Pic of the recipients of the Bringing out the Best in kids awards for 2020 and 2021

Educator of the Year Awards Presented for 2020 and 2021

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Almighty God,

As the school year is coming to an end, a school year that required flexibility, creativity, and grace like none other, we are gathering to recognize two exceptional teachers.  Our educators take on a higher calling and are often taken for granted, overlooked, and underappreciated.  We thank you for this opportunity to show our love, support, and appreciation for those in our presence.


Optimist International District Awards

CNO member and Great Ohio District Governor for 2019-2020 Myron Rheaume presented the awards received by CNO members in the last year. He also went over how well the CNO club is ranked worldwide.

CNO Club Heritage

  • For year 2015-2016 CNO was the Optimist Club of the Year (Myron Rheaume, President)
  • For year 2017-2018 CNO was the runner up for Optimist Club of the Year (Chris McAlpine, President)
  • For year 2019-2020 CNO is in the running for the Optimist Club of the Year (Greg Griffin, President)
  • For year 2019-2020 CNO was number one in awards and achievements in the Great Ohio District

Great Ohio District Positions Held by CNO Members

  • David Ladd, District Chaplain
  • Pat Behn, Lt Governor
  • Jeff Umbreit, Treasurer
  • Brian Nolan, Sergeant of Arms

Committee Chairs

  • Debe Dockins, Oratorical Contest
  • Kelly George, Essay Contest
  • Beth Duncan, Evelyn Griffin, Carrie Million, Hospitality
  • Greg Griffin, Webmaster and Technology Chair
  • Jean Pummill, Achievements and Awards
  • Charla Rheaume, Childhood Health and Wellness
  • Beth Duncan, Optigear Supplier
  • Jerry Stahley, OI Junior Golf Tournament

Honored and Distinguished Development of Clubs

  • 16 clubs in the Great Ohio District would have been honored status, unfortunately only 1 club sent in paperwork.
  • For 2019-2020 CNO achieved distinguished status with Greg Griffin, President, Jean Pummill Secretary, and Roland Rapp, Treasurer. Note that out of 2800 clubs less than 1% achieved distinguished status.

Governor’s Award

  • Greg Griffin, Award of Excellence


CNO 2.0 will have a meeting 6/17/2021 at 5:30 PM in the VIP Suite at Poelking Lanes on Kingsridge Drive. All members of CNO 2.0 and CNO are invited as always.

Mike Bevis, golf outing chair, said that 100 golfers have signed up so far. They need “day of event” volunteers for lots of tasks on Monday, July 12, 2021. There are jobs for all times of the day including early morning, mid-day and at the end of the day. They are also looking for donors and silent auction items like bottles of wine and gift cards.

Committee Meetings

  • 6/24/2021, 6 PM, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf 2021, in person at Buckeye Home Health Care on Paragon Rd. Meetings in 2021 will be on 1/13, 2/17, 3/24, 4/14, 5/12, 6/24, 7/7. Additional volunteers are always welcome. The golf outing will be held on 7/12/2021.
  • 6/15/2021, 6 PM, Monthly Board of Directors Meeting, Zoom hosted by President Debe Dockins.

CNO’s “Bringing out the Best in Kids Award”

Debe Dockins introduced CNO member Joe Madden (a former longtime teacher in the City of Centerville School District) who presented the CNO “Bringing out the Best in Kids” award for educators for 2020 and 2021.

Criteria for the Award

  • Candidates should have a minimum of ten years involvement in community service with youth in the Centerville-Washington Township community.
  • Candidates should currently work in, or be retired from, or work in the field of education.
  • it is preferred that candidates have direct experience with Centerville Noon Optimist Club projects.

History of the Award

The award started in 2003 as the “Achievement in Education” Award. It is now known as the “Bringing out the Best in Kids” Award to honor Margaret Barclay. Her theme for her year as Ohio District Governor was, “Bringing out the Best in Kids”. There have been 20 recipients, including public and private school administrators, principals and teachers from elementary, middle and high school. Since 2018 the selection process has been to use the City of Centerville School District Teacher of the Year nominee for Ohio’s Teacher of the Year program as the recipient. 

Kim Crasto, 2020 Recipient

Kim Crasto is a teacher of English Language Arts at Magsig Middle School.

Stacey Westendorf, the principal of Magsig Middle School, spoke about Kim Crasto. She said, “After 14 years of teaching she makes it look natural.”

Kim Crasto said, “Thank you so much for the recognition today. I absolutely love teaching. Getting an award for something you love is just wonderful. I love to teach kids and to learn from them as well.”

Attending from Kim Crasto’s family today were her husband, Josh Crasto, her mother, Myra Burr, her son, Xander Crasto, and her in-laws, Allan and Elsie Crasto.

Theresa Replogle, 2021 recipient

Theresa Replogle has been an intervention specialist for 26 years.

John Carroll, the principal at CHS, spoke about Theresa Replogle. He said that he and others affectionately refer to Theresa Replogle as, “Mother Theresa.” It is a blessing to see a class she is teaching. She has a belief that every kid can learn. On a day-to-day basis he hears good things about Theresa. She is very deserving of this award and she has a big effect on the staff at CHS.

Theresa Replogle said, “This is an honor I take very seriously. My husband, Tom and I have raised 4 kids who all attended the great Centerville City School District for all their education through 12th grade.”

Theresa has taught for 21 years as an intervention specialist at Centerville City Schools. The kids have their own ideas on what they want to learn. She realized that she needed to learn how to reach struggling kids. Every day is a challenge.

Theresa likes this paraphrased quote from Jodi Picoult, “If you aren’t worrying about if you are a good teacher, chances are things are not going very well.”

Attending from Theresa Replogle’s family today was her husband Tom Replogle.

Complete List of the Bringing out the Best in Kids Award Recipients

A permanent plaque is on display in the front foyer at Centerville City Schools Central Office on Virginia Avenue with the names of all the recipients:

  • 2003, Gary Anderson                    
  • 2004, Frank DePalma                                                
  • 2005, Eileen Booher & Mary Stahley
  • 2006, Joe Madden
  • 2007, Paula Paprocki
  • 2008, Margaret Barclay
  • 2009, Gary Smiga                                                            
  • 2010, Will Cale                                                 
  • 2011, Pat Kinzig
  • 2012, Sandy Vogt
  • 2013, Deb Crump
  • 2014, Kathy Beck
  • 2015, Matt Somerlot
  • 2016, Michael Dalton
  • 2017, Sherry Kim
  • 2018, Jason Whited
  • 2019, Matt Szozda
  • 2020, Kim Crasto
  • 2021, Theresa Replogle

New Member Readings and Inductions

None this week.

Welcome Guests!

Guest NameGuest of
Kim Crasto2020 recipient of the CNO “Bringing out the Best in Kids Award”. She teaches at Magsig.
Josh CrastoKim Crasto’s husband
Zander CrastoKim Crasto’s son
Myra BurrKim Crasto’s mother
Allan CrastoKim Crasto’s father-in-law
Elsie CrastoKim Crasto’s mother-in-law
Theresa Replogle2021 recipient of the CNO “Bringing out the Best in Kids Award”. She teaches at CHS.
Tom ReplogleTheresa Replogle’s husband
Stacey WestendorfPrincipal at Magsig
Dan TarpeyJohn Carroll
Wendy RoopMike Bevis
Deanna NesbitMike Bevis

Happy Bucks

No time for Happy Bucks this week.

Sergeants at Arms

No time for Sergeants this week.

Membership Anniversaries

MemberMonthDayJoined# Years
Bob ClementsMay255/25/200516
Paulette NovakMay255/25/200516
Amy BarkerMay265/26/200813
Cheryl ReichelMay265/26/200813
Debe DockinsMay265/26/200912
Bob BurkmanMay315/31/200318
Carol BurkmanMay315/31/200318
Gary AikenJune16/1/198239
Wayne ChristieJune16/1/198833


Don SkeltonMay 25
Bill FritzMay 30
Mike WittJune 1
Kristen MarksJune 2
Larry LarrimerJune 4
Mike CordonnierJune 4
Dick StevensJune 5
Cindy HarrisJune 5
Jean PummillJune 6
Bob VogtJune 7

CNO Donations – 2013 through May 2021

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

Click Here to Read the Thank You Notes we received this week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The photos taken at Today’s Meeting are here.