Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award 2024, Stacey Westendorf

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

The prayer today was from a book. Because of copyright issues it was not published here.

The book is: Lives We Actually Have: 100 Blessings for Imperfect Days, Bowler, Kate, and Jessica Richie. Convergent Books, LLC, 2023.

Here’s a summary of the key ideas in prayer #7 of the book:

The prayer is about finding purpose and a sense of calling in one’s work and life. It blesses those who see their labor as an opportunity to serve a greater purpose beyond just earning a paycheck. It encourages those searching for their true vocation to have faith they will be guided toward work that allows their gifts to meet the world’s needs.

The prayer recognizes the sacrifice in work that serves others, even when unnoticed. It asks for renewed energy and meaning in this important work of service. It requests that all aspects of work be imbued with a higher sense of purpose. The prayer asks for sustenance for workers to be replenished more than they expend through their labor.

It provides encouragement to those desiring purposeful work that allows them to contribute positively to the world.

No Meeting on 5/28/2024

We skip the meeting right after Memorial Day each year. Don’t show up at Yankee Trace. If you do, make sure to turn yourself into the sergeants for a fine the next week.


  • Gary Hansen announced that the Centerville Noon Optimist Youth Recognition Night will be held at 7 PM on June 11, 2024. It will be an evening dedicated to honoring students winning awards, contests or scholarships from CNO in the past Optimist year. It will be a dessert and appetizer reception followed by individual recognition for each honored student. For details and to sign up, use the Member Calendar.
  • Erin Dickerson announced that the Fishing Derby will be held on June 1, 2024. They still need more volunteers. It will be at Oak Grove Park. There are several jobs and many that do not require fishing skills. You do not have to touch a fish or worm unless you want to. For details and to sign up, use the Member Calendar.
  • Erin Dickerson announced that the Castle Fishing Day will be on June 7, 2024, at Oak Grove Park. Volunteers are needed June 7, 2024, from 11 AM to 2 PM. For details and to sign up, use the Member Calendar.
  • Mike Bevis announced that the golf outing will be on July 15, 2024. They still need a lot more volunteers for the day of the event. They also need gift cards, bottles of wine and empty baskets for the silent auction gift baskets. They are also still looking for sponsors. He said maybe your plumber, electrician, financial advisor could be a sponsor?
  • Art Hung said that he and Donna Huss are the Sunshine Committee. They would like to be notified when you know that a member could use some Sunshine in their lives. They send flowers, cards, Door Dash credits, etc.
  • Gary Anderson announced that the Bringing Out the Best in Kids committee is looking for additional members as we have now lost both Will Cale and Joe Madden. If you are interested in helping Gary, Frank DePalma, and Gary Smiga select future recipients, please contact Gary Anderson.

Volunteer Opportunity

7/15/2024, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic. Sign up on the website here.

Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award

Joan Cordonnier introduced CNO member Gary Anderson, who is a retired teacher and principal from the Centerville School District. Gary introduced the CNO, “Bringing out the Best in Kids” award for educators.

Criteria To Be Considered for The Award

  • The candidate should have a minimum of ten years involvement in community service with youth in the Centerville-Washington Township community.
  • The candidate should currently work in, or be retired from, the field of education.
  • It is preferred if the candidate has some experience with Centerville Noon Optimist Club projects and/or activities.

Gary Anderson said, “I do have a quote from our 3rd U.S. President, Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson wrote “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and will never be.”

Gary introduced: Stacey Westendorf, Chris Wozniak, Barb Westendorf, Doug Westendorf, Superintendent Jon Wesney (CNO), Human Resources Director Dan Tarpey, and Steve Martin.

Gary Anderson, the chair, thanked the “Bringing out the Best in Kids” committee members Gary Smiga and Frank DePalma.

This year’s recipient is Stacey Westendorf, the principal of Magsig Middle School.

Jon Wesney Presents Honoree Stacey Westendorf

Jon Wesney, the superintendent of Centerville City Schools, said the following about Stacey Westendorf receiving the “Bringing out the Best in Kids” award.

Jon Wesney said, “This is really an honor for me to be able to recognize Stacey. Stacey and I have kind of grown up together, if you will, with Centerville City Schools. She was a West Unit teacher. I was also a West Unit teacher back in the day, so to speak.

Stacey started her career as an educator with Centerville City Schools in 1995, teaching Spanish at Centerville High School.

Stacey started her administrative career in 2004 at Magsig Middle School. Stacey’s leadership style is characterized by her exceptional ability to connect with students, staff, and families. She has fostered a strong sense of community and belonging at Magsig, ensuring each student had the support and encouragement needed to thrive academically and personally.

Stacey’s interactions with students and their families have positively impacted the community. She’s also known for her approachability, her willingness to listen, and her genuine care and sense of well-being for every student. That’s easy for me to say as the Superintendent and administrator of Centerville City Schools, but I can also say that as a parent. I have two adult children that are graduates of Magsig Middle School, and we had the opportunity as a family to see Stacey’s work firsthand. We really appreciate the work that she has done in the district.

When I became Superintendent, Stacey requested a meeting with me, pretty early on in my superintendent career and she said, ‘Hey, I’ve got this great idea. At some point, if the opportunity presents itself, I would love to finish my career as a Spanish teacher at Centerville High School.’ This fall the dream will come true. We are really proud that we are able to provide this opportunity for Stacey to continue her love and passion for education.

After 20 years of dedicated work as an administrator, I’m proud to say Stacey will be going back to the high school to teach Spanish to our students. We’re excited about your opportunity and quite frankly, I’m envious of your career path and how you decided to finish your career. Congratulations Stacey Westendorf, for receiving the Bringing out the Best in Kids award.”

Stacey Westendorf

Stacey Westendorf said, “Thank you very much. I would just like to thank Mr. Wesney and Mr. Tarpey for being here and for nominating me and my parents and my husband for being here today. What Gary didn’t say, which I think is perhaps the most interesting part of this story, is that Margaret Barkley had a tenure at Magsig Middle School for just as long as mine, if not more so, to be able to be winning this award that is on her behalf is very fitting.”

Thank You to Our Educators and Veterans

Gary Anderson had another quote from Thomas Jefferson: “Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.”

Gary Anderson said, “I know some of us are concerned about the “well informed” part of that quote as we live in a world of instant news; artificial intelligence that creates false scenarios; and a culture that promotes constant pressure to be entertained rather than educated; we must do better!”

“Stacey Westendorf is the epitome of the hundreds of educators right here in Centerville-Washington Township who plan, teach, counsel, motivate, and yes discipline students every day in our community.”

“They are a blessing to us and our children.”

Gary Anderson gave another quote from Mark Twain, “In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.”

About the Plaque Stacey Westendorf Received

The permanent plaques are on display in the front foyer at the Centerville City Schools Central Office on Virginia Avenue.

The plaque Stacey Westendorf received reads:

Presented to, Stacey Westendorf
“Bringing out the Best in Kids”
In recognition of your dedication to the youth in our community
Awarded by Centerville Noon Optimist Club, May 21, 2024.

Click here to see a photo of the plaque.

About the Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award

Begun as an “Achievement in Education” Award in 2003, this award was renamed to honor Centerville Noon Optimist’s Margaret Barclay’s theme for her year as Optimist Ohio District Governor. The award honors adults who work, or have worked, in the field of education.

There have been 23 recipients, including public and private school administrators, principals, and teachers from elementary, middle, and high school. After reviewing the letters of recommendation, the Committee selected the person we are honoring today.

Complete List of the Bringing out the Best in Kids Award Recipients

A permanent plaque is on display in the front foyer at Centerville City Schools Central Office on Virginia Avenue with the names of all the recipients:

  • 2003, Gary Anderson                    
  • 2004, Frank DePalma                                                
  • 2005, Eileen Booher & Mary Stahley
  • 2006, Joe Madden
  • 2007, Paula Paprocki
  • 2008, Margaret Barclay
  • 2009, Gary Smiga                                                            
  • 2010, Will Cale                                                 
  • 2011, Pat Kinzig
  • 2012, Sandy Vogt
  • 2013, Deb Crump
  • 2014, Kathy Beck
  • 2015, Matt Somerlot
  • 2016, Michael Dalton
  • 2017, Sherry Kim
  • 2018, Jason Whited
  • 2019, Matt Szozda
  • 2020, Kim Crasto
  • 2021, Theresa Replogle
  • 2022, Jackie Vollmer
  • 2023, Arleen Petty
  • 2024, Stacey Westendorf

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Aimee SprolesBlanca Criner
Barb WestendorfProgram
Brad MillwardArt Hung
Chris WonzniakProgram
Cristy KetteringLacey Owens
Dan TarpeyProgram
Doug WestendorfProgram
Luke CareyMike Bevis
Molly SpearmanLacwy Owens
Stacy WestendorfAward Recipient
Steve MartinProgram
Thomas WagnerOnline Guest
Theresa CurryArt Hung

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Jessica KuhnMike BevisInduction

Happy Bucks

Stan FronzagliaCelebrating 50th Wedding Anniversary with Joyce. Their anniversary is actually today 5/21/1974.
Kristen MarksShe thanked Paul Boeckman, Steve Mays, Mike Fanelli and all the volunteers for the successful Safety on Wheels last Sunday.
Blanca Criner$20, She already has paid to have her three lost name badges replaced. She just found where her husband put them! She is paying $20 for Happy Bucks to prepay for the next name tag she needs.
Blanca CrinerStan Fronzaglia’s guests today who are headed to Columbus to let the State Education Department know about the “I Lead” program for teachers developed by John Maxwell that is very successful quickly with students.
Cameron LangerThe Best of Dayton voting is open he said to please vote for Lee’s Famous Recipe.
Thomas WagnerHe is ready to join CNO!
Debe DockinsStacey Westendorf has helped many times with the library’s writing contests.
Stephanie LlacunaTherapeutic Riding Institute received the Torch Award from the BBB.
Gail AikenThe second of five grand children just graduated high school.
Don KelleyGranddaughter Molly graduated from Miami University and was the student speaker for her graduation that had 5000 students.
Charlie GoodwinHis son, James, is a senior policy advisor at the Center for Progressive Reform in Washington. He has just been moved up to the Policy Director which is the overall head of the organization. His success is probably related to his old principal, Gary Anderson.
Bob Lawson$5, Three grandchildren just graduated. One graduated from Miami University and will start his nursing career in Columbus. The second one graduated high school and she will go on to Sinclair to become a paramedic. The third one graduated high school and will go on to the Ohio State University and major in Child Psychology. All three will have zero debt when they are done with school.
Mike CreechHis granddaughter, Sophia, won the Excellence in Chemistry award at Mason High School.
Joan CordonnierGary Anderson was a great principal at her kids’ grade school. He called her once just to check in.

Sergeants at Arms

Jessica KuhnShe is a new member and now she has been fined.
Gary SmigaPhoto in Washington Township Quarterly newsletter and he is not wearing his Optimist pin.
Karl FrydrykPicture on the Washington Township website not wearing an Optimist pin.
Mike BevisPicture on the Washington Township website not wearing an Optimist pin.
Debe DockinsPicture on the Washington Township website not wearing an Optimist pin.
Everyone at a random table that did not have tea today.Today is national Tea Day and they did not drink tea.
Byron WadeHis name rhymes with Myron Rheaume and it is bound to cause mass confusion, at least for the current sergeants of Chris McAlpine and Matt Goeke.
Blanca CrinerSergeants have learned that she has three name badges. Read the rest of the story in Happy Bucks!
Anyone with a May Birthday not sitting at the Birthday DayThey should be sitting at the birthday table.
Denise GreeneShe did not park very well in the parking lot at Yankee Trace today.
Scott LangerLate to meeting, at least according to the sergeant’s time keeping methods.

Membership Anniversaries

Mary Ann MacKenzieMay 23, 20195
Jerry GerhardsMay 23, 20213
Bob ClementsMay 25, 200519
Paulette NovakMay 25, 200519
Amy BarkerMay 26, 200816
Debe DockinsMay 26, 200915
Bob BurkmanMay 31, 200321
Carol BurkmanMay 31, 200321
Wayne ChristieJune 1, 198836


Jim MarkerMay 23
Mindy HoffbauerMay 24
Claire KerrMay 26
Vicki ThompsonMay 29
Cameron LangerJune 1
Kristen MarksJune 2

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes received this week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here