Crayons to Classrooms, Amy Kopp

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Serenity Prayer


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardship as a pathway to peace; taking, as you did, this sinful world as it is; trusting that you will make all things right if I surrender to your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with you forever in the next.



  • Brian Nolan announced that many more volunteers are needed to help with two upcoming fishing events: The Family Adventure Day on 5/14/2022 and Castle Fishing Day on 5/16/2022. Use the member calendar on the website to sign up to volunteer for the events.
  • Gary Hansen announced that he is looking for chairs, committee members and volunteers for the following events:
    • Centerville Merchant Market (May 22)
    • Big 6 Gaming Table at Party in the Park (June 10, July 15)
    • CHS Handouts Booth at Party in the Park (June 10, July 15)
    • Americana Parade Float (July 4)
  • Gary Hansen, on behalf of Nancy Lehran, announced that 150 Build-a-Bears were made in about an hour after lunch last week. She thanked everyone that helped. The bears were delivered to:  The Artemis Center, Ronald McDonald House, Care House, and Erma’s House.
  • Mike Bevis, chair of the Golf Committee, reminded us that the 30th year of the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic will be held on 7/18/2022. The committee is making progress for sponsorships but could use your help with obtaining additional sponsorships.
  • Louise Hahn announced that there will be a Centerville Arts Commission Art Show. It will, “Support our people and our community through Art.”  Apply at Centerville Library, Woodbourne Library or online. The top 25 in each age group will have their art displayed at the Woodbourne Library where the public gets to vote for the winners. There will be monetary awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category. For more information, contact CNO member Louise Haun. If you know anyone interested in participating they can apply before the following dates in 2022:
    • Ages 6-12 can apply before June 1st
    • Ages 13-19 can apply before July 1st
    • Ages 20-45 can apply before August 1st
    • Ages over 45 can apply before September 1st

Committee Meetings

  • 5/18/2022, 6 PM, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic 2022. Meetings in 2022 will be on Wednesdays on 1/26, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20, 5/18, 6/15, 7/13. Additional golf committee members and volunteers are always welcome. The event will be held on 7/18/2022.

Community Events

  • 5/4/2022, 6:30 PM, 2nd Annual Washington Centerville’s Got Talent in-person FINALE of the top 10 will be held in the Central Theater at Centerville High School.
  • 5/14/2022, 11 AM to 4 PM, Fishing Event at Family Adventure Day at RecPlex. To volunteer use the member calendar here.
  • 5/15/2022, 1 PM – 4 PM, Safety on Wheels at Miami Valley South Hospital parking lot. To volunteer use the member calendar here. The event is also known as the Bike Rodeo.
  • 5/16/2022, 11 AM to 3 PM, Fishing Event for “The Castle” members at RecPlex. The Castle is expecting that 20-40 of their members will show up and they will need a lot of one-on-one help. To volunteer use the member calendar here.
  • 6/4/2022, 8 AM to 12:30 PM, Fishing Derby at RecPlex. To volunteer use the member calendar here.
  • 6/6/2022, All Day, Junior Golf Tournament, Volunteers are needed, contact Jerry Stahley and/or use the member calendar here.
  • 7/18/2022, All Day, the 30th year of the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic will be held on 7/18/2022. The committee is making progress for sponsorships but could use your help with obtaining additional sponsorships.

Social Events

  • May 20, 2022, 6 PM, Dinner then Bunco at Chappy’s. Sign up and pay by 5/17/2022. Signup using the member calendar here.

Crayons to Classrooms, Amy Kopp

Mike Bevis introduced Amy Kopp, the Fund Development Manager since 2020 for Crayons to Classrooms. Amy previously spent 3 years at the Dayton Children’s Hospital Foundation where she managed the Children’s Miracle Network program. Amy is a graduate of Wright State University with a bachelor’s degree in marketing and has over 18 years of experience in non-profit development.

Amy came today to talk about Crayons to Classrooms and to thank CNO for its generous support. The $5000 grant CNO gave in March provided 3,600 packs of markers and 5,040 packs of highlighters. They were in desperate need of these supplies.

View Amy’s slide deck here.

One of their slogans is, “Crayons to Classrooms – Caring. Coordinated. Committed.”

Amy invited everyone to come and take a tour of their facility any time.

About Crayons to Classrooms

Crayons to Classrooms is a non-profit organization providing free school supplies and materials to teachers at underfunded schools in the local area.

The reality is that thousands of students don’t have even pencils. Teachers are paying up to $1,000 of their own money per year to provide basic school supplies for their students. Crayons to Classrooms goal is to alleviate this stress on teachers.

Everything in the store is donated. For every $1 donated they distribute $7 in product. Since August 2021 they have distributed over $2.7 million in free supplies.

They have a new logo and branding. See the slide deck for details of the anatomy of their logo.


Ensure every student in need has the tools for success every day, in every way.


Secure and distribute school supplies at no cost to teachers of students in need.


  • Believe in the power of education
  • Treat all people with respect and dignity
  • Strive to meet the highest ethical standards
  • Conduct all aspects of business with integrity and transparency
  • Work as part of the community and be a responsible organization

Schools Served

  • Schools where 60% or more of the students participate in the free/reduced lunch program
  • During the 2021-2022 school year, they served 118 schools and 6 childcare centers
  • Over 3,000 area teachers are eligible
  • Ohio Counties served include Clark, Darke, Greene, Montgomery, Preble and Warren


  • Eligible teachers schedule online to shop in our store
  • Teachers can shop twice in a single school year (once in the fall/once in the spring)
  • On average each teacher takes about $1,000 worth of supplies during a single shop – ALL FOR FREE!

What Teachers are Saying

Teachers say that when students have all the needed supplies it helps to create a more equal learning environment. Teachers can focus on other needed areas and improve daily classroom activities. Access to free school supplies is critical to daily classroom learning.

Teacher Quotes

  • “The supplies that I have received have helped free up my time to focus on lesson plans and to create in depth learning experiences. The students have everything they needed to begin activities immediately and do not feel bad about not having a supply they need.”
  • “These supplies have created greater equity in learning.”
  • “It really allows me and the students to focus on more important, academic issues instead of dealing with basic barriers to learning like the lack of paper and pencil.”

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Assemble Classroom Solutions (this is their biggest need for volunteers)
  • Check teachers in/out for their free shops
  • Be a shopping assistant
  • Off-site Projects (like assembling journals out of a few pieces of paper and stapling them together)
  • Volunteers’ hours save Crayons to Classrooms the equivalent of 5-6 full time employees.

Volunteer for a Teacher Program

  • Every 5 hours of volunteering earns the option of gifting a shop to a teacher (including teachers at Centerville City Schools); you can work with a friend to combine your hours if you like
  • Teachers from eligible schools can earn 1 extra shopping visit in a school year
  • Teachers from ineligible schools can earn 2 total shopping visits per year per teacher
  • The number of volunteer hours earned or donated is unlimited
  • Teachers from eight Centerville schools shopped in the last year for $8000 worth of products

Items They Need Most and Constantly

  • Pencils
  • Folders
  • Crayons
  • Notebooks
  • Paper
  • Glue/Glue Sticks
  • Markers
  • Art Supplies
  • Scissors
  • Backpacks

Thank You

Thank you, Amy Kopp, for educating us about the fantastic Crayons to Classrooms organization.

New Events Calendar is Active on CNO Website

The member calendar which allows volunteers to sign up is active on the website. It works easily on both mobile and desktop devices. There are public and member calendars on the site.

There is a QR code you can use at the bottom to share the calendars with other members and the community.

Things you can do with the calendars

  • View upcoming lunch and CNO 2.0 speakers.
  • Sign up to volunteer for community events like the Easter Egg Hunt and Bike Rodeo. After you sign up the software will offer to add the event to your calendar.
  • Sign up for social events such as Euchre tournaments and soon the annual dinners for officer installation and holiday party.
  • The community can use it to learn about events like the Bike Rodeo, Fishing Derby and Tri-star Soccer. If they sign up we can send reminders of the events.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Rick HartleySteve Rau2nd Reading
Deborah MooreMike BevisInduction

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Amy KoppSpeaker
Claire KerrBeth Duncan
Joellen BoicourtTom Novak
Karen MooreTom Novak
Kevin LawlerGreg Griffin
Paula HarrisonJudy Johnson
Todd MuckerheideMIke Bevis

Happy Bucks

Myron Rheaume$12 Happy Bucks for his son Scott Rheaume who was at today’s lunch. $1 for each week Scott was in the hospital recovering from COVID. Scott is a member of the Partner’s Optimist Club and CNO. Myron and his family really appreciate all the support they have received from CNO members.
Kelly StoneThe UD Optimist Club officers were just installed for next year.
Vida McDowellSon just got married.
Tom NovakHappy to have his two guests today.
Debe DockinsHer parents just celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary.
Mitch BodenmillerGoing on a Florida vacation for the next week.
Kristen MarksThe Yankee Park Playground is complete.
Kristen MarksThe Easter Egg hunt went .
Jim MoganGrandaughter is graduating from Wright State University.
Jim MoganTaking both of his grandaughters on a trip to Ireland.
Scott LangerHis son now has a job in the area of his major and he will be joining CNO.

Sergeants at Arms

Any member that was not fined in the last 3 monthsNot paying a fine in the past 3 months during the reign of Beth Duncan and Don Massie.
All members not carrying their drivers licenseNot having your drivers license with you.

Membership Anniversaries

Kelly DavisApril 26, 20193
Mike WittApril 26, 199428
Tim StullMay 1, 198735
Joe MaddenMay 1, 198240
Charlie TappMay 1, 197844


Dennis DockinsApril 27
Ray HussApril 29
Jeff BuschApril 29
Brandon BarrettApril 30
Lynne ReillyMay 1
Abby BranhamMay 1

CNO Donations – 2013 through March 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

Click Here to see read the Thank You Notes we received this week

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The Photos taken at this week’s meeting are here