
CNOtes are blog articles about weekly Tuesday noon lunch meetings and monthly CNO 2.0 evening meetings.

N.O.W. (New Optimists Welcome) Event – our first-ever via Zoom

The normal weekly lunch meeting was not held this week. Instead we had a special version of our weekly Zoom meeting. It was a New Optimists Welcome event. Committee chairs provided slides and presented what each committee does for the club. They presented about the community events, fundraisers, social events, scholarships, and behind-the-scenes operations. New and perspective members learned about volunteer opportunities with our club through these events.

N.O.W. (New Optimists Welcome) Event – our first-ever via Zoom Read More »

Craig Boring – Optimist International Foundation Executive Director

The Optimist International Foundation was founded on February 18, 1971 and will celebrate 50 years in 2021. The idea for OIF came from a long-term strategic planning committee of OI that began in 1969. Charles Campbell, the President of OI, signed the incorporation papers and the Optimist International Foundation became a 501 (c) (3) organization. OIF gives support to local Optimist Clubs. They also support other youth related charitable organizations such as the Ronald McDonald House and Johns Hopkins Pediatric Hospital.

Craig Boring – Optimist International Foundation Executive Director Read More »

Brady Kress – Dayton Historical Society and Carillon Park

From the Dayton History Website: In 2005, Carillon Historical Park merged with the Montgomery County Historical Society to create a new umbrella organization known as Dayton History. The private non-profit (501c3) organization was established to preserve, share, and celebrate our region’s history. Carillon Historical Park is home to over 30 historic structures and cares for over three million artifacts.

Brady Kress – Dayton Historical Society and Carillon Park Read More »

Pamela Gregg – UDRI (University of Dayton Research Institute)

Pam has been at UD for more than 20 years, the last 17 as communication administrator for the University of Dayton Research Institute where she manages internal and external communication and media relations. She was a writer and photographer for the Dayton Daily News for 12 years before joining UD. Pam loves getting to know people and telling stories about them and their work, especially research stories, which involve a bit of “foreign language translation” – science to non-science.

Pamela Gregg – UDRI (University of Dayton Research Institute) Read More »

WHIO Radio Personality Larry Hansgen

In 2019, things were not going well for Dayton through August with the Memorial Day tornadoes and the Oregon mass shooting. Then the UD Flyer basketball season started, and the rest of the year was great. He remembers predicting very early in the season how fantastic this team was going to be. He described the experience of the sudden end of post season play as being like you start falling, then realize you’re falling and you don’t have any control or choice but to fall. Once the COVID crisis hit, the sports world just halted.

WHIO Radio Personality Larry Hansgen Read More »

Dave Williams – All about the Restoration of The Arcade in Dayton

Williams is part of the task force created to figure out what to do with the Dayton Arcade and surrounding buildings in Downtown Dayton. Tearing it down was the first thought. Historical buildings downtown, however, are important to the character and appeal of a downtown you are trying to revitalize. They realized that for the good of the Dayton community, they need preserve buildings like the Dayton Arcade. The development team is a very seasoned group that understand how to turn old buildings into useful structures again.

Dave Williams – All about the Restoration of The Arcade in Dayton Read More »

Stevie Ann Kremer, Author of Miracle of Miracles, a Holocaust Survival Story PLUS Memorial Education Assistance Awards Presented – WOW!

In early 2018, Kremer began working with Samuel Heider to document his survival of the Holocaust. She was able to finish the book before he died in November 2019 at 95 years of age. “Heider is Dayton’s last death camp Holocaust survivor. Sam, ever the optimist, was both delighted and relieved that his story was finally in print.”

Stevie Ann Kremer, Author of Miracle of Miracles, a Holocaust Survival Story PLUS Memorial Education Assistance Awards Presented – WOW! Read More »

Our Special Guest – Optimist International President Adrian Elcock!

The theme for the 2019-2020 year is “iMagine.” Adrian and his team are working on improvements and innovations, including digital, financial, and marketing. They are working to create a stronger, more resilient organization that is responsive to its members and the work we do. Without imagination, we are incapable of dreaming. We must continue to make a difference to the children in our community. Millions of children live better because of the work of Optimist Clubs.

Our Special Guest – Optimist International President Adrian Elcock! Read More »

All About Our Skilled Trades Scholarships Program

This year, 3 students have applied and been awarded the scholarship. All three will be attending the Hobart School of Welding in Troy, Ohio. The courses last 6-12 months depending on the program chosen. The programs are expensive. The school was started in 1930 and there have been over 100,000 graduates. It is a nationally recognized program.

All About Our Skilled Trades Scholarships Program Read More »

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