Wayne Davis – Centerville City Manager

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father many times we ask You to make us better. The goal seems to point toward perfection. Sometimes we even ask this for someone else. Let us be happy with our imperfect life and realize that perfection is only a goal not an attainment. Besides that position has
already been fulfilled and for that we thank You. Just help us do our best and at the end of each day may we give thanks for whatever comes our way. Amen!

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Ron Amos Dan Beck
Wayne Davis Speaker
Dennis Egan Mike Fanelli
Bill Hazel Brent Richburg
Candace Rinke Brent Richburg
Morgan Schiffhauer Diane Arehart

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Special Announcement

From Donna Huss, “On behalf of myself, Greg Griffin and Karl Frydryk, I wanted to take a moment today and recognize three folks who are key to our success for the Christmas Tree Lot and those folks are our money counters and depositors. Daily these three people count the Christmas Tree Lot Shift monies and make the bank deposits for us – every day while the Christmas Tree Lot is open. Thank you Gary Hansen, Don Kelley and Donna Robinson – we really appreciate you!”

Committee Announcements

Donn Huss announced there will be a “NOW” Event on January 17, 2019 at Yankee Trace. NOW is an acronym for “New Optimists Welcome”. Read more about it here. It is a program designed to capture the interests of prospective new Optimist Club members.

Myron Rheaume, chair of PGI and PDP Development programs, announced he is always happy to explain and help with PDP and PGI. He is available after lunch to start/update the PGI/PDP passports.

Gary Hansen announced he is looking for mentors for the Will Cale Scholarship; please contact Gary for additional info.

Laurie Poeppelman and Evelyn Griffin, Optigear merchandise sales, announced Optigear merchandise is ready for pick up.

Today’s Presentation

Debe Dockins introduced Wayne Davis. Debe’s intro follows, “Today we welcome Wayne Davis, Centerville’s City Manager since August 2017. For 17 years he worked for the City of Montgomery, five years as city manager, seven years as assistant city manager, and five years as finance director. He guided the city through the purchase of several key parcels to assemble the Gateway Redevelopment Area project; established substantial shared-service partnerships and oversaw successful strategic plans over the years.”

Debe continued, “He began his professional career as a civilian with the United States Air Force, working at the Pentagon. Since moving to Ohio 28 years ago, Davis has worked in local government with the Montgomery County Office of Management and Budget and the Combined Health District of Montgomery County.  He is a graduate of the University of Vermont with a bachelor’s degree in economics and obtained a masters in urban administration from Wright State University. Mr. Davis is also immediate president of the Ohio City/County Management Association. He and his family have lived in the Centerville area for the past 20 years. Let’s give a warm Optimist welcome to Wayne Davis.”

When hired in 2017, the city asked him to put together a strategic plan for Centerville. In producing a strategic plan, you must align your vision and values with the community. You must also match the mission with the resources available.

Davis showed us his Power Point slide deck titled, “City of Centerville Five-Year Strategic Plan 2018-2023.”

The presentation started with a Mission Statement for the City of Centerville, “The City of Centerville delivers exceptional services through thoughtful governance to ensure progress and stability.”

You can view the slide presentation here.


Member Birthday
Liz Fultz December 11
Erin Dickerson December 12
Pete Rife December 13
Bill Stone December 16

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Tom Novak December 13 12/13/1990 28

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Emily Duke Gary DeMarco 1st Reading
Mariah Vogelgesang Mike Bevis Induction
Rick Altvater Greg Wasmund Induction
Sue Zammit Greg Griffin Induction
Erin Dickerson Andy Dickerson Induction

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Tom Henderson Not wearing his Optimist pin on TV
John Kalaman Missed a flag during flag retrieval
Brian Nolan Missed a flag during flag retrieval
Wayne Davis (Today’s Speaker) For being a member of the Rotary Club
Everyone working at the tree lot last Sunday Overwhelming the cashiers at Tree lot last Sunday
Members at Birthday table that do not have a birthday in December Members at Birthday table that do not have a birthday in December
Everyone with an artificial Christmas tree Having an artificial Christmas Tree.

 Happy Bucks! 

Member Reason
Gary DeMarco Today is the first day of his retirement
Kelly Stone Bill is doing well after his surgery
Judy DeMarco Lunch was much better today
Joan Cordonnier Lily McAlpine was of great assistance at an event at Kindergarten Village
Donna Huss Grandson just moved into his first new home
Debe Dockins Thanks to Wayne Davis for speaking today
Brian Nolan Mike Yoder was promoted to Lieutenant of Centerville Police Department
Greg Griffin The tree lot was very productive on Sunday 12/2/2018