Jaclyn Miller, Mound Cold War Discovery Center in Miamisburg, Ohio

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Heavenly Father,

We grumble over rising gas prices, instead of being grateful we have the ability to drive.  We complain about slow drivers and traffic while our brothers and sisters in Ukraine travel through war torn streets in hopes of finding safety.  We criticize those whose opinions differ from ours rather than opening our ears and realizing we may have something to learn.  We put people in boxes we have already outgrown rather than cherishing the beauty in what makes each of us unique.  Lord, help us to change our mindset and open our eyes to see how blessed we truly are.



  • Beth Duncan announced that the 2nd Annual Washington Centerville’s Got Talent is accepting video submissions until 4/7/2022 from kids aged 4-19. Only the first 30 applicants will be accepted. The prize money for places 1-3 are $500, $250 and $100. An in-person FINALE of the top 10 chosen will be held in the Central Theater at Centerville High School on 5/4/2022 at 6:30 PM.
  • Greg Griffin announced that volunteers are needed for the Easter Egg Hunt that will be held on 4/16/2022 at Oak Grove Park. There will be 8000 plastic eggs with a piece of candy for the kids to find.
    • The UD Optimist club is stuffing 3000 eggs.
    • Top Optimist club will stuff 1000 eggs.
    • On 4/2/2022 at 10 AM for about 45 minutes, the final 4000 eggs will be stuffed at St Leonard. Let Greg Griffin or Pat Behn know if you would like to help stuff some eggs.
  • Gary Hansen announced that at the April 12, 2022 lunch meeting the three winners and two honorable mentions of the photo contest will join us for lunch. The winners will receive checks and we will get to see the students present their photos to us.
  • Jane Fiehrer announced that the Visual Arts contest is now open. Point potential participants to this page.

Committee Meetings

  • 4/20/2022, 6 PM, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic 2022. Meetings in 2022 will be on Wednesdays on 1/26, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20, 5/18, 6/15, 7/13. Additional golf committee members and volunteers are always welcome. The event will be held on 7/18/2022.

 Community Events  

  • 4/16/2022 10 AM, Easter Egg Hunt at Oak Grove Park. Volunteers are needed at 8:30 AM to distribute the 8000 eggs before the event. There will be 36 gold eggs with prizes.

Social Events

Mound Cold War Discovery Center, Jaclyn Miller

Larry Lynde introduced Jaclyn Miller, the site and project manager at the Mound Cold War Discovery Center in Miamisburg, Ohio. The museum is part of the Dayton History organization.

The Mound Laboratory facility developed technology for the Cold War and the Space Race. Much of their work is still Top Secret.

The people, the plant, their research, and manufactured items were at the leading edge of the Nuclear Age in the United States. Mound built components that went with NASA to the moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, the sun, and now interstellar space. The components reliably powered their instruments and kept them at operational temperatures.

The museum can be followed on https://www.facebook.com/moundcoldwar.


Jaclyn’s presentation was titled, “Preserving the History of Mound Lab with the Mound Cold War Discovery Center.”

Check out her slide deck to see a lot of interesting pictures.

Cooperative Agreement

A cooperative relationship was established in 2015 to foster a self-sustaining on-site educational center located at the Mound Site in Miamisburg, Ohio with the mission of maintaining the Mound Site legacy with the following parties:

  • Carillon Historical Park – A Dayton History Experience
  • Mound Business Park
  • Mound Museum Association

About the Mound Cold War Discovery Center

  • Opened on April 23, 2018
  • Located at 1075 Mound Road, Miamisburg, Ohio
  • Funded by the Department of Energy Legacy Management Office
  • Managed by the Dayton History Organization
  • Tells the story of Mound Laboratory from the Manhattan Project to now

The Manhattan Project

  • The Manhattan Project started in 1942 with the goal of building the first atomic bomb.
  • There were 11 sites in the U.S. that helped with the Manhattan project.
    • Manhattan, New York
    • Washington, D.C.
    • Los Alamos, New Mexico
    • Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    • Hanford, Washington
    • Chicago, Illinois
    • Dayton, Ohio (The Mound Laboratory)
    • Berkeley, California
    • Ames, Iowa
    • Grand Junction, Colorado
    • Alamogordo, New Mexico (Trinity site)
  • The project was headed by General Leslie Groves.
  • The first bomb nicknamed “Gadget” was detonated on Trinity Site on July 16, 1945.

About Mound Laboratory

  • Was the first Atomic Energy Commission Site Built after WWII
  • Operated from 1948 to 2003
  • Started with 17 building and ended with 116 buildings
  • Spanned 305 acres
  • Is listed in the Guinness Book of World Record for the highest number of continuous accident-free days

The Famous “T” Building

  • “T” for “Technical” Building
  • “T” building contains:
    • 133,000 cubic yards of concrete
    • 7,300 tons of rebar
    • 2,200 tons of structural steel
  • Walls are 16.6 feet thick, ceilings 15 feet thick, and the floor is 8 feet thick
  • Is one of the original 17 Mound Laboratory buildings left
  • The lower level, or service floor, was located 50 feet below ground level and housed the building’s mechanical systems
  • The upper level, or labs floor, is where Polonium was processed and purified. Initiators were fabricated here. This floor also contained support offices, the changing room and showers.

Projects Continued After the Manhattan Project Ended

Researchers moved their families to the Dayton region and didn’t want to leave. They raised their families here and Dayton was and is a good place to call home. They originally studied the chemistry and metallurgy of Plutonium for initiators. Next, they researched purifying Polnium-210 for initiators.

Major Contributions

  • Energetic Devices, which were nuclear detonators, were assembled by microscope to reduce the size of nuclear weapons.
  • The Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG) was invented at the Mound Laboratory in 1954. This has enabled almost all modern space missions. The device, sometimes called a nuclear battery, was patented in 1959 by Ken Jordan and John Birden.
  • Research for the radioactive isotope of hydrogen, Tritium, was done. Tritium is used in component evaluation and recovery. It is also why some watches and toys “glow in the dark.”

The Mound Today

  • The original Mound was wound down in 1991 and soon a massive cleanup costing billions of dollars occurred.
  • Only 17 of the original Mound Laboratory Buildings are left.
  • Buildings were torn down because of radiation, however, many others had to be demolished because they were built in the 1940’s when Asbestos was popular.

About the Mound Cold War Discovery Center

  • The Center Is located at 1075 Mound Rod Miamisburg, OH 45342.
  • It is open Wednesday to Saturday form 10 AM to 4 PM.
  • You can see and read everything in the museum in less two hours.
  • They are digitizing 100,000 photo negatives that will be made available online.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Judy JohnsonBarbara Santo2nd Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Jaclyn MillerSpeaker
Judy JohnsonBarbara Santo
Rick HartleyReferred by Erich Eggers
Tracy RobbinsDebe Dockins

Happy Bucks

Bob MyersWife and he found and bought a new house in this area, so they will remain members.
Gary Hansen$2 for Beth Duncan going to be substitute President for the next 2 weeks.
Jon WertsHas lost 40 lbs since working at Amazon.

Sergeants at Arms

Greg GriffinAccidentally left Heavier than Air last week at CNO 2.0 without paying his bill. He went back to pay it, but sergeant Beth already logged the fine and paid his bill.
Gary HansenWon 50/50 at CNO 2.0 last week.
Roland RappDoesn’t like getting quarters from 50/50 drawing each week.

Membership Anniversaries

Joan CordonnierMarch 22, 200814
Margie JonesMarch 25, 20202
Anne MillerMarch 25, 20202
Maureen RuffMarch 25, 20202
Brandon BarrettMarch 26, 20193
Bob CrawfordMarch 26, 20193
Charla RheaumeMarch 26, 200814
Scott RheaumeMarch 26, 200814


Tom NovakMarch 23
John KalamanMarch 25
Kate TrangensteinMarch 26
Jane FiehrerMarch 27
Bob CrawfordMarch 28
Mike CreechMarch 28
Anne MillerMarch 28

CNO Donations – 2013 through February 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes were received this week.

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The Photos taken at this week’s meeting are here