Club Day, a chance to learn about CNO

Volunteer Signups Available Online with the Virtual Clipboard

Did you know that you can now sign up to volunteer or to take part in social events using a simple online registration form right from your phone or PC? The Member Calendar has a complete list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and social events.


  • Karen Charnesky, chair of the Americana Festival booth, announced that she is looking for volunteers to help with the CNO Americana booth. You do not have to sign up for all day, there are two-hour shifts. Signup online on the Member Calendar.
  • Beth Duncan announced for Sarah Umbreit that volunteers are needed for packet pickup day and the day of for the Americana 5K run. Contact Sarah Umbreit if you would like to help or signup online on the Member Calendar.
  • Beth Duncan announced that Safetyvile Square is going well. They need more adult volunteers to be there just in case a child has an issue. Contact Katie Calloway to help. This is an easy volunteer request. We mainly just need a representative to be at Primary Village South from 7:30-1:30 Monday through Thursday beginning June 13-June 29th. You can volunteer for a partial day, one day or multiple days. We need someone mostly to be available in case a child gets hurt or does not feel well and parents need to be called, and/or step in if anyone needs anything because the teachers will be busy with their own tasks.

CNO 2.0 Venue and Details

The venue for tonight’s CNO 2.0 meeting was Old Scratch Pizza in Centerville. Thank you to the staff for the great food, beverages, and space!

Learn More About CNO, It’s Club Day!

Tonight was a club meeting. The goal tonight was to educate members and guests about some of the events that CNO holds and how you can help by volunteering.

Brent Richburg opened the meeting and thanked all the guests and members that came to tonight’s meeting.

Brent said that CNO events are very organized. When you volunteer you will know specific times to work and what the job entails.

Americana 5K Race

Greg Wasmund said that if you are not running in the Americana 5K race, please consider volunteering to help with several jobs for the event both the day of and before the event. Contact Sarah Umbreit if you would like to help or signup online on the Member Calendar.

Fishing Derby

Bob Lawson said that the Fishing Derby is held the first Saturday of June each year at the RecPlex.

Children ages 5-15 participate in this event. CNO stocks two ponds with four hundred pounds of catfish.

Fishing rods are awarded to various age groups.

In 2023 there were 125 participants.

Optimist Kids Day in the Park

Bob Lawson discussed Optimist Kids Day in the Park. In collaboration with several other local Optimist Clubs, we host an annual “Optimist Kids Day in the Park.” This year’s event is on Saturday, August 5th, 2023, from 9am until 1pm at Delco Park in Kettering.

The event is a free, fun-filled event for the entire family with a free lunch served at noon. Let kids and families know about the event so they can come out and create great memories!

Contact Bob Lawson if you would like to volunteer for the event or signup online on the Member Calendar.

Avenue of Flags

Brent Richburg said that the Avenue of Flags is CNO’s largest fundraiser. The committee is always looking for more volunteers to deliver and pick up flags. There are over ninety routes. They also need people before the season to help with administrative tasks like entering and updating subscriptions.

Over 3400 flags are delivered and the profit is over $130,000 each year.

Contact Tom Novak to help them out.

Childhood Health and Wellness Build-a-Bear Events

Brent Richburg discussed Build-a-Bear Events. Nancy Lehren is the committee chair, contact her if you want to volunteer.

CNO has several Build-a-Bears each year. It is one of Brent’s favorite events to volunteer for. Each year we hold one event for Oncology patients at Dayton Children’s Hospital. It is also held for children with Sickle Cell. Other Build-a-Bear events occur at various places like recent ones at YWCA for disadvantaged youth and at South Community for teens with mental health issues.

Brent said the process is pretty neat. First a kid picks a bear, then there is a heart ceremony and then the heart is sewn into the bear. Next the child picks the outfit for their bear. Next, they go to the prize table and choose a small toy.

As well as holding various Build-a-Bear Events, the committee also donates dressed Build-a-Bears to organizations like Ronald McDonald House, Care House, Artemis Center and Erma’s House for their staff to hand out to children they serve.

Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic

Bob Lawson discussed the annual CNO golf outing that will be held on July 17, 2023, at Sycamore Creek Country Club. It takes lots of volunteers. Proceeds go to Dayton Children’s Hospital’s Hematology and Oncology Department and other youth programs throughout the year.

Americana Booth

Karen Charnesky, the brand-new chair of the Americana Festival booth, discussed CNO’s participation in the Americana Festival. The Americana Booth each year is a chance for CNO members to inform the public why they should become a member and what events kids can participate in. She needs eight teams for two hour shifts to be in the booth during the day. Volunteers will talk to the public, give out CNO literature and uninflated beach balls to festival attendees. Signup online on the Member Calendar.

New Member Readings

  • Chastity Irwin, first reading from sponsor Brent Richburg
  • Phillip Speelman, second reading from sponsor Stan Fronzaglia

Next CNO 2.0 Meeting Will Be at Mi Lindo Jalisco

The next CNO 2.0 meeting will be on July 20, 2023, and will be held at the Mi Lindo Jalisco Mexican restaurant.

For our July Optimist 2.0 meeting we will hear from the Centerville-Washington Park District, the Washington-Centerville Public Library and the Washington Township RecPlex. As always, snacks will be provided.

There will be community updates from:

  • Liz Fultz, Washington-Centerville Library Director, about the “Wall that Heals”
  • Mark Metzger, RecPlex Manager, about the RecPlex
  • Kristen Marks, Park Director, about the Centerville Washington Park District

About CNO 2.0

CNO 2.0 is a club within a club of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club. CNO (and CNO 2.0) is a world class service organization. Being a member of either club allows their members all the same opportunities to participate in fundraising and club activities. CNO 2.0 was created about 5 years ago and is very much a part of the 55-year-old Centerville Noon Optimist Club. CNO has given away over $2 million during its history. CNO is a group of like-minded members that are passionate about helping youth and having fun in the process.

Annual Fundraisers

  • Christmas Tree Lot
  • Avenue of Flags
  • Golf Outing

Major Activities for the youth in our community

  • Build-a-Bear at Children’s Hospital or for other child-related organizations
  • Fishing Derby in June
  • Kid’s Day in the Park in August
  • Easter Egg Hunt