
CNOtes are blog articles about weekly Tuesday noon lunch meetings and monthly CNO 2.0 evening meetings.

Chappy’s Social House – Matt Somerlot CHS Educator and Track Coach

This is Matt’s 23rd year coaching track. He values that his sport is a no cut sport at CHS and it is very much needed. Some kids need a chance to interact with other kids, some just need a gym credit, others need to meet a kids to have lunch with. In track there is almost always improvement the kids can see as their times get better sometimes day to day. Track kids learn to compete. He finds what the kids are good at. each kid gets to compete at least once a week.

Chappy’s Social House – Matt Somerlot CHS Educator and Track Coach Read More »

Off-Site Meeting @ Forest Field Park

The Will Cale Scholarship requires a Counselor’s recommendation and emphasis is on financial need and potential rather than academics or class standing. The scholarship provides up to $750 per semester for up to six semesters at Sinclair College, sufficient funding for an Associate’s Degree. This year’s winners are: Zoe Pirslin, Victoria Brinkman, Mya Wehde, Brittney Grant, and Allison Salyer.

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Terri Leputa – United Way

United Way fights for the education, health, safety, and financial well being of everyone in our community. It started 104 years ago in 194. even though the economy is doing well in our area there are issues. They try to provide a hand up instead of just a hand out. They help support food pantries because of food insecurity. They try to find what factors are causing the food insecurity in an area or household.

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Project READ

Project READ is a coalition of more than 100 literacy organizations, schools, and businesses dedicated to increasing the literacy levels of adults, children, and families in the Dayton Area. It is currently based at Sinclair Community College and continues to provide tutoring services, thousands of books to children and families in need, and raising community awareness of literacy.

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Poelking Lanes Dayton Mall – Joe Poelking

Joe and his cousin run Poelking Lanes. The business was started in the 1940s by his grandfather. World War II caused the lanes to close after a few years because there were not enough workers available to work as pinsetters. The Poelking Lanes on Wilmington Avenue started again in the 1950’s. In November of 2012 the VIP suite at Poelking Lanes South was opened and it is a place to have your own private bowling party.

Poelking Lanes Dayton Mall – Joe Poelking Read More »

Gerry Coen – Therapy Dogs

Gerry is the president of the Miami Valley Pet Therapy Association (mvPTa). She has worked for the association for 11 years. She brought her specially trained therapy dog, Bailey. Together they work throughout the Miami Valley. Locations include Wright Patterson Airforce Base, schools, libraries, Dayton Children’s Hospital, Hospice, nursing/assisted living facilities, and more. Joining Gerry today today are Brenda Metcalf and her specially trained therapy dog Rhenn.

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Terry Oroszci – Study of Terrorism in America since 9/11

Terry has authored 2 books about terrorism so far with another about to be released. She has also published several articles. She spoke to us about her study of terrorism based on data she has collected since 9/11. Her full presentation can take over 90 minutes and Terry did an excellent job of reducing it to the 20 minutes we were able to offer her at today’s lunch. She shared a lot of interesting information from her research into terrorists.

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Bryan Suddith – Storytelling

Bryan is an accomplished story teller, aspiring writer, and regular performer at The Moth in Louisville. His parents and grandparents were good at storytelling and told them stories all the time. His message is there is great value in storytelling to the community. He spends his spare time writing stories and telling them. He loves telling stories, especially ones based on personal experience. Stories build empathy and community. Your story is your story. We are all more alike than different.

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Ollie’s Place – Mike Schwartz & Clayton Hicks – H7

Mike Swartz is the owner of Ollie’s place. They have thousands of choices of beer and whiskey. The name Ollie’s is in honor of his beloved grandfather. Clayton Hicks is the founder and CEO of the H7 Global Network. H7 is a system for finding people that you want to work with and learning business building techniques.

Ollie’s Place – Mike Schwartz & Clayton Hicks – H7 Read More »

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