Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award 2022 – Jackie Vollmer

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Teacher:  A multi-tasking educational rockstar who lives to inspire and loves to encourage.  They’re kind of a big deal.

Almighty God,

As the school year is coming to an end, we are gathered to recognize exceptional teachers.  Our educators take on a higher calling and are often taken for granted, overlooked, and underappreciated.  We thank you for this opportunity to show our love, support, and appreciation for those in our presence.



  • Art Hung, co-chair of the Sunshine Committee, said to let him or Donna Huss know if you know someone that could use some sunshine from our great club!
  • On behalf of Debe Dockins, Gary Hansen announced that last week’s Bunco social was a lot of fun at Chappy’s last Friday.
  • On behalf of Debe Dockins, Gary Hansen announced the next adult social will be at 3 PM on June 26, 2022. We will take a tour of Carillon Park and have dinner afterwards at the Carillon Brewing Company.
  • Gary Hansen announced that he is looking for chairs, committee members and volunteers for the following events:
    • Big 6 Gaming Table at Party in the Park (June 10, July 15); contact Mitch Bodenmiller or Debe Dockins if you are interested
    • CHS Handouts Booth at Party in the Park (June 10, July 15)
    • Americana Parade Float (July 4)

Carter Heys, Will Cale Scholarship Recipient Graduated from Sinclair

Carter Heys, a 2020 Will Cale Scholarship recipient, graduated from Sinclair with a degree in Culinary Arts.  He will complete an internship this summer as a chef at Bullwinkle’s in Miamisburg. Carter’s mentors since 2020 have been Diane Arehart and Steve Rau.

Carter was introduced and congratulated at lunch today.

Congratulations and thank you, Diane Arehart and Steve Rau, for helping Carter succeed.

Committee Meetings

  • 6/15/2022, 6 PM, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic 2022. Meetings in 2022 will be on Wednesdays on 1/26, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20, 5/18, 6/15, 7/13. Additional golf committee members and volunteers are always welcome. The event will be held on 7/18/2022.

Community Events

  • 6/4/2022, 8 AM to 12:30 PM, Fishing Derby at RecPlex. To volunteer use the member calendar here.
  • 6/6/2022, All Day, Junior Golf Tournament, Volunteers are needed, contact Jerry Stahley and/or use the member calendar here.
  • 7/18/2022, All Day, the 30th year of the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic will be held on 7/18/2022.  To volunteer use the member calendar here.

Social Events

7/10/2022, 3 PM, Carillon Park tour followed by dinner at the Carillon Brewing Company. The tour is $5. Dinner and drinks are on your own.

CNO’s “Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award” for 2022

Gary Hansen introduced CNO member Gary Anderson, who is a retired teacher and principle from the City of Centerville School District. Anderson introduced the CNO “Bringing out the Best in Kids” award for educators for 2022.

Gary Anderson explained how involved in the education of kids in our community our club is and reflected on how much long time CNO member Will Cale meant to our club and the scholarship named after him. Today is another great way we honor those who help educate the children of our community. Will Cale joined CNO on 1/1/1976 and was member until he passed away on 5/4/2022.

Criteria for the Award

  • Candidates should have a minimum of ten years involvement in community service with youth in the Centerville-Washington Township community.
  • Candidates should currently work in, or be retired from, or work in the field of education.
  • It is preferred that candidates have direct experience with Centerville Noon Optimist Club projects.

History of the Award

The award started in 2003 as the “Achievement in Education” Award. It is now known as the “Bringing out the Best in Kids” award to honor Margaret Barclay. Her theme for her year as Ohio District Governor was “Bringing out the Best in Kids.” As of today, there have been 23 recipients, including public and private school administrators, principals and teachers from elementary, middle and high school. Since 2018 the selection process has been to use the City of Centerville School District Teacher of the Year nominee for Ohio’s Teacher of the Year program as the recipient. The committee is reviewing this selection process.

Jackie Vollmer, 2022 Recipient of the Award

Jackie Vollmer, the Intervention Specialist at Driscoll Elementary, is the 2022 recipient of the “Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award.” She received a nice plaque commemorating the award.

Jackie brought with her today her husband Geoffrey Vollmer and her parents Jack Putnam and Stephanie Owens Putnam. Also attending the ceremony was Jon Wesney, who on August 1, 2022 will be the Superintendent of the City of Centerville School District. Interesting to note is that Gary Anderson hired Jon Wesney into the school system 25 years ago.

Erin Bucher, the principal of Driscoll Elementary, spoke about Jackie Vollmer.

Erin Bucher’s Speech About Jackie Vollmer

First, thank you so much to the Noon Optimist for inviting us here today to celebrate such an awesome educator!

If ever there was an educator deserving of the honor of Ohio Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Jackie Vollmer is definitely the one! She is respected and admired by her colleagues; and, undoubtedly, she exemplifies the five eligibility requirements while going above and beyond for her students.

Mrs. Vollmer is an expert in her field who guides students of all backgrounds and abilities to achieve excellence. Mrs. Vollmer has spent nearly twenty years dedicated to students with disabilities in Centerville City Schools. Her first experience working with students with disabilities was through her participation in Centerville High School’s Early Childhood Education program. She then began her career in Centerville in 2002 as a paraprofessional and continued as a long-term substitute intervention specialist at Magsig Middle School.

In 2011, Mrs. Vollmer joined the staff of Driscoll Elementary as an intervention specialist supporting students with significant disabilities who participate in a self-contained resource room. Her students have a wide range of abilities and needs, and she works tirelessly to ensure each and every student reaches their full potential. It is evident each and every day that Mrs. Vollmer works towards her primary goal as a teacher: to help her students to become as independent as possible. She asserts that even though her students are in elementary school, she must think about and have students work on the skills that they will need in the future as members of their communities.

Mrs. Vollmer’s expertise has been recognized by the Centerville Education Foundation as an Excellence in Education award recipient. She has also been selected as an A-LIST teacher by the Autism & Low-Incidence Coaching Team (ACT) Montgomery County Educational Service Center-Regional Center.

Mrs. Vollmer collaborates with colleagues, students, and families to create a school culture of respect and success. Collaboration is a daily occurrence for Mrs. Vollmer. She works with her paraprofessionals, any related service provider you could think of, as well as her fellow intervention specialists to support her students’ unique needs and ensure they make progress. Mrs. Vollmer also consults with our Building Leadership Team, our PBIS team, as well as our PTO to ensure her students are able to participate meaningfully in all school activities by providing necessary accommodations and modifications. To name a few, these activities include: our school-wide Morning Meetings, Reading Buddies, Driscoll’s Read-A-Thon, PTO’s Dragon Dash fundraiser, and the end-of-year favorite, Field Day. Mrs. Vollmer has also worked with colleagues, both special educators and general educators, to receive numerous grants through the Centerville Education Foundation.

Most impressive, however, is Mrs. Vollmer’s partnerships with families. She is the link between families and school for students’ medical needs, behavioral needs, social-emotional needs, communication needs, and academic needs. She will do anything for her families, literally anything — from “emergency” babysitting to picking up medication at the pharmacy to answering parents’ texts late into the evening to delivering necessary supplies during a pandemic. She is also a resource for other families outside of Driscoll as an active member in our district’s group for parents of students with disabilities, Centerville Elks with Special Needs. Without a doubt, Mrs. Vollmer’s dedication to her students and families is unparalleled.

Mrs. Vollmer deliberately connects her classroom and key stakeholders to foster a strong community. Students in Mrs. Vollmer’s class have significant needs. She is instrumental in connecting her families to additional supports through the Montgomery County Board of Developmental Disabilities Services as well as other outside agencies. Mrs. Vollmer goes above and beyond to communicate with her students’ medical professionals and private therapists to ensure there is continuity of care. She has connected her classroom with weekly experiences from AIM (Adventures in Movement) for the Handicapped. Additionally, Mrs. Vollmer has organized field trips within our local community to provide students with valuable real-world experiences.

Mrs. Vollmer demonstrates leadership and innovation in and outside the classroom that embodies lifelong learning. Not only is Mrs. Vollmer responsible for the students in her classroom, she is also responsible for leading a talented group of paraprofessionals and keeping them informed with current practices. Mrs. Vollmer’s love of learning is evident by her willingness to participate in professional development opportunities as well as her openness to share her knowledge with others. Mrs. Vollmer has served as a mentor, both officially and unofficially, to numerous intervention specialists in our school and district. She has also welcomed student teachers into her classroom. Mrs. Vollmer serves on our district’s Curriculum Leadership Team and holds a leadership role within the Centerville Classroom Teachers Association.

Mrs. Vollmer expresses herself in an engaging and articulate way. Understanding the nuances of special education is challenging; however, Mrs. Vollmer makes information easily accessible to families and colleagues. She has led multiple professional development courses for our district’s Summer and Winter Institutes. Mrs. Vollmer has also been a presenter at OCALICON, the Premier Autism and Disabilities Conference.

In summary, Mrs. Vollmer deserves to be recognized for her dedication to helping her students succeed and become independent. Her leadership and willingness to share her expertise with her colleagues and other stakeholders is exemplary and truly makes a difference to all who are fortunate enough to cross her path.

Jackie Vollmer’s Acceptance Speech

Thank you Centerville Noon Optimists, I am so very honored and humbled to receive this award in memory of Margaret Barclay.  In reading about Margaret I was inspired by her work for Centerville City Schools, the community, and specifically “bringing out the best in kids” in our community.

You often hear the saying it takes a village to raise a child.  Well, since we’re the ELKS in my classroom it takes a herd to support and educate a child.  This honor is not just about me but goes to the many people I work with daily and weekly in my classroom.  When I started teaching 11 years ago, I learned from many of the people in my herd and they have shaped me to become the teacher I am today.

Some History About Disabled Children in Schools

Gary Anderson said that in 1981 Centerville City Schools was the second district in Ohio that let children with multiple disabilities attend standard schools with the rest of the children. Before then, these challenged students attended a school system called 169. Challenged kids are now seen every day now and are not shunned like they were before the 1980’s.

Complete List of the Bringing out the Best in Kids Award Recipients

A permanent plaque is on display in the front foyer at Centerville City Schools Central Office on Virginia Avenue with the names of all the recipients:

  • 2003, Gary Anderson                    
  • 2004, Frank DePalma                                                
  • 2005, Eileen Booher & Mary Stahley
  • 2006, Joe Madden
  • 2007, Paula Paprocki
  • 2008, Margaret Barclay
  • 2009, Gary Smiga                                                            
  • 2010, Will Cale                                                 
  • 2011, Pat Kinzig
  • 2012, Sandy Vogt
  • 2013, Deb Crump
  • 2014, Kathy Beck
  • 2015, Matt Somerlot
  • 2016, Michael Dalton
  • 2017, Sherry Kim
  • 2018, Jason Whited
  • 2019, Matt Szozda
  • 2020, Kim Crasto
  • 2021, Theresa Replogle
  • 2022, Jackie Vollmer

New Events Calendar is Active on CNO Website

The member calendar which allows volunteers to sign up is active on the website. It works easily on both mobile and desktop devices. There are public and member calendars on the site.

There is a QR code you can use at the bottom to share the calendars with other members and the community.

Things you can do with the calendars

  • View upcoming lunch and CNO 2.0 speakers.
  • Sign up to volunteer for community events like the Easter Egg Hunt and Bike Rodeo. After you sign up the software will offer to add the event to your calendar.
  • Sign up for social events such as Euchre tournaments and soon the annual dinners for officer installation and holiday party.
  • The community can use it to learn about events like the Bike Rodeo, Fishing Derby and Tri-star Soccer. If they sign up we can send reminders of the events.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Dean LundgrenPatrick Arehart3rd Reading
Michael KoveleskiBill Stone3rd Reading
Paula HarrisonJudy Johnson3rd Reading
Claire KerrBeth DuncanInduction

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Dave MitchellMike Bevis
Gwen DickersonAndy Dickerson
Jacob CrawfordJesse Gaither
Kendal CookeBarbara Santo
Kevin LawlerGreg Griffin
Lin ErdmannTom Novak
Lynn AlejanfrinoTom Novak
Nora DickersonAndy Dickerson

Happy Bucks

Charlie GoodwinDaughter placed 2nd out of over 100 people for a weight loss contest by losing 38.2 pounds, or 18.24 percent. She just barely missed 1st place.
Charlie GoodwinOne of his Eagle scouts has been accepted into 1 of the only 42 Pediatric Surgery fellowship positions in the US and Canada. These are very difficult to obtain. He also wants to be a scoutmaster.
Roland RappCelebrating 42nd wedding anniversary to Marianne.
Stan FronzagliaCelebrating 56th wedding anniversary with Joyce.
Gary SmigaLast week at the Bob Chiles Memorial Golf Outing he, Craig Dring, Mike Bevis, and June Bosworth shot a 59 (13 under par) and were just 4 shots away from the win.
Clair KerrDaughter didn’t like her healthcare job, so she got her Masters in Education in April and is excited to be a teacher.
Bob LawsonGrateful for Diane Arehart entering his last minute changes to his AOF route.
Bob BargmeyerReplacement volunteers delivered his flag route for him and Anne.
Gary HansenLake Season will officially begin this weekend when the grandkids come up to their lake house.

Sergeants at Arms

Beth DuncanAsked Diane Arehart, who could barely walk after surgery, to put away her badge so she would not be fined.
All Past Presidents in attendance at lunch todayBob Lawson’s Optimist pin broke just two weeks after he became a member. He has asked every president since to get him a new pin.
Don KelleyGuessed incorectly about who the former CNO member was (Tom Jumar) that Sergeant Nancy Lehren got to see in Toledo recently.
Bob DuffyDuring the Pledge of Alligiance criticized Sergeant Nancy Lehren for how she said the pledge.
Gary HansenAdmitted he started the meeting 3 minutes late. Sergeants had no choice but to fine him.
Gail AikenSelling football coupon cards at lunch.
Jane FiehrerLate to meeting.

Membership Anniversaries

Mary Ann MacKenzieMay 23, 20193
Bob ClementsMay 25, 200517
Paulette NovakMay 25, 200517
Amy BarkerMay 26, 200814
Debe DockinsMay 26, 200913
Cheryl ReichelMay 26, 200814
Bob BurkmanMay 31, 200319
Carol BurkmanMay 31, 200319
Wayne ChristieJune 1, 198834


Claire KerrMay 26
Kristen MarksJune 2
Mike CordonnierJune 4
Larry LarrimerJune 4
Cindy HarrisJune 5
Dick StevensJune 5
Kristin PassidomoJune 6
Jean PummillJune 6

CNO Donations – 2013 through May 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

Click Here to see read the Thank You Notes we received this week

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The Photos taken at this week’s meeting are here