Erma Bombeck – Presented by Debe Dockins

Phather Phil’s Prayer

David Ladd , our Ohio Optimist District Chaplain, offered the prayer today in the absence of Phather Phil. David delivers beautiful extemporaneous prayers and this week was no exception.

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Bill Duffy Carolyn Taylor
Yvette Duffy Carolyn Taylor
Louise Haun Mike Bevis
Kathy Linder Sue Brubaker
Chris Smith Greg Griffin

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Caregiver Award Presentation

Paul Stull presented the “Caregiver Award” today. The recipient did not know he was going to receive the award. Paul told us more about the recipient. Like himself, the recipient has been a Boy Scout Master for several decades. Paul noted the similarities of the Boy Scout Oath or Promise to the Optimist Creed.

Boy Scout Oath

  • On my honor, I will do my best
  • To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
  • To help other people at all times;
  • To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

It is fitting that the recipient is a Scout Master as well as being a member of the Centerville Noon Optimist club. The Optimist slogan is “Friend of Youth” and of course the Boy Scouts are all about helping the youth in our world become better adults.

Paul announced that the recipient is Charles Goodwin, who we know as Charlie. His Boy Scout troop calls him “Doc”. Charlie has been a member of CNO since October, 2008.

As a pediatric surgeon, Charlie has healed countless children. He has received all kinds of awards as a doctor.

Thank you, Charlie, for all you do for children.

Committee Announcements

Joan Cordonnier, chair of the Americana 5K race, said she needs more volunteers. There is easy work handing out packets for 2 days before.  On race day, help is needed starting at about 6:30am and many of the jobs will be done by about 7:30am.  We even have quite a few club members who come and help with registration and then run the 5K!

Mike Bevis, chair of the golf committee, said the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Tournament is in less than 5 weeks. It will be held on Monday, July 15, 2019. We are still accepting volunteers and donations.

Jesse Gaither announced that the next Optimist 2.0 meeting will be June 20, 2019 at Poelking Lanes South. It will be a family fun night and teacher appreciation day. The speaker will be Ohio Supreme Court Judge Sharon L. Kennedy. The following meeting will be July 18, 2019 at Chappy’s and the guest speaker will be Jenell Ross, the president of Bob Ross Auto Group.

Myron Rheaume, chair of PGI and PDP Development programs, announced he is always happy to explain and help with PDP and PGI. He is available after lunch to start/update the PGI/PDP passports. See him next week after lunch for help.

Greg Griffin announced that instead of our normal lunch format on June 25, 2019, from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM a “New Optimist Wanted” (NOW) event will be held at Yankee Trace. Committee chairs will present what they do to new and prospective new members. There will be a buffet lunch served that day.

Myron Rheaume announced that the Long Range Planning Committee will meet next week.

Upcoming Social Events

Beth Duncan, social committee, announced social activities for the rest of 2019 so that you can save the dates.

  • 6/28/2019 – 6:30 PM, Friday, Dinner at Valley Vineyard
  • 7/19/2019 – 6:30 PM, Friday, Euchre party at TBD
  • 8/10/2019 – 5:30 PM, Saturday, Cookout, Outdoor games, Monte Carlo Night at the Bellbrook Lions Club
  • 9/24/2019 – 6 PM?, Tuesday, Presidential Installation Dinner at the Presidential Banquet Center
  • October 2019, ALL DAY, Keeneland Horse Racing; there will be a chartered bus
  • 11/8/2019 – 6:30 PM?, Friday, Euchre party at TBD
  • 12/10/2019 – 6 PM?, Tuesday, Holiday Party at Yankee Trace

Today’s Presentation

President elect Greg Griffin ran today’s meeting. Greg introduced CNO member Debe Dockins.

Debe Dockins gave us a touching and hilarious presentation about Erma Bombeck who was born in Bellbrook, Ohio on February 21, 1927.

Debe said that when the world lost Erma Bombeck in 1996, we lost one of the best comedic writers ever. Erma is interred in Woodland Cemetery in Dayton, OH. She was also a Television personality for over a decade on ABC’s Good Morning America.

If you get a chance to see Debe’s presentation, take it. It was heartwarming to hear about a person who started with nothing and touched the lives of millions and put smiles on their faces.

Until you get a chance to see the presentation, you can read many details about Erma Bombeck on Wikipedia.

Thank you Debe for making us smile today.

CNO Lunch Speaker for June 18, 2019

The speaker will be Eric Van Vlyman from the Dayton Alzheimer’s Association.


Member Birthday
Mike Wall June 12
Charla Rheaume June 16

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Cherie Gentry June 17 6/17/2015 4
Sam Pfabe June 17 6/17/2015 4

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Michelle Tagliamonte Mike Bevis 1st Reading

Sergeants at Arms

No time for Sergeants this week.

 Happy Bucks! 

No time for Happy Bucks this Week.