Eric Van Vlyman – Alzheimer’s Association

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father there are too many people out there praying for rain. Please ask them to stop. Be with us and all the tornado victims and make the world go away. It’s beyond our imagination to have all our worth taken away in one felt swoop. If we claim to be one of Your children, help us show it by our actions, with prayers, food and money The misery that came from this storm is not a one day happening. It will take a long time to heal and our duty to help will seem never ending. Help us stay the course in giving a helping hand. If ever there was time for Optimism, it is now. May we show those in need the
power of Optimism and love to see them thru this ordeal. Amen!

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Tom Brozich Mike Bevis
Joe Demarco Gary Demarco
Norma Demarco Gary Demarco
Bill Duffy Carolyn Taylor
Yvette Duffy Carolyn Taylor
Daniela Kaissieh Awardee’s Family
Jamie Kaissieh Awardee’s Family
Johnny Kaissieh Awardee’s Family
Joseph Kaissieh Awardee’s Family
Tonja Kaissieh Scholarship Awardee
Kathy Linder Steve Linder
Meg McFarland Speaker
Chris Smith Greg Griffin
R.J. Snider Kelly Davis
Giovani Taylor Roberta Taylor
Max Valentine Stan Fronzaglia
Eric VanVlyman Speaker

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Upcoming Social Events

Beth Duncan, social committee, announced social activities for the rest of 2019 so that you can save the dates.

  • 6/28/2019 – 6:30 PM, Friday, Dinner at Valley Vineyard
  • 7/19/2019 – 6:30 PM, Friday, Euchre party at TBD
  • 8/10/2019 – 5:30 PM, Saturday, Cookout, Outdoor games, Monte Carlo Night at Lion’s Club, Bellbrook
  • 9/24/2019 – 6 PM?, Tuesday, Presidential Installation Dinner at the Presidential Banquet Center
  • October 2019, ALL DAY, Keeneland Horse Racing, there will be a chartered bus
  • 11/8/2019 – 6:30 PM?, Friday, Euchre party at TBD
  • 12/10/2019 – 6 PM?, Tuesday, Holiday Party at Yankee Trace

Committee Announcements

Joan Cordonnier, chair of the Americana 5K race, said she needs more volunteers. On race day a lot more help is needed starting at 6:30am. Many of the jobs will be done by about 7:30am.  Jobs include registration, parking, and refreshments.

Mike Bevis, chair of the golf committee, said the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Tournament is in less than 4 weeks. Next week please bring in gift certificates and wine for the gift baskets. It will be held on Monday, July 15, 2019. They are still accepting volunteers and donations.

Kelly George, essay chair, said the essay committee needs a new chair. She is moving up to the district level. Please let her know if you would like to chair this committee.

Myron Rheaume, OI Ohio Governor elect, said if you have not signed up for the international convention in Louisville, Kentucky, there is still time to sign up. You should go even if you can only make it for one day. There have been 44 signups from Ohio so far. Michigan has 50. He said to please support the governor elect.

Myron Rheaume, chair of PGI and PDP Development programs, announced he is always happy to explain and help with PDP and PGI. He is available after lunch to start/update your PGI/PDP passports. See him next week after lunch for help.

Greg Griffin announced that instead of our normal lunch format on June 25, 2019, from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM a “New Optimists Wanted” (NOW) event will be held at Yankee Trace. Committee chairs will present what they do to new and prospective new members. There will be a picnic buffet of hot dogs and hamburgers served at lunch that day.

Greg Griffin announced that there is NO lunch meeting on Tuesday July 2, 2019. Enjoy your Independence Day Celebrations.

Education Assistance Award

Gary Smiga introduced Education Assistance Award recipient Tonja Kaissieh who couldn’t make it 2 weeks ago because she was visiting Ohio State University. Since Tonja’s family was not here with the other 3 recipients 2 weeks ago, he briefly discussed the award and its purpose. You can read the previous article here.

Tonja brought her mother Jamie, her father Johnny, her sister Daniela, and her grandfather Joseph Kaissieh who is visiting from Israel.

Tonja attended Centerville High School and is ranked 31st in a senior class of 647 students with a GPA of 4.5432.

Tonja’s Extracurricular and Community Service Activities include:

  • Octagon Club
  • National Honor Society
  • Spanish Club and the Spanish National Honor Society
  • Investment Club
  • Diversity Club
  • Lunch Buddies
  • Circle of Friends
  • Study Buddies
  • Elks for Seniors
  • Elk Connectors
  • Greek Dancing
  • Greek Orthodox Youth Association
  • Adopt a Family
  • Hannah’s Treasure Chest
  • St Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen

Tonja works as a pet sitter and summer camp counselor. This fall, she will be attending The Ohio State University. After completing her bachelor’s degree, she plans to attend a physician assistant school and have a career in health care.

Gary asked her to speak about her participation in the Circle of Friends Club. Her first statement was that she was so happy Gary chose that club because it is her favorite. It is a club that works with special needs students. Activities they share with each other include lunch, drawing, taking them to football games and spending time in general. It is an amazing experience for the special needs student and for the student volunteers. They become friends with each other and are good friends to have.

Excerpts from Tonya’s essay:

Since my early childhood, service has been a part of my life. Youth must be taught and trained early to help others and to be a part of our community. Teach youth by being good role models. Through activities she tries to show how she is a good role model.

We need to be kind and help one another so that we youth become involved adults that better society.

Alzheimer’s Associaton of Dayton Presentation

PLEASE NOTE: If you have any questions about Alzheimer’s or need help 24/7 you can call (800) 272-3900 any time.

Mike Bevis introduced Eric VanVlymen, the Executive Director of the Miami Valley chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. He has worked for the association for 18 years.

Eric told us about a phone call he received last night. He said, “Last night I was sitting at home and my phone rang. A friend called. The doctor just told her and her sister that her mother has Alzheimer’s. They kind of knew it already but hearing it for sure is really difficult to hear.”

Eric explained that as we grow older, our memory capabilities change. This typical aging is not the same as what happens if you have Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is a brain disease. It is fatal and one of the symptoms is progressive memory loss. This is memory loss that affects day to day activities. Those affected suddenly might forget where Kroger’s is or forget to pay their bills. It can be detected now as early as 20 years before symptoms appear. In the past, patients were not treated until dementia occurred. At this point you are treating people after significant brain loss. Unfortunately, the only way right now to detect it this early is with a $4000 brain scan that few can afford. Without the scan Doctors are pretty much guessing that a patient might have Alzheimer’s. Insurance argues that if there is no treatment, why spend for detection. Many doctors often won’t tell patients that their diagnosis is Alzheimer’s.

There is hope in research. The FDA is close to approving a blood test to detect Alzheimer’s early. We may be able to slow and possibly stop the progression of the disease. The FDA periodically tests using existing drugs to see if they help in anyway.

Support for research has increased in recent years from $400 million per year to $2.3 billion per year. The Alzheimer’s Association is passionate about research.

Alzheimer’s is a public health crisis. Nationwide 5.8 Million are afflicted. In the Miami Valley, 30,000 are afflicted and over 90,000 family and friends are providing. The disease is more expensive than heart disease and cancer. Part of the reason is because of how long people live with the disease.

Compared with 10 years ago when he spoke to us there is way more good news to share.

An exciting study called the A4 Study looks promising. From the A4 Study website, “The purpose of the Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer’s study (the “A4 Study” for short) is to test whether a new investigational treatment, called an anti-amyloid antibody, can slow memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s disease.”

The number one thing you can do for your brain now is to walk. Additionally, he said, engage your brain. Learn new things. Participate with others. Social interaction like being a member of Centerville Noon Optimist is great for your brain. Additionally, control your blood pressure, they can now say there is a causal relationship between having high blood pressure and getting Alzheimer’s.

The Alzheimer’s Association has a passion to support those with the disease and to support their families. They need more volunteers for numerous activities. The current staff of 14 can’t do it all on their own. They want to end this disease. Reach out if you would like to donate your time or money.

He ended with re-iterating “The Hope of Research”. He said he connected his friend from the phone call with one of his staff. They will be given information about support groups and will be educated about handling the disease and helping their mother.


Member Birthday
Ron Kuker June 19
Deb Ulrich June 22
Carrie Million June 23
Dick Lee June 23
Gary DeMarco June 23
Will Pace June 23
Cherie Gentry June 24
Jay McAlpine June 24

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Denise Green June 19 6/19/2013 6
Wes Cleaves June 22 6/22/1993 26

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Wasfi Samaan Patrick Arehart Induction
Karin Gilstrap Cindy Harris 3rd Reading
Michelle Tagliamonte Mike Bevis 2nd Reading
Bill Duffy Carolyn Taylor 1st Reading
Yvette Donahue-Duffy Carolyn Taylor 1st Reading
Kathy Linder Sue Brubaker 1st Reading

Sergeants at Arms

No time for Sergeants this week.

 Happy Bucks! 

No time for Happy Bucks this Week.