Oratorical Contest – Second Week

Phather Phil’s Prayer

In Phather Phil’s absence, David Ladd offered the prayer today – David does a superb job in offering an extemporaneous prayer, so you had to be present to experience it.

Today’s Guests – WELCOME!

Guest Guest Of
Katy Barker Carol Smerz
Margie Jones Mike Bevis

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Committee Meetings

3/18/2020, 6 PM, Golf Committee at Buckeye Home Health Care on Paragon Rd. Future 2020 meetings will be 4/15, 5/13, 6/17, and 7/8.

2/13/2020, 6:30 PM Childhood Health and Wellness at Panera – downtown Centerville. Future 2020 meetings will be 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, 6/11, 7/9, 8/13, 9/10. All are welcome to attend.

Community Events

2/26/2020, 6:00 – 7:30 Build-A-Bear at Children’s Hospital private dining room. This will be for Mended Little Hearts patients. Volunteers should arrive at 5:30. Contact Nancy Lehren for more information or to sign up.

3/14/2020, 9:00 – 12:00 at Watts Middle School Gym, Tri Star Basketball.

4/2/2020, Build-A-Bear at Children’s Hospital private dining room. This will be for Oncology patients. Contact Nancy Lehren for more information.

Social Events

2/22/2020, at 6 PM, Euchre tournament, will be held at the Wentworth Village Clubhouse in Bellbrook Ohio. Contact Beth Duncan for details and sign up.

3/14/2020 at 6 PM, Wine and Beer Tasting at the home of Patrick and Diane Arehart.

4/24/2020, Hunchback of Notre Dame play at CHS followed by dinner at Old Scratch pizza. Times will be provided later.

5/2/2020, at 6 PM Kentucky Derby Party at Remodeling Designs.

CNO 2.0 Meeting

2/20/2020, 5:30 PM, CNO 2.0 meeting at Zinks Meats & Fine Wines in Centerville

Happy Birthday Ron Tinnerman

Today is Ron Tinnerman’s birthday. Bob Duffy led us in singing Happy Birthday to Ron while Ron tried to block the sound by putting napkins in his ears. He quickly realized the volume of the chorus along with our complete lack of singing skills cannot be blocked. The volume knows no boundary. Happy Birthday Ron and have a great year.

Margaret Barclay Memorial 2020 Optimist Oratorical Contest – Day 2

Liz Fultz, the chair of the Margaret Barclay Memorial Oratorical contest, introduced the participating students and described this annual event. This is the 4th year for Liz to chair this event. Liz thanked her judges Debe Dockins, David Ladd, and Kelly George. Thanks to Diane Arehart for being the timer. She also thanked Ron Thompson for his help with recruiting and coordinating the speakers.

Details about the contest for participants.

View flyer about the contest.

Contestants deliver a four to five-minute speech.  One winner from each contest advances to the zone competition and can advance to the finals at the district level. 

The Great Ohio District of Optimist international adds $1,000 to the first-place winner. With the Ohio amount the scholarships are $3,500 for first place, $1,500 for second and $1000 for third.

From Liz Fultz:

Day two of the Margaret Barclay Memorial Oratorical Contest was held on February 11th.  Members were impressed with the poise and courage of the middle-school students who prepared speeches and spoke in front of nearly 100 members.  Faith D., Jacob W., Julia O., and Kathryn M. presented their thoughts on the topic “Just iMagine a World without Boundaries.”  The parents who came to support the students had the opportunity to learn about the great things the club does for the community.

The prompt for today’s speeches is, “Just iMagine a World Without Boundaries”.

Contestants went in random order and referred to by letter only until the winner was chosen. We were instructed to not applaud until the end.

Excerpts from the speeches follow

Faith D. (Speaker A)

The key to breaking through boundaries is connectivity and “necessity is the mother of all invention.”

One farmer growing crops is not nearly as good as many farmers. Multiple farmers allow more varieties of food to be available.

Connectivity is provided by transportation. The railway system allowed our country to expand.

Communications by radio, TV and phones have further connected the entire world. With the internet and technology many world problems will go away with ever expanding connectivity.

Accurate weather predictions will increase with more countries sharing observations. This improves public safety and will help farmers increase yields.

Too many people are working individually on diseases. More breakthroughs will happen the more researchers are connected.

Satellite thermal imaging using AI will help prevent poaching.

We can’t continue to be self-serving. Working together we can solve hunger and shelter problems.

Jacob W. (Speaker B)

The world needs boundaries. Imagine the issues if there was no border between North and South Korea. With no boundaries there would be no laws. Robbery and theft would be legal. Nothing to control weapons and no mandate set weapons policies. People would be driving 120 MPH in places where 50 MPH is the safest high speed.

Without laws to force us, we would not pay taxes; this would be very bad for the world if governments had no funding.

Experts set boundaries. The Surgeon General advises us to exercise and eat healthy. If no one followed this advice it would affect everyone’s health.

Without boundaries food laws would not be regulated. Prisoners would escape from prisons.

No physical boundaries would lead to physical injuries. No laws will lead to chaos. No health advice leads to increased disease.

Julia O. (Speaker C)

Boundaries affect everything you do. They are there for a reason. It keeps people and things under control. Boundaries are the best way to keep people going to school and keeping houses safe. It is the law that kids must attend school until 16. If no one went to school, there would be no one to attend college and therefore no doctors.

Getting an education is extremely necessary. Boundaries make this happen.

Without boundaries no one’s house would be safe. Many would be left homeless or all their belongings would be stolen or broken.

Boundaries keep people safe from people who illegally harm others. Kid’s would lose the freedom of leaving their homes because it wouldn’t be safe.

Without boundaries our world would be out of control. Boundaries ensure our safety and keep buildings and belongings safe. We can make the world safer by keeping boundaries. Working together the world can be a safe place.

Kathryn M. (Speaker D)

Without boundaries the world we be out of control. Boundaries keep us safe and keep us on the right path. Literal boundaries like crosswalks, signs and stop lights are important for keeping us safe.

Laws are boundaries. Laws prevent people from harming others. Boundaries between nations like oceans help prevent wars.

Boundaries keep your property safe. The shed that holds your expensive snowblower is a boundary that keeps it from being stolen.

Fences prevent us from falling off a mountain. Even a simple wall keeps items safe. Boundaries help us to stay alive.


Faith was the winner of the second day of the contest.  It was her third year participating and many remember her from previous years.  She will advance to the Zone Contest, which will be held on Wednesday, March 11 at 6:30 in the Woodbourne Library Community Room. You are welcome to attend this event.

About Margaret Barclay

Our contest is named in honor of former Optimist member Margaret Barclay.   Margaret chaired the Oratorical Contest for many years.  She cared deeply about bringing out the best in kids and in living the Optimist Creed.  Margaret spent 40 years in education, with 27 of those in the Centerville City Schools serving in various positions.  She retired in 2000 as the principal at Magsig Middle School.  Margaret was integral in creating the Alpha and Junior Optimist clubs in the schools.  Her accomplishments within the club are vast.  She was the second female president, Lieutenant Governor, Ohio District Governor Honored and the second member to become an International Vice-President.  Margaret passed away in 2010.  It is a pleasure to have her memory recognized in this way.

The oratorical contest is done in collaboration with Centerville Evening and South Metro Optimists, who also sponsor contests at their club meetings. 

Thank you to those who support our contest

  • Jesse Gaither from Minute Man Press for printing the flyer on the tables.
  • Centerville middle school principals: Brian Miller, Stacey Westendorf, and Clint Freese, for allowing us to talk with the kids during their advisory.
  • Thomas Razaukas, a teacher at Incarnation without whom this contest would not be possible.

Event Supporter Roy Barclay

Margaret’s husband Roy Barclay is a big supporter of this event. He has been a member of CNO since July 1986. He personally supports the contest by making an annual donation. Thank you, Roy, for your ongoing contributions and support of this contest. Roy appreciates the honor each year of this event honoring the memory of his wife Margaret Barclay.

Thank You Notes sent to CNO

You can read recent thank you notes here.

CNO Donations 2013 through September 2019

Click this link to see a summary of the donations our club has made.

Over 50 years, we have donated close to $2,000,000 to our youth community. In the past 6 years, we have donated nearly $700,000.


Member Birthday
Mary Ann MacKenzie February 11
Ron Tinnerman February 11
John Horner February 12
Dan Samiec February 12
Monty Zinck February 13
Ron Thompson February 14
Ken Peacock February 16
Louise Haun February 16

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Brent Richburg February 13 2/13/2018 2
Brian Nolan February 13 2/13/2018 2
Clint Freese February 13 2/13/2018 2
Jon Werts February 13 2/13/2018 2
June Bosworth February 13 2/13/2018 2
Laurie Westheimer February 13 2/13/2018 2
Laurie Westheimer February 13 2/13/2018 2
Mike Schwartz February 13 2/13/2018 2
Suzanne Werts February 13 2/13/2018 2
Suzanne Werts February 13 2/13/2018 2
Bob Lawson February 17 2/17/2016 4
Harry Bossey February 17 2/17/1994 26
John Horner February 17 2/17/2010 10
Lou Brinkman February 17 2/17/1995 25
Sandy Stevens February 17 2/17/2010 10
Sarah Umbreit February 17 2/17/2016 4

New Member Readings and Inductions

No Readings or Inductions this week

Sergeants at Arms

No time for Sergeants this week

 Happy Bucks!

No time for Happy Bucks this week