Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, Everything a seed will become is already in it. It just
waits for the right conditions to live up to its potential. We thank You
Lord for helping us set up the the right conditions for the young people. Also give us the wisdom to let them know that God helps those who help themselves. Their destiny lies in their own hands. If they want to go where they have never been, they need to buy a road map. It will show them everything they need to know, except how to fold it up again. Have them know the lessons in Your book. It will teach them how to live a happy and joyful life. Amen!

Today’s Guests – WELCOME!

Guest Guest Of
Brooke Amos Greg Fay
Pete Bales Tim Clemmer
Daniel Covey Springboro Optimist Club
Karen DeRosa Springboro Optimist Club
Dave Erich Springboro Optimist Club
Suzanne Hanlon Springboro Optimist Club
Willy Hanlon Springboro Optimist Club
Jan Kledzik South Metro Optimist Club
Maurice Lamont Springboro Optimist Club
Leon Logothetis Springboro Optimist Club
Angie Thompson Gary DeMarco

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Committee Meetings

3/18/2020, 6 PM, Golf Committee at Buckeye Home Health Care on Paragon Rd. Future 2020 meetings will be 4/15, 5/13, 6/17, and 7/8.

3/12/2020, 6:30 PM Childhood Health and Wellness at Panera – downtown Centerville. Future 2020 meetings will be 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, 6/11, 7/9, 8/13, 9/10. All are welcome to attend.

Community Events

2/26/2020, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Build-A-Bear at Children’s Hospital private dining room. This will be for Mended Little Hearts patients. Volunteers should arrive at 5:30. Contact Nancy Lehren for more information or to sign up.

3/14/2020, 9:00 – 12:00 at Watts Middle School Gym, Tri Star Basketball.

4/2/2020, Build-A-Bear at Children’s Hospital private dining room. This will be for Oncology patients. Contact Nancy Lehren for more information.

Social Events

3/14/2020 at 6 PM, Wine and Beer Tasting at the home of Patrick and Diane Arehart.

4/24/2020, Hunchback of Notre Dame play at CHS followed by dinner at Old Scratch pizza. Times will be provided later.

5/2/2020, Kentucky Derby Party at Remodeling Designs.


Nancy Lehren, chair Childhood Health and Wellness, announced that she has enough volunteers for the 2/26/2020 event, but they can always use more. Let her know if you would like to volunteer.

 Gary Hansen, chair of the Will Cale Scholarship committee, announced that 5 new Will Cale scholars have been chosen and all the students have been assigned mentors. There were more mentor volunteers pairs than students. Those not assigned students this time will be assigned to a student next year.

Junior Optimist International

Kelly Stone, the advisor for CNO Junior Optimist International clubs (JOI clubs), spoke to us. The first JOI club was at CHS in 1988 followed by Magsig in 1991 and nearly all Centerville schools now have JOI clubs. She is also the advisor to the University of Dayton’s Optimist club started in 2015.

All the clubs gave her a list of projects they have participated in. Some of those included: Haunted Trail, Penny’s for Patients, Trunk or Treat, Light the Night for Leukemia. Earth Day Cleanup.

Some of what the UD club helps with is the Haunted Trail, and Christmas Tree lot. They also provide food to local shelters. They offer tutoring for African refugees. UD was the first college club and one of the strongest clubs in the world. UD was recently asked by OI to charter a new club in India which has initially 17 members.

Great Ohio District Awards for 2018-2019

Greg Griffin introduced Lt. Governor of the Great Ohio District Pat Behn. For year 2018-2019, CNO was recognized as an Honor Club and as a Distinguished Club. CNO received a 2018-2019 patch for our banner for being a Distinguished Club.

Pat Behn announced and presented awards received by CNO members for the 2018-2019 year.

  • David Ladd, District Chaplain, Recognized for his dedication as the Chaplain
  • Greg Griffin, Internet Communication Specialist, Recognized for his continued help
  • Donna received an Honor Club President Pin and a Citation of Recognition
  • Gary Smiga received an Honor Club Citation of Recognition
  • Jean Pummill received an Honor Club Citation of Recognition
  • Donna Huss received a Distinguished President OI watch, a Citation of Recognition from the District and OI, and Immediate Past Governor Sue Armstrong’s “Road to Success” glassware and coasters
  • Gary Smiga received a Distinguished Treasurer OI watch, Citation of Recognition from the District and OI, and Immediate Past Governor Sue Armstrong’s “Road to Success” glassware & coasters
  • Jean Pummill received a Distinguished Secretary OI watch, Citation of Recognition from the District and OI, and Immediate Past Governor Sue Armstrong’s “Road to Success” glassware & coasters
  • Pat Behn received a Distinguished Lt. Governor Citation of Recognition from the District and OI

Optimist International Professional Development Program

Jean Pummill gave a presentation on two programs to enhance your growth and participation in your Optimist club. These programs not only help you, the more of us that participate in these programs, the more our club gets recognized in Ohio and Internationally. For the Great Ohio district 2018-2019, CNO earned more points than all other clubs in our district. These programs help with member retention by keeping members involved in helping themselves and the club at the same time.

  • Personal growth and involvement program (PGI)
  • Professional development program (PDP)

Each program has multiple levels of achievement. Each level requires specific activities. As an example, here are the steps to complete PDP Level 1, Bronze:

  • Participate in a community service activity
  • Learn how to write a communique/Press Release
  • Give a short presentation on “How Optimism Can Make a Better World” or “Optimism as a Way of Life”
  • Learn the 5 purposes of an Optimist Club
  • Introduction of a new Member or a guest at a Club meeting/activity

Jean has a new PGI passport booklets to help you track your progress through the levels of PGI.

PGI and PDP are similar but different. The FAQ for PDP says: “The PDP program is meant to provide members a way to develop professionally. Members will have the opportunity to build skills that will help them professionally and enhance their Club, District and Optimist International. Our organization wants to bring in younger professionals. The PDP is a tool to help them do that.”

Details of PDM and PGI are here.

OptiGear Is Now Available All Year Long Online

Beth Duncan explained how anyone can order OptiGear at any time of the year and your order will be delivered to your home. Visit to place your orders for apparel with a Centerville Noon Optimist, CNO 2.0 logo, or any other club in Ohio.

Beth’s company Lizard Apparel and Promotions runs the site. You will be supporting The Great Ohio District of Optimist International with your purchases; part of every purchase will be donated to the District.

Thank You Notes sent to CNO

You can read recent thank you notes here.

CNO Donations 2013 through September 2019

Click this link to see a summary of the donations our club has made.

Over 50 years, we have donated close to $2,000,000 to our youth community. In the past 6 years, we have donated nearly $700,000.


Member Birthday
Julie Walling Noeth February 20
Stan Fronzaglia February 20
Mike Bevis February 21
John Thompson February 24

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Jack Anderson February 18 2/18/2016 4
Laura Caschera February 18 2/18/1997 23
Russell Hulbert February 20 2/20/2013 7
Bob Collins February 21 2/21/2014 6
Erin Belangia-Sanchez February 23 2/23/2006 14

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Kristen Marks Gary DeMarco Induction

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Tim Clemmer Did not buy his guest a raffle ticket
Judy DeMarco Needed help finding her name tag
Jesse Lightle Did not greet her guest today in a timely manner

 Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Tim Clemmer Found and a new job
Joe Madden Gave a buck just because he wanted his name listed in CNOtes
Charlie Tapp Has a new grandchild
Bill Stone UD Flyer Men’s Basketball Team is number one in the A10 and ranked fifth nationally in the AP Top 25 Poll