he last attended a meeting.
Gail AikenShe just returned from Florida. She was there while we were up here freezing.
Joan CordonnierNot allowing the sergeants to assess their fines in recent weeks.
Dave KayHe wrote in Sergeant Nancy Lehren’s book of suggested fines, “Stop fining Dave Kay.”
Dave KayHe gave an extra birthday table dessert to Bob Duffy.
Everyone at the birthday table that doesn’t have an April birthdayIt was not your birthday so you are fined for sitting at the birthday table.
Anne and Steve KohlsTheir oldest grandson was in a picture during today’s meeting and it is not fair they get to see an extra picture of him.
Tom NovakNot sitting with his guest today.
Jim LongNot wearing his optimist pin in public.
Mike BevisWhen Denise O’Neill said she couldn’t find her name badge he told her to just take someone else’s badge for today’s meeting.

Membership Anniversaries

Donna HussApril 24, 201212
Dr. Dan PassidomoApril 25, 200717
Kelly DavisApril 26, 20195
Kelly KemptonApril 26, 20222
Debby MooreApril 26, 20222


Keith MeyerApril 23
Dennis DockinsApril 27
Jeff BuschApril 29

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes received this week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here