
CNOtes are blog articles about weekly Tuesday noon lunch meetings and monthly CNO 2.0 evening meetings.

Centerville Noon Optimist Club Completes Major Donation to Dayton Children’s “Reaching New Heights” Campaign to Transform Care for Kids

On July 16, 2017, Dayton Children’s Hospital successfully moved patients into the new eight story tower! The Centerville Noon Optimist Club played a major role in supporting the Reaching New Heights campaign to transform care at Dayton Children’s Hospital! We helped to create a world-class healing environment that is just right for the tiniest to […]

Centerville Noon Optimist Club Completes Major Donation to Dayton Children’s “Reaching New Heights” Campaign to Transform Care for Kids Read More »

Noon Meeting News – July 18, 2017 – Larry Dillin – Austin Landing South Development Plans

Phather Phil’s Prayer Heavenly Father, we are often challenged by the question. “Why does God allow so much evil in the world?” For many of us we don’t have an answer. It’s like Einstein trying to explain his theory of relativity to a new born baby. Even that probably pales in our understanding of Your greatness.

Noon Meeting News – July 18, 2017 – Larry Dillin – Austin Landing South Development Plans Read More »

Noon Meeting News – July 11, 2017 – Chris McAlpine and Jean Pummill – About the Recent Optimist International Convention

Phather Phil’s Prayer Heavenly Father you know we feel great being called an Optimist, but to be pointed out that we are the best , is a dream come true. We give thanks for all the talent You have gathered under the Centerville Noon Optimist name. To the participation of the members in all of our

Noon Meeting News – July 11, 2017 – Chris McAlpine and Jean Pummill – About the Recent Optimist International Convention Read More »

Noon Meeting News – June 27, 2017 – Dennis Fisher – Rada and Joe Carfora – All About Drones

Phather Phil’s Prayer Heavenly Father in a couple of days we will celebrate the birth of this great nation. Some will look upon it only as a day off from work. A person must be cold indeed who can look upon our flag fluttering in the breeze and not feel the love of country. You have

Noon Meeting News – June 27, 2017 – Dennis Fisher – Rada and Joe Carfora – All About Drones Read More »

Noon Meeting News – June 20, 2017 – Brian Fenstemaker – Navy Pilot Annapolis and CHS Graduate

Phather Phil’s Prayer Heavenly Father, there are times when we clown around, sometimes at very inappropriate times. We are thankful that is not your ways, Lord. Yet!  You must have been in a playful mood when you created the platypus. I’m sure You can remember and are still smiling. Now that I have everyone’s attention wondering

Noon Meeting News – June 20, 2017 – Brian Fenstemaker – Navy Pilot Annapolis and CHS Graduate Read More »

Noon Meeting News – June 13, 2017 – Ben Blaumeiser Oratorical Winner and Jon Husted – Ohio Secretary of State

Phather Phil’s Prayer Heavenly Father, when talking to You we need to follow the advise given in the “kiss technique.” As we age we are plagued with momentary lapses in memory. What now are referred to as brain farts. Our brains are going 90 miles an hour but there is no noise connected with it. We

Noon Meeting News – June 13, 2017 – Ben Blaumeiser Oratorical Winner and Jon Husted – Ohio Secretary of State Read More »

Noon Meeting News – June 6, 2017 – Bill Lane – The Rose Music Center at the Heights

Phather Phil’s Prayer Heavenly Father, how many times have You heard us say, “Why me Lord?”, when bad things happen. Should we not ask, “Why me Lord?” when good things happen? Most of our problems are of our own making. The severity of the problem is in direct proportion to the stupidity of our act. Then

Noon Meeting News – June 6, 2017 – Bill Lane – The Rose Music Center at the Heights Read More »

Noon Meeting News – May 30, 2017 – Memorial Scholarship and Educator of the Year Awards

Phather Phil’s Prayer Heavenly Father, like the Grinch, I thought of something I never thought of before. Least we continue our complacent ways. Help us to remember that somewhere out there a man died for us today. As long as there is war, we must ask and answer, “Are we worth dying for?” What did we do to receive this

Noon Meeting News – May 30, 2017 – Memorial Scholarship and Educator of the Year Awards Read More »

Noon Meeting News – May 23, 2017 – Bryn Mooth – Food and Wellness

Phather Phil’s Prayer Heavenly Father, to be a good driver we must watch our speed and keep an assured clear distance. The same applies to our speed thru life. We are all going somewhere, slow down and enjoy the view and it will also provide you with the assured clear distance to make the right decisions.

Noon Meeting News – May 23, 2017 – Bryn Mooth – Food and Wellness Read More »

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