Rob Dement, Athletic Director at CHS


  • Bob Glavin announced the 21st season of TOP soccer for special needs kids will start on 8/22/2021. The program needs volunteers, including assistant coaches and on-field buddies assigned to a participant. The kids look forward to the event each year. Volunteers do not need to know anything about soccer to help.
  • Bob Lawson announced that the Fishing Derby will be on 8/28/2021.
  • Bob Lawson announced that they need volunteers to work at the Kid’s Day in the Park on 8/7/2021 from 9 AM to 1 PM. If you can help during all or a portion of that time let Bob Lawson know. See details below.
  • Debe Dockins announced CNO will participate in Party in the Park on Friday, August 13. Volunteers are needed to work the CNO tent.
  • Ron Tinnerman announced that the next Optimist 2.0 meeting will be 8/19/2021 at Nelly’s with Zach Hollingsworth of Freedom Whiskey speaking.
  • Evelyn Griffin announced a service project of the OI Great Ohio District. For the August 2021 convention, attendees will be stuffing backpacks with school supplies. The stuffed backpacks will be donated to JW Reasons Elementary school in Hilliard, Ohio. There are two ways to contribute: purchase items from the list and bring them to our meeting or give money for the purchase of items. Evelyn will be collecting supplies and money every Tuesday at CNO lunch until 8/17/2021. Contact Evelyn if you have questions. Read the flyer here.

Committee Meetings

  • 8/17/2021, 6 PM, Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

Community Events                                

  • 8/7/2021, 9 AM to 1 PM, Kid’s Day in the Park event. It will be held at 1700 Delco Park Dr, Kettering OH 45420. Activities are designed for kids aged 5 to 12. Free lunch begins at 11:30.
  • 8/28/2021, Fishing Derby

Social Events

Sue Jessee announced that a Euchre Party will be held on 8/6/2021 at 6 PM. Contact Sue Jesse to sign up and for details. Pizza will be provided. The cost to attend is $10.

Happy Birthday to Katie Calloway, David Duncombe, and Phil Robinson

Today was the birthday of several members in attendance at today’s lunch. Which meant we got to sing. Debe Dockins gets very excited when this happens!

Bob Duffy led us in singing an especially awful version of Happy Birthday for Katie Calloway, David Duncombe (90+), and Phil Robinson (96). This might be a record number of people to sing to at our lunch meetings. I hope everyone has a great year!

Rob Dement, Centerville High School Athletic Director

Carol Smerz introduced Rob Dement, the Athletic Director of Centerville High School. Rob’s experience as a teacher and coach prepared him to lead CHS athletics to tremendous success. He brings so much energy and enthusiasm to CHS. Originally a math teacher, this is his 30th year as an educator and his 10th year at Centerville.

He and his wife have been married 33 years. He first taught school in southern Ohio. When they started having kids, they knew they wanted to return to the Dayton area, so they moved to Kettering. He taught and coached at Kettering and West Carrolton. In 2011, he was offered the athletic director job at CHS. He knew that Centerville is a community that embraces excellence. The athletes work hard. He was excited to join the excellent program at CHS. He knew CHS was good because his kids who grew up in Kettering lost often to teams from Centerville.

The Last 15 Months

All sports for the spring of 2020 were cancelled and the seniors lost their last season. For the 2020 seniors that only played spring sports, it was especially heartbreaking. Getting through the end of that school year was challenging.

CHS decided in the summer of 2020 to resume athletics. They received criticism for this decision, but he felt strongly it was necessary to resume sports for the young athletes. Dement said if he had not had sports available as a kid he would not be where he is today.

For the fall of 2020 sports, they decided to only play with other Greater Western Ohio Conference (GWOC) teams. It was tough for the athletes because they did not get to play against the bigger, tougher teams that they used to get experience with outside the GWOC.

Dement is very proud of how the coaches and athletes have handled changes caused by COVID.

Starting with the winter of 2020, the schedule went back to normal. Unfortunately, fan attendance was still restricted. In the spring of 2021 attendance restrictions were lifted. They hope that for the fall of 2021 that the schedule and attendance will be normal.

Digital Ticketing

For the 2020-2021 school year they decided they would not go to digital ticketing like most schools did. They knew the first versions of digital systems would have issues. Additionally, they knew ticket prices would go up at least a dollar to handle the fees charged by providers.

For the 2021-2022 school year and beyond they will use an electronic ticket provider called They have secured sponsors to absorb the fees, so fans will not have to pay more for tickets. There will be ads on the tickets. The school is also saving money and hassle because it now takes fewer workers to handle tickets and no worker deals directly with money.

To use, go to the site and search for Centerville, Ohio. If you or someone you know struggles using the site, Dement and others at the high school will help people use the site.

Free Tickets for residents 62 years and older

Golden Elk passes are available for any Centerville/Washington Township resident 62 years of age or older. The pass is good for FREE admission to all regular season, home sporting events and to all theatre productions. There is no cost for the pass and they do not expire.

The pass admits the pass holder and a guest. There is no need to use the new online ticket site. There is a special entrance to use to scan the Golden Elk pass for entry into games.

Sports Related Upgrades at Centerville High School

  • A new track is being installed around the football field
  • The soccer field is getting new energy efficient lights
  • There is a new video recording system that will save a lot of hours for scouting relating activities

Lasting Effects of the COVID Shutdown on High School Students

The NCAA has changed rules for college seniors. College senior athletes are coming back for another year. This means that those graduating with the high school class 2022 will struggle for scholarships because the 5th year college seniors will still be using their scholarships and there will be less money available for incoming freshmen.

Thank You

Thank you, Rob Dement, for joining us to talk about your career and the CHS athletic department.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Deanna NesbitMike Bevis1st Reading
Brian NicholasLarry Lynde1st Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Alex SimonBob Duffy
Brian NicholasLarry  Lynde
Carolyn DeGrootLouise Haun
Deanna NesbitMike Bevis
Deb PolingStan Franzolia
Lisa HansfordDebe Dockins
Mark PolingStan Franzolia
Rob DementSpeaker 

Happy Bucks

Gary AndersonCelebrating his 50th wedding anniversary to his wife Geri. They had a great time with the family for a week celebrating the milestone.
Roland RappSecond grandson was just born and they visited him in Texas.
Ron TinnermanToday’s speaker, Ron Dement, helped his son receive a college scholarship.
Kristen MarksFor $25,000 donation from CNO to the Yankee Park project

Sergeants at Arms

Bob DuffyCalling sergeants gentlemen, which is clearly bad judgement.
Bob GlavinCalled sergeant Brian, “Mr. Nolan”, which confused Brian as he thought Bob was calling for his dad.
Scott LangerNot only was he on time, he showed up early to today’s meeting. I’m not sure why this is a fine. I am just reporting what the fine was!
Brian NicholasMoving Brian Nolan’s name in the name badge box since he will now come after him.
Charlie TappFailed to find a replacement sergeant for Brian Nolan when Brian thought he was done.
Everyone not wearing their Optimist pin at today’s lunch.Failure to wear your Optimist pin.

Membership Anniversaries

MemberMonthDayJoined# Years
Kathy McAlpineJuly317/31/20183
Jim LongJuly277/27/20156
David BrookmanJuly277/27/201110
Donna RobinsonJuly287/28/199724
Myron RheaumeAugust18/1/198734


Jerry StahleyJuly 27
David DuncombeJuly 27
Katie CallowayJuly 27
Sandy StevensJuly 28
Dan BeckJuly 29
Steve LinderJuly 30
John PowellJuly 30

CNO Donations – 2013 through July 2021

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes received this week.

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The photos taken at Today’s Meeting are here.