Ed Domsitz, Head Football Coach at Alter High School


Tom Novak, Avenue of Flags, announced that 186 new subscriptions have come in since Memorial Day. He needs volunteers to help handle two new routes.

CNO 2.0 will have a meeting on 6/17/2021 at 5:30 PM in the VIP Suite at Poelking Lanes South on Kingsridge Drive. All members of CNO 2.0 and CNO are invited as always.

Mike Bevis, Golf Outing Chair, said they need “day of event” volunteers for lots of tasks on Monday, July 12, 2021. There are jobs for all times of the day including early morning, mid-day and at the end of the day. They are also looking for donors and silent auction items like bottles of wine and gift cards.

Committee Meetings

  • 6/24/2021, 6 PM, Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf 2021, in person at Buckeye Home Health Care on Paragon Road. Meetings in 2021 will be on 1/13, 2/17, 3/24, 4/14, 5/12, 6/24, 7/7. Additional volunteers are always welcome. The golf outing will be held on 7/12/2021.
  • 7/20/2021, 6 PM, Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

Ed Domsitz, Head Football Coach at Alter High School.

Gary Hansen introduced Ed Domsitz, the Head Football Coach at Alter High School since 1999.

From Gary Hansen:
Ed Domsitz is a local boy who did well. He went to Trotwood Madison High School, the University of Dayton and Ohio State University. In his 45 years of coaching high school football at Trotwood Madison, Alter, Northwood and then Alter again, Ed has amassed a 355-155 win loss record. His teams have been in the playoffs 25 times, winning 12 regional championships, and 16 of the last 18 Greater Catholic League championships.

Ed Domsitz said, “When is the last time you had a speaker who has lost 155 games? I have had to cross the field 155 times to congratulate the other coach.” He also said, “Over the last 20 some years we have been blessed to win a lot of games.” In his younger years he did not win as many games as he does now.

He first became a head football coach at Trotwood High School at the age of 25. His first year they went 0 and 10. The next year they lost the first 2 games after which his mother called him after the Trotwood newspaper asked if the victory bell will ever be rung again. The third game of the second season they beat Piqua.

After 2 years at Trotwood he was 2 and 18. One day, Domsitz and Tina Combs, the principal of Trotwood, who he described as a great high school principal and a sweet but tough woman, were walking and talking in a hallway. Principal Combs said, “Coach, you have to win a few more games next year or we sure are going to miss you around here.” The third year they went 5 and 5.

Early in his career, before every game he would pray that everyone is healthy before the game, that there are no injuries during the game and that the best team should win. Eventually with his bad records, he dropped the third part.

In his first year at Alter he went 2 and 8. The next year they went 4 and 5. Domsitz asked the principal about getting some money to enhance the training and weight room. The principal said, “We are not going to turn this school into a football factory!”. The team improved quickly and he has really enjoyed his time at Alter High School.

Domsitz said that at Alter, they have a process. Coaches explain that the players must adapt to the program and meet a list of expectations. If players are going to perform at a top level, then these expectations must be met.

More Playing Time

Every player has a right in a respectful way to ask, “Coach, what do I need to do to get more playing time?”  There are 5 factors coaches consider when responding to the player’s question.

  • Attitude: If there is an attitude problem, then your effort will be affected.
  • Effort: You must put in the effort at practice, the weight room and games.
  • Skills: You must keep improving your skills.
  • Performance: Your performance is graded on every play of every game.
  • Intensity: Coaches expect that you will always play with intensity.
  • Other Teammates: Another player may be playing much better than you. You will need to wait your turn. When the better player leaves and you get better you may get your chance.

Handling Player Issues

If there are problems with a player’s actions or behaviors, there are three considerations involved in deciding what to do about it.

  • What is best for the player?
  • How will the decision affect the team this year?
  • What is best for the reputation of the program?

Summer Camp

Alter football players attend a rigorous camp at Wittenberg University during the summer.

Thank You

Thank you, Ed Domsitz, for joining us to talk about your career and your long tenure as head football coach at Alter High School.

New Member Readings and Inductions

None this week.

Welcome Guests!

Guest NameGuest of
Ed DomsitzToday’s Speaker, Head Football Coach at Alter High School

Happy Bucks

Julie Noeth$5, Husband went to Chaminade Julienne High School and so did her two daughters! Today’s speaker mentioned Alter Football’s team playing CJ High School.
Gail AikenWent to high school with today’s speaker, Ed Domsitz.
Carol SmerzThe article in the Centerille Washington Neighbors about the Avenue of Flags was really great.
Blanca CrinerHer son really liked having today’s speaker, Ed Domsitz as a teacher.
Tom NovakThank you for building 250 flags on 6/7/2021 to: Dav Bremer, Tom Novak, Carol Smerz, Mike Brubaker, Dick Stevens
Tom Novak (cont.)(building 250 flags cont.) Jim Mogan, Marge Back, Steve Rau, Ralph Young, Diane Arehart, Brian Nolan, Charlie Tapp

Sergeants at Arms

Mike BrubakerThe sergeants did not appreciate the way he purchased raffle tickets today.
Bob DuffyImpersonating a ball player and arguing with today’s speaker.
Chris McAlplineChris was not wearing a tie – he was unrecognizable. 

Membership Anniversaries

This is very rare – no membership anniversaries this week!


Brooks ComptonJune 9
Mike WallJune 12

CNO Donations – 2013 through May 2021

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

Click Here to Read the Thank You Notes we received this week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The photos taken at Today’s Meeting are here.