Project READ

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, slow but surly the day light is getting shorter as we head to the darkness of December. Oh! How sad December would be if we had no knowledge of Spring or in life if we had no knowledge of You and
heaven. In life we experience the bright times and the dark times. In the dark times we can turn to You. You are to us like the promise of Spring. We can turn to You to shed Your light on our dark times. We stand in utter
amazement of Your love for us and the certainty of Your word and forever give You praise and honor for what You done for us. Amen!

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Adil Baguirov Rachel Selby
Elizabeth Cleary Mike Bevis
Dana Dring Craig Dring
Amy Gephart David Ladd
Tiffany Howe Greg Griffin
Daniel Koons Mike Bevis
Steve Linder Mike Brubaker
Laura Mlazovsky Speaker
Susan Strong Mike Bevis
Carolyn Taylor Beth Duncan

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Debe Dockins introduced our speaker today, Laura Mlazovsky, the Executive Director of Project READ.

Laura was born and raised in Cincinnati, graduated from the University of Dayton as an English major and began her career as an AmeriCorps VISTA service member. She’s been a volunteer coordinator, grant writer, and fundraiser, and in 2014 became the Executive Director of Project Read. She is married with two daughters, ages 10 and 12.

Laura has worked with ProjectRead for 19 years. Founded in 1988, Project READ is a coalition of more than 100 literacy organizations, schools, and businesses dedicated to increasing the literacy levels of adults, children, and families in the Dayton Area. It is currently based at Sinclair Community College and continues to provide tutoring services, thousands of books to children and families in need, and raising community awareness of literacy.

Laura passed out a short 5-question quiz about literacy in our area . She talked about tutoring programs they offer for children and adults. Laura gave us addresses for book donations in our area. informed us that  the book shop in Antique Village is run by Project READ and thanked CNO for our support.


Member Birthday
Melissa Lucas August 03
Andrew Cain August 4

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Myron Rheaume August 1 08/01/1987 31
Kathy Klein August 5 08/05/2016 2

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Mike Cordonnier Joan Cordonnier 2nd Reading
Stephen Linder Mike Brubaker 2nd Reading
Steve Rudisill Mike Bevis 2nd Reading
Michael Brem Jesse Lightle Induction
Casey Wyckoff David Ladd Induction
Kathy McApline Jay McAlpine Induction
David Duncombe David Ladd Induction
Andy Harmon Mike Bevis Induction

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Bob Collins Won his age category in Americana  Race
Wayne Christie Messed up Sergeants money
David Duncombe No birthday gifts from his table
Gary Smiga No Optimist pin in recent promo photo

Happy Bucks!

No time for happy bucks this week.