Bob Burkman’s Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this beautiful day.
Today, surrounded by the wonders of nature that you have created, we can really believe Psalm 118:24 “this is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it”
We are grateful to be here with our Optimist family in a place dedicated to our late Past President Margaret Barclay.
Awaken us each morning trusting in your love and give us strength and optimism to face the day.
Picnic Lunch
The meeting today was held at Yankee Park in the Margaret Barclay Shelter.
The Social Committee of Debe Dockins, Sue Jessee, Erin Laurito and Sarah Umbreit arranged the tasty and beautiful event. The weather was about as it could get too. Debe Dockins thanked many others as well.
Debe Dockins Thanked
- Cameron Langer arranged catering and delivered box lunches of Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken.
- Jeff Neace (Owner of Whit’s Frozen Custard) brought everyone a custard.
- Mike Bevis brought iced coolers of drinks, the big checks, and tables.
- Kristin Marks reserved the shelter for us at no charge. The CWPD staff hauled away the trash!
- Erin Laurito picked up the chairs from Kosin’s and returned them.
- Bill Stone lent the sound system and Greg Griffin set it up.
- Some guy named “Dan” helped Debe cover the tables. He was with his kids at the playground. He is moving to Dallas which she found out when asking if he wanted to check out our club.
Margaret Barclay Shelter at Yankee Park
There is a plaque at the shelter about the dedication of the Shelter in honor of Margaret K. Barclay. It reads:
On this day September28, 2010 this shelter is hereby dedicated to Centerville Noon Optimist Member, Margaret K. Barclay, who has devoted her life to helping the youth of our community as an Educator, a Community Leader and an Optimist. We celebrate her tireless work ethic, her “can do” attitude and her fighting spirit.
OCTOBER 7, 2000

- Nancy Lehren announced that the next Build-a-Bear event will be for children with Sickle Cell and it will be on 9/10/2022 from 2 PM to 4 PM. Sign-up online to help using the Member Calendar.
- Nancy Lehren announced that after the noon meeting on 8/30/2022 anyone who likes can stay after the meeting to help make 100 Build-a-Bears. The bears are headed to the Ronald McDonald House to be handed out to children when they could use a smile.
- Tom Novak announced that the next flag deliveries will be on Wednesday, 8/31/2022 and the flags will be on display for seven days. There has been lots of growth this year and they need more volunteers to deliver and pick up the 3500 flags. Please help if you can by contacting Tom Novak or signing up online using the Member Calendar.
- Greg Griffin announced that it is 88 days until the tree lot opens. The trees are ordered. If you are a tree lot team captain, he is asking for you to be a captain again and you should receive an email soon.
- Debe Dockins announced that the annual CNO Officer Installation dinner will be at the Presidential on September 27, 2022. No lunch meeting will be held that Tuesday at Yankee Trace.
Presentation Long Range Planning
Gary Hansen introduced Mike Bevis who discussed the CNO Long Range Planning Committee (LRP).
Current LRP Committee members are
- Chris McAlpine (Chair)
- Mike Bevis
- Debe Dockins
- Val Huff
- Nancy Lehren
- Vida McDowell
- Tom Novak
- Charlie Tapp
The purpose of the LRP is to determine what larger projects CNO will invest in for our community. LRP thoroughly reviews large donation requests and recommends to the CNO Board of Directors which requests should be approved or denied. LRP also looks for organizations that could use CNO’s help. If you have an idea for our community, let them know.
Centerville-Washington Park District Donations
Recently LRP suggested and the board approved $20,000 to purchase inclusive swings for each of the 23 Centerville-Washington Parks that have swings. Additionally, CNO donated $25,000 that allowed additions to the new modern playground at Yankee Park including Music Chimes and a Safety Spinner.
Park District Manager and CNO Member Kristen Marks thanked CNO for the donations and their long-time support of the Park District.
Nutt Cottage Research Center Donation
Recently, LRP suggested and the board approved $10,000 to repave the parking lot at the Nutt Cottage Research Center which is part of Centerville-Washington History museums. The other museums are Walton House, Asahel Wright and Schoolhouse.
Each year, the museum has over 1000 kids participate in educational programs and tours.
Accepting the check at today’s lunch were Cheryl Meyer (director) and Ed Koss (president).
From the Museum’s Website:
The Aaron Nutt Cottage was bequeathed to Centerville-Washington History in July 2004. The stone house built around 1814 now functions as the Nutt Cottage Research Center and serves as the library and collections and archives repository for Centerville-Washington History. This historic home features a research and reading room for those using our local history and genealogy files and is also the Curator’s office.
The Nutt Cottage Research Center is open to the public Tuesday – Friday from 12pm to 4pm by appointment to ensure the Curator is available to assist you.
Washington-Centerville Public Library Donation
Recently, LRP suggested and the board approved $5400 for the Washington-Centerville Public Library to purchase a Parent+Child Carrel and a computer for it. The carrel is a desk for an adult with an attached playpen area for children. It will have books and toys to occupy children and it will keep them safe and near their parents.
Accepting the check at today’s lunch were Liz Fultz (Library Director, CNO member) and Shelby Quinlivan (Community Relations and Development Manager).
Liz Fultz said, “The library is really excited to install this at the Woodbourne Library. There are many families moving in around Woodbourne library. This will give parents a chance to concentrate while their child is occupied by books and toys. Thank you CNO.”
Town Hall Theater
Another example of an LRP recommendation is the $20,000 donation to the Washington Township Town Hall Theater. The theater is replacing all the seats in the theater and CNO is helping to make that happen. The front two rows, 40 seats in total, will be labeled as the Centerville Noon Optimist seating area. The front two rows are special because right before any show starts all children in the audience are invited to move up to those great seats.
New Member Readings and Inductions
Name | Sponsor | Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction |
Terry Lewis | Bob Collins | Induction |
Luke Neff | Jesse Gaither | Induction |
Welcome Guests!
We did not record guests this week since we were at the picnic shelter. We did have several Guests so WELCOME!!!!
Happy Bucks
Member | Reason |
Scott Langer | Has a grandchild on the way |
Megan Dalton | $5, Parents just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary |
Ray Barclay | Thanks to all of CNO for giving his wife Maragert Barclay such a wonderful life |
Mike Creech | Fifth grandchild was just born |
Nancy Lehren | Daughter had her third child and makes it Nancy’s 11th grandchild |
Donna Huss | Really happy to be able to attend meetings again |
Gary Smiga | Washington Township appreciates the donation that refurbished the front 2 rows of seats at Town Hall Theater |
Carolyn Taylor | Grandson is turning 1 year old and a new grandaughter is on the way in January |
Evelyn Griffin | Successful Ohio District Convention and for support CNO gave for the TOP Optimist Car Wash last Sunday |
Ellie Parker | Thankful for the help received at restaurant from Beth Duncan and her boyfriend |
Sergeants at Arms
Sergeants said on a special day like today there would be no fines
Membership Anniversaries
Member | Joined | Years |
Nancy Ferrara | August 26, 2021 | 1 |
Chris Abratowski | August 26, 2019 | 3 |
Dawn Arrowood | August 26, 2019 | 3 |
Penny Culhane | August 26, 2019 | 3 |
Anne Kessler | August 29, 2002 | 20 |
Mary Madden | August 26, 1998 | 24 |
Mitch Bodenmiller | August 24 |
Rick Altvater | August 25 |
Debbie Parks | August 25 |
Terry Lewis | August 26 |
Rick Kempfer | August 28 |
Scott Rheaume | August 28 |
CNO Donations – 2013 through July 2022
Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013
Thank You Notes Received
Picnic this week – so no PowerPoint
Links to PowerPoint and Pictures
Picnic this week – so no PowerPoint