Oratorical Contest 2022


Gary Hansen announced that Tri-Star basketball will be held on March 12, 2022. The event needs 16 volunteers in each of two shifts. You can work one or both shifts. Please contact Scott Langer if you can help.

Committee Meetings

  • 3/16/2022, 6 PM, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic 2022. Meetings in 2022 will be on Wednesdays on 1/26, 2/16, 3/16, 4/13, 5/18, 6/15, 7/13. Additional golf committee members and volunteers are always welcome. The event will be held on 7/18/2022.

Margaret Barclay Memorial 2022 Optimist Oratorical Contest

Ron Thompson, the co-chair (with Liz Fultz) of the Margaret Barclay Memorial Oratorical contest, introduced the participating students and described this annual event. Public speaking is important. Seventy percent of people say it is an essential skill for success.

Ron thanked the volunteer judges Kristen Marks, Laurie Westheimer, and Jackie Powell. He also thanked Dennis Dockins for being the timekeeper.

Ron announced that the rules say you need 3 contestants in order to judge the contest. Originally, there were four contestants but two had to cancel at the last minute (one was because of COVID). The other two agreed to practice their speech at lunch today and we were happy to allow them.

The South Metro Optimist Club has agreed to let our two participants compete at their meeting next week. The winner of that contest will move on to compete in Zone 14 in March, 2022.

The prompt for today’s Oratorical Contest was, “Staying Optimistic in Challenging Times.”

7th Grade Boy from Magsig Middle School

Excerpts of ideas from his speech follow:

  • Staying Optimistic is great for you and others around you.
  • Why not be optimistic, it is free.
  • Being optimistic is contagious in a universal way.
  • What are your strengths to bring others optimism?
  • People who are optimistic have a fuller, longer, and healthier lifestyle.
  • He holds doors open for people and does work at Habitat for Humanity.

7th Grade Girl from Magsig Middle School

Excerpts of ideas from her speech follow:

  • The true meaning of being optimistic is to always see the best in anything even if you have had the worst day.
  • When times are hard, focus on helping other people.
  • Even when the world seems like it is going to end there is still light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Playing the clarinet, saxophone and enjoying art helps her be optimistic. Find something that makes you happy and optimistic.
  • Try and find friends who are optimistic.
  • Optimistic people are healthier and recover from surgeries faster.
  • Look for things that are good in life.

About the Oratorical Contest

Since it was established in 1928, the Oratorical Contest has become the longest-running program sponsored by Optimists International. 

Our contest is named in honor of former Optimist member Margaret Barclay.   Margaret chaired this committee for many years.  She cared deeply about bringing out the best in kids and in living the Optimist Creed.  She was a most beloved member of our club, a past president and lived a life dedicated to helping others. Margaret’s accomplishments were vast, including 40 years in public education, the last 27 in the Centerville Schools. She retired in 2000 as Principal at Magsig Middle School. While Margaret passed away in 2010, it is a pleasure to see her memory being recognized in this way.

Mr. Roy Barclay, husband of Margaret, supports the Oratorical contest by making an annual donation.  Thank you, Roy, for your ongoing contributions and support of this contest.

Details about the contest for participants.

You can view the flyer here.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Anna BargmeyerBob BargmeyerInduction

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Andrea NewportJeese Gaither
Katie EastonMike Bevis
Kelly KemptonMike Bevis
Mary StahleyJerry Stahley
Sandy CaselnovaMark Poling

Happy Bucks

Jerry StahleyHappy when he fell last week that he fell on his bottom and not on his head.
Mitch Bodenmiller$5, He has passed the Certified Financial Advisor exam after 1500 hours of effort and can now put CFA after his name.
Jane FiehrerHappy that she was not fined.
Gary HansenAs a fan of the Detroit Lions he was happy that the Lions’ former quarterback Matthew Stafford just won Super Bowl 56.

Sergeants at Arms

Everyone who drew the wrong  playing cardSergeants drew 4 cards. If you did not draw a matching card, pay a dollar.
Jerry StahleyCould not find his name badge in the box. I think sergeants Beth Duncan and Don Massie have a strict time limit!
Jerry StahleyBecause of his arm injury he can’t drive, but he still drives us crazy.
Birthday Table interlopersEveryone at the birthday that did not have a birthday in February.
Gary HansenFined $3 for trying to prepay fines to the sergeants.

Membership Anniversaries

Tim BemisFebruary 19, 20193
Katie CallowayFebruary 19, 20193
Terri LeputaFebruary 19, 20193
Doug RenoFebruary 19, 20193
Ashley SimeoneFebruary 19, 20193
Ron ThompsonFebruary 19, 20193
Bob LawsonFebruary 17, 20166
Sarah UmbreitFebruary 17, 20166
Jack AndersonFebruary 18, 20166
Russell HulbertFebruary 20, 20139
John HornerFebruary 17, 201012
Sandy StevensFebruary 17, 201012
Laura CascheraFebruary 18, 199725
Lou BrinkmanFebruary 17, 199527
Harry BosseyFebruary 17, 199428


Ken PeacockFebruary 16
Louise HaunFebruary 16
Stan FronzagliaFebruary 20
Julie Walling NoethFebruary 20
Mike BevisFebruary 21

CNO Donations – 2013 through January 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to read the Thank You Notes received this week

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The Photos taken at this week’s meeting are here