Off-Site Meeting @ Forest Field Park

Opening Prayer

A special thanks to Dave Kay for offering the opening prayer, a reading from The Old Testament,  before the start of our picnic lunch and meeting.

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Today’s Venue

Today’s meeting was held outside at Forest Field Park. We enjoyed lunch on the picnic tables under the shelter. This was next to the new playground we funded with a $25,000 donation in honor of our 50th anniversary.

Committee Announcements

Nancy Lehren, Childhood Cancer chair, stated that Build a Bear for Sickle cell anemia was held on August 11, 2018. Thank you to everyone who helped participants create 116 bears, making the event a success for participants and volunteers as well.

Pat Behn said thank you to everyone who is donating school supplies for the Ohio Optimist District donation project.

Happy Birthday Vincent Reidy

Today was Vincent’s actual birthday. The singing was exceptionally bad, however, being an optimist, I noticed that because we were outside there weren’t four walls to reflect the sounds back at us.

Will Cale Scholarship Winners

Gary Hansen, the Will Cale Scholarship chair, introduced the recipients of this year’s Will Cale Scholarships. The first year of this scholarship was 2010. Dan Beck was chairmen for the first 8 years. This scholarship requires a Counselor’s recommendation and emphasis is on financial need and potential rather than academics or class standing. The scholarship provides up to $750 per semester for up to six semesters ($4,500 total) at Sinclair College, sufficient funding for an Associate’s Degree.

In addition to the funding each winner receives 2 mentors from our membership.

Zoe PIrslin is being mentored by Jane Fiehrer and Gary Hansen. Zoe brought two friends with whom she is currently living. She will be majoring in Visual Communications.

Victoria Brinkman is being mentored by Joan Cordonnier and Robbie Johnson. She was accompanied by her boyfriend who is also going to Sinclair and will provide her transportation. She wants to be a counselor and will be studying psychology and plans to transition to a 4-year school after Sinclair.

Mya Wehde is being mentored by Jayne Weikel and Rob Tinnerman. She was accompanied by her parents. She will be studying education.

The other 2 winners, Brittney Grant and Allison Salyer, were not able to attend today.  Brittney is being mentored by Tom Novak and Diane Arehart.  Allison is being mentored by Will and Sylvia Cale.

During the meeting today, everyone that was a previous or current mentor was asked to stand and be recognized.

Memorial Scholarship Renewal for Jessica Barton

Gary Smiga introduced Jessica Barton. We have renewed her $1500.00 scholarship at Cedarville University where she is majoring in professional writing. She started Cedarville with 18 Credit Hours through Advanced Placement exams in High School. In college she completed 30.5 hours with a GPA of 3.939 studying: General Psychology, Introduction to Literature, American Government, Statistics, and US History I and II.

She has continued her Community Service including volunteering at the Americana Parade concession stands and with an unpaid summer internship as a Christian writer with a Christian Ministry Internship. She has also started writing her own book.


Vincent Reidy August 14
Greg Wasmund August 15
Rhonda Meeker August 15
Kris McKee August 16
Gail Aiken August 17
Susan Thomsen August 20

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Maha Kashani August 15 08/15/2006 12
Kristen Passidomo August 16 08/16/2017 1
Don Massie August 20 08/20/1991 27
Julie Walling Noeth August 20 08/20/2008 10

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Carolyn Taylor Beth Duncan 1st Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Chris McAlpine Chris lost the gavel and his daughter had to retrieve it.
Will Cale For Phather Phil’s 93rd birthday, missed the time change for cake and ice cream and arrived late.
Brian Nolan Took a hike at the park recently and got lost.

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Myron Rheaume Wife Charla and he celebrating 53 years of marriage, they put in $5!
Bob Duffy Happy Will Cale Scholarship winner, Victoria Brinkman, is studying to be a counselor.
Myron Rheaume Granddaughter showed perseverance trying out for the Springboro HS Tennis team 3 times before making the team.
Myron Rheaume Freshman grandson made the Springboro HS Hockey team.
Melissa DeShurko Son Mitchel is starting his first post-degree job at an investment company.
Deb Saunders Happy Will Cale Scholarship winner, Zoe PIrslin, is studying visual communications.
Charlie Goodwin Nathanial Delong will be the King for the Holiday at Home Parade this year. He is the fourth Eagle Scout from Troop 236 to be recognized for leadership and community service by this parade.
Patricia Kuhlman First book published.
Julie Noeth First grand baby!
Patrick and Diane Arehart Son Benjamin Arehart became an Eagle Scout. Ben’s scout leader is CNO member Charles Goodwin.
Don Kelley Oldest granddaughter Emma just started her 5-year PHD program in chemistry at Vanderbilt.
Ellie Parker Member Rachel Goetz is having surgery on her foot. Please say an extra prayer for her.