Gerry Coen – Therapy Dogs

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father here we are; standing in the need of prayer. It is with gratitude that we open the doors to You to live life to its fullest. When we develop the habit and routine of daily prayer, we wash our blackboard clean
to fit us to combat whatever faces us today. You have established us as men and women of purpose in Your kingdom. Let Your blessings be on all our work and may diligence, productivity and excellence mark the work of
our hands and heart.  Amen!

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Bailey (Dog) Speaker
Rhenn (Dog) Speaker
Sue Armstrong Kettering Noon
Mike Brem Jesse Lightle
Gerry Coen Speaker
Sue Jessee Speaker’s Guest
Beth McAlpine Chris McAlpine
Chase McAlpine Chris McAlpine
Kathy McAlpine Jay McAlpine
Katie McAlpine Chris McAlpine
Lily McApline Chris McAlpine
Brenda Metcalf Speaker’s Guest
Randy Stahley Jerry Stahley
Casey Wyckoff David Ladd
Bunny Chris McAlpine

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Special Announcement

Greg Griffin put together a short video of the building of the CNO Americana float and showed it to us. Nice job Greg!

Committee Announcements

Nancy Lehren, Childhood Cancer Committee, told us the next meeting will be at Panera Bread in Centerville 7/18 at 6:30. The next Build a Bear will be for Sickle cell anemia on August 11th.  It will be from 6:30 to 9:00 at the Boonshoft museum.

Paula Kalaman told us that the John Kalaman Memorial golf outing will be September 10, 2018.

Bob Lawson needs more volunteers on August 4, 2018 for our booth at the Optimist Day in the Park in Kettering.

The Phather Phil golf outing will be on 7/31/18 right after the CNO lunch.

Beth Duncan, social committee, announced that there is a Dinner/Euchre party on Friday July 27, 2018 at 6PM at Bennett’s Publical Family Sports Grill in Miamisburg.

Mike Bevis, chair of Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Outing, announced there were 140 golfers and a record amount of money was raised. Thank you to everyone that helped. Jessica King won $1040 in the 50/50 drawing.

Today’s Presentation

Deb Saunders introduced Gerry Cohen, the president of the Miami Valley Pet Therapy Association (mvPTa). She has worked for the association for 11 years. She brought her specially trained therapy dog, Bailey. Together they work throughout the Miami Valley. Locations include Wright Patterson Airforce Base (WPAFB), schools, libraries, Dayton Children’s Hospital, Hospice, nursing/assisted living facilities and more. Joining Gerry today are Brenda Metcalf and her specially trained therapy dog Rhenn.

Bailey is part Beagle and part Lab. She was rescued when she was 2 years old and, after recovering from being homeless, she spent a couple of years as a therapy dog at a jail.

Gerry supervises the programs at WPAFB base. It is a popular program for the workers there. It took a year to get the hospital to approve the program and it is now spreading to other areas.

At WPAFB is the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC). NASIC is the main intelligence gathering center for the US. Colonel Young asked if mvPTa could help with the employees there who have to stare at computers all day. They are happy to have some downtime playing with the dogs.

All kinds of institutions and people like the therapy dog program. At libraries it encourages kids to read more. The kids read to the dogs who are not judgmental about getting every word correct. Even children that haven’t really learned to read will spend time trying to read to these wonderful animals.

The mission of the mvPTa is to bring love to children and adults. Schools really love it when they come in. They recently received many thank you notes from Trotwood Madison 4th graders.

Quick Notes about the mvPTa

  • Started in 2000.
  • There are over 125 active pet therapy teams in the mvPTa.
  • Teams are typically made up of a pet and their owner, (dogs, rabbits, cats, and hand-held pets).
  • Their tag line is, “The preferred resource for exceptional visits by certified therapy pets.”
  • They teach children how to handle dogs that they don’t know.
  • It is the largest pet therapy program in the Air Force and has been operating for 6 years.
  • Bailey can do tricks and she showed us some.
  • mvPTa helps others get their pet therapy groups running. Recently Virginia asked for help.
  • The dogs are specifically taught not to bark.

The Howl Run / Walk is their annual fund raiser. This year it is on 9/29/2018 from 9 AM to 1 PM at The Mall at Fairfield Commons in Beavercreek. In addition to the run/walk their will be costume contests. police demonstrations and silent auction gift baskets. You can register online. There will be 4 different 5K’s and 4 prizes awarded, 2 for walking and 2 for running, both of these with or without a dog.

Therapy Animals Versus Service Animals

mvPTa is about therapy animals, not service animals. The training and purposes are very different. Don’t approach service animals; their training makes the dogs worth over $40,000 and it will make the owner nervous. Therapy dogs are trained to invite people to pet them and trained to give you love and attention. It takes 7 weeks to get certified and the dogs are tested regularly. They get a physical every year and every 2 years they need to be recertified.


WPAFB News Video

Dayton Daily News Article from August 2017

Donations are accepted

You can volunteer with your pet as a team (training required)

You can reach mvPTa by phone at 937-286-0028.


Member Birthday
Mark Petre July 18
Bob Burkman July 19

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Jeff Papanek July 17 07/17/2014 4
Bob Bargmeyer July 17 7/17/2014 4
Tom Beery July 17 7/17/2014 4
Laura Franklin July 19 7/19/2017 1
Steve Mock July 19 07/19/1996 22
Tom Lakes July 19 07/19/2017 1
Marge Back July 20 7/20/2016 2
John Sherman July 24 07/24/2009 9

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Mark Scarpino Greg Wasmund Induction
Andy Harmon Mike Bevis 3rd Reading
David Duncombe David Ladd 3rd Reading
Susan Jessee Ellie Parker 3rd Reading
MIchael Brem Jesse Lightle 2nd Reading
Casey Wyckoff David Ladd 2nd Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Judy DeMarco Striped purse matches her blouse a little too perfectly
Jack Anderson On winning team at the golf outing
Gary Aiken On 2nd place team at the golf outing
Scott Langer Late to meeting
Jay McAlpine Not sitting with grandchildren
Ellie Parker Lost sunglasses
Chris McAlpine Lost gavel
Bob Burkman Didn’t bring tape measure to measure closest putt contest
Vince Reidy Loitering on the course (he had fallen down)
Chris McAlpine Not wearing Optimist pin at the golf outing
All members who joined in 2018 Welcome to the CNO club, now pay a fine
Susan Jessee Having badge without a barcode (she is a new member)
Gail Aiken Complaining that there are no senior women’s tees

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Julie Noeth Had great time picking up items for golf committee and learned how to drive a stick shift truck.
Vince Reidy Coldwell Bankers event at 5th/Third Field
Sue Armstrong (Governor-Elect) Inviting everyone to attend the Annual Ohio District Convention in Fairborn on August 16, 17, 18 of 2018