Club Business Day and District Awards for Members and CNO Club


  • The youth event Tri-Star basketball will be held on March 12, 2022 at Watts Middle School. The event needs 16 volunteers in each of two shifts (8-10 and 10-12). You can work one or both shifts. Please contact Craig Dring or Scott Langer, or Gary Hansen if you can help.
  • Washington Centerville’s Got Talent is accepting video submissions until 4/7/2022 from youth aged 4-18. Only the first 30 applicants will be accepted. The prize money for places 1-3 are $500, $250 and $100. An in-person FINALE of the top 10 chosen will be held in the Central Theater at Centerville High School on 5/4/2022 at 6:30 PM.
  • Gary Hansen, the chair of the Will Cale Scholarship Committee, announced that this program needs CNO volunteers to be mentors to the 3-6 students who will receive $1000/semester for up to 6 semesters. The scholarships are given directly to the student for fees that typical scholarships and grants do not help with. These students have additional challenges like transportation to and from Sinclair or access to healthy food. Mentors help keep students on track to complete their associates degree from Sinclair.

CNO Club Day

Today instead of an outside speaker our own members presented information about various fundraisers and programs from your club.

Avenue of Flags – Fundraiser

Co-Chairs Tom Novak, Mike Brubaker, Bob Burkman

It is Avenue of Flags (AOF) renewal season and they can use your help!

In the first week of April, the AOF team needs a lot of help with the final phase of subscriber renewals. Volunteers will contact those subscribers who have not yet renewed. The typical time commitment for each volunteer to call subscribers on their list is about one hour.

Remember that many hands make short work of large goals!

There are Several CNO Members to Thank for the First Phase of Renewals

  • Order processing by Karen Sirmans, Ken Irwin, Diane Arehart, Evelyn Griffin and Dick Lee
  • Check processing by Bob and Carol Burkman
  • Customer issues by Tom Novak and Mike Brubaker
  • Special thanks to Sue Brubaker for preparing the 200 postal mailings
  • Special thanks to Jackie Powell on customer follow up for incorrect email addresses

AOF Stats and What Is Happening Now

  • 3357 flags were installed on Veterans Day 2021
  • 2158 renewals have been emailed and 200 sent by USPS mail
  • 1117 renewals have been processed for 2022 (about 1/3 of the renewals sent)
  • 650, 10-foot conduit pipes were purchased in 2021 to use for flag poles and for cutting into sleeves which hold the flags in the ground
  • Over 400 additional flags were purchased in 2021

Tom Frasier Tee off for Youth Golf Classic – Fundraiser

Chair Mike Bevis

Mike said that the golf fundraiser committee needs your help with new sponsors. Three years ago, the fundraiser raised $50,000, last year was about $40,000 and two years ago was cancelled. One third of the funds are donated to Dayton Children’s Hospital and the rest is used to help our club help the youth of our community.

The next committee meeting is 6 PM on 3/16/2022. Meetings in 2022 will be on Wednesdays on 1/26, 2/16, 3/16, 4/13, 5/18, 6/15, 7/13. Additional golf committee members and volunteers are always welcome. The event will be held on 7/18/2022.

Easter Egg Hunt – Youth Activity

Co-Chairs Greg Griffin and Pat Behn

  • On 4/16/2022 the first in person Easter Egg Hunt event in 3 years will be held at Oak Grove Park.
  • There will be 8000 plastic eggs with a piece of candy for the kids to find.
    • The UD Optimist club is stuffing 3000 eggs.
    • Top Optimist club will stuff 1000 eggs.
  • On 4/2/2022 at 10 AM for about 45 minutes, the final 4000 eggs will be stuffed at St Leonard. Let Greg Griffin or Pat Behn know if you would like to help stuff some eggs.

Junior Golf Tournament

Chair Jerry Stahley

  • June 6, 2022 there will be a qualifying tournament of junior golfers at Yankee Trace. There will be 18 qualifying junior golfers from our area that will go to the national junior golf tournament in Florida. From there winners will go to the international tournament.
  • A lot of volunteers are needed for the Junior Golf Tournament. Reach out to Jerry if you can help.

Optimist International Foundation Update

Greg Wasmund, the CNO representative for the Optimist International Foundation (OIF), discussed how the OIF is about “Helping Optimists Help Kids.”

OIF Mission Statement

Seeking, receiving, and managing funds and real personal property for the benefit of Optimist International and its Member Clubs in its charitable, literary, and educational activities.

How Does OIF Support Optimist International?

  • Scholarships: Provides scholarships to all Districts for Oratorical, Essay and CCDHH
  • World Oratorical Championship: Provides scholarships to the Regional Winners for U.S. and International Contestants
  • Fundraising: Assists OI with fundraising from outside organizations for the World Oratorical Championship and JOI
  • Supports the Reel Optimism Video Contest: Provides the awards for Winning entries
  • Supports the Junior Optimist Golf Program

How Does OIF Support OI Clubs?

  • Club Grants (info on
  • Club Grant: $500 grant for new projects – 20 grants are awarded annually
  • CHHW Matching Grant: $250 – $1,000 grant for Health and Wellness projects
  • Disaster Relief Grant: $1,000 grant for clubs to work in their communities after a natural disaster

How Does OIF Fund Ongoing Projects

  • Fines and 50/50 is donating to OIF
  • Member Donations
  • Club Donations
  • Endowments and Sponsorships
  • Outside Revenue
  • Investment Resources

CNO Dime-a-Day Contest

Why do we Push New Member Growth?

The question was asked at the Ohio District Conference in February, 2022 about why we have a bigger push for growth in standard Optimist groups versus Junior or International groups.

  • Only standard groups pay full dues to OI instead of dues at reduced rates
  • There is a rapidly declining membership in OI in general
  • In 1990 there were 175,000 Members worldwide
  • Today there are only 53,570 Members (31% of 1990 peak membership)
  • Only 7% of members recruit a new member
  • OI is losing 4000 members per year
  • Based on age alone in 30 years how many CNO members will be around? We need to recruit new members!

Personal Growth and Development, PGI and PDP

Myron Rheaume – Chair

The two programs, Personal Growth Initiative (PGI) (started in 2005) and Professional Development Program (PDP) (started in 2017) are the only Optimist International programs that are not focused on youth.

Part of the OI initiative is to improve yourself and help you be better in life, career and to become a better Optimist.

A few reasons to check out PGI and PDP

  • PDP helps with public speaking
  • How do you learn the acronyms used in OI?
  • How do I start a new optimist club?
  • There are rewards but the real point is to improve yourself which will improve your value to serving youth and others

Monthly PGI and PDP Training Opportunities

Myron Rheaume will be offering once a month Zoom meetings with a half hour on PGI and a half hour on PDP. Let Myron know If you are interested in improving yourself and learning what optimist clubs do.

Ohio District Conference

Gary Hansen gave an update on the Ohio District Conference. He said the conference arranged by Governor Greg Griffin was very impressive.

Attending the district meeting last week were Suwe Armstrong – Regional Vice President and Bob McFadyen, who will be the president of OI on 10/1/2022.

Ohio District Recognition Awards for CNO Members

  • Craig Dring – recruiting first new member
  • Dana Dring – recruiting first new member
  • Chris McAlpine – recruiting his 5th new member
  • Mike Bevis – recruiting his 75th new member
  • Jeff Umbreit – District Treasurer – our District money man who kept our financials straight and our budget balanced. He was instrumental in getting the Annual Review of District Finances caught up from the past 3 years and submitted to OI.  Jeff also implemented a cost saving measure for the District by utilizing a review committee for the Annual Review as opposed to an independent CPA that cost the District thousands of dollars every year.
  • Myron Rheaume – Immediate Past Governor whose duties’ include OI Convention Ambassador, Candidate Qualifications Committee Chair, Humanitarian & Distinguished Optimist Awards Chair, Hall of Fame Chair, Lt Gov Zone 1, Rezoning Committee, Ad Hoc A&A Revision Committee and New Club Building Specials Needs Chair.
  • Greg Griffin – Governor Elect, Lt Governor Zone 14, District Webmaster, Communication Chair, Technical Specialist, Ad Hoc A&A Revision Committee, & Rezoning Committee. He was instrumental in helping us connect digitally during the pandemic. We worked well together to transition the District between our years. He was a great Lt Gov in Zone 14 connecting with his clubs and helping to mentor & motivate the clubs. Zone 14 ended 20-21 +14 in Membership. The zone built 3 clubs, 1 International Club and 2 Special Needs Clubs – Top Optimists and Castle Strong Optimist Club. Greg is awarded Distinguished Lt. Governor.
  • Evelyn Griffin – Photographer & Service Project
  • Cherie Gentry – New Club Building Chair
  • Bill Stone – OI Foundation Rep – raised $28K for the foundation – one of the highest in Ohio District. Bill received Distinguished OI Foundation Rep
  • Jean Pummill – Achievements & Awards & Ad Hoc A&A Revision Committee
  • Beth Duncan – Supply Chair
  • Jerry Stahley – OIJGC South Chair
  • Kelly George – Essay Contest Chair
  • Debe Dockins – Oratorical Chair

Ohio District Recognition Awards for the CNO Club

  • Banner Patch for Partner in Education, Friend of Youth & Community Service awards
  • Built 2 Clubs – Top Optimist & Castle Strong Optimist Club
  • Sponsored 1 International Club
  • Builder of Excellence Medals for the Castle Strong Optimist Club
    • Myron Rheaume – Star
    • Debe Dockins – Medal
    • Mike Fanelli – Medal
    • Bob Glavin – Medal
  • Class A – A&A 1st Place & Gold Participation Patch
  • Optimist International Fund – Year Bar

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Andrea NewportJesse Gaither2nd Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Judy JohnsonBarbra Santo
Steve MaysMike Fanelli
Tia PappMike Bevis

Happy Bucks

No time for Happy Buicks this week

Sergeants at Arms

Patrick ArehartAlthough he works very hard on the CNOotes, he made his own commentary on one of the sergeants’ fines and dissed the sergeants!  FINE!
Reward!Any one wearing an Optimist Logo was given Optimist socks; to order gear go to
Everyone not wearing some kind of logoPay a fine for not having a logo
Scott LangerLate to meeting
Greg Griffin, Evelyn Griffin, Gary HansenFor giving Monte Zinck his own page in the new member handbook
Will CaleFor taking his badge and a banner home
Debe DockinsFor impersonating Barbara Santo when introducing Barbara’s guest
Jesse GaitherDid not greet his guest at the door

Membership Anniversaries

Chris ZiehlerFebruary 26, 20175
Erin Belangia-SanchezFebruary 23, 200616
Dick StevensFebruary 28, 200121
Kelly StoneFebruary 28, 200121
Judy DeMarcoFebruary 27, 199824
Jane FiehrerFebruary 27, 199824


Tim StullMarch 2
Tim ClemmerMarch 2
Rachel GoetzMarch 2
Greg FayMarch 3
Ralph YoungMarch 4

CNO Donations – 2013 through February 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes received this week

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The Photos taken at this week’s meeting are here