Dr. J Thomas Hardy – Dayton Veteran’s Administration

Today’s Guests

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Guest Guest Of
Rick Altvater Greg Wasmund
Kenzie Baker JOI Club
Dr. J Thomas Hardy Speaker
Karen Havlip JOI Club
Valerie Kronson JOI Club
Faith Ryon JOI Club
Mary Ryon JOI Club
Jeff Umbreit Sarah Umbreit

Memorial Day

Thank you so much to all of our veterans. A special thank you to all the veterans that are members of the Centerville Noon Optimists and for their continuing effort to benefit others after already giving so much of themselves serving our amazing country, The United States of America!

Committee Notes

Joan Cordonnier reminded everyone that July 4th is nearing quickly, so don’t forget to sign up to help or participate in the Americana Festival-5K Race.  The proceeds go to the Centerville Noon Optimists.

Cherie Gentry stated that the OI district convention is August, 17-18, 2018 in Fairborn OH.  The OI international president will be attending and the more of us that show up the better.

Junior Optimist International (JOI) Club Presentation

Kelly Stone introduced Mary Ryon from JOI. Mary brought 4 girls from JOI to discuss what JOI means to them. CNO donated $2000 so these kids can attend the JOI convention in Ottawa, Canada. There are 8 girls and 1 boy that will be attending. The kids from JOI made a beautiful “thank you” poster and presented to us during lunch today.

Valerie Kronson, current governor said each year she goes to the convention she makes new friends. She gets a lot of new perspectives on life and the life other JOI members from all over. She enjoys discussing service activities with new friends.

Faith Ryon, governor elect stated that JOI means a lot to her because she looks forward to each summer and it makes her happy. She loves travelling and meeting people. She likes being around others with similar thoughts. She enjoys visiting new areas and new people. The workshops are amazing. She appreciates how hard the people running these conventions work.

Karen Havlip, secretary, coined the phrase Floriohio for Florida, Iowa and Ohio. The members of her group of friends come from these three states. She wants to make t-shirts with the name. The Leadership workshops are amazing. The boy from Florida will be making a video of the trip and we can watch it.

Kinzie Baker, a newer member, said thank you so much for making it possible for her to attend her first international convention.

Cherie Gentry asked, “Can we donate more money individually now?” Mary replied, “Absolutely you can.”

Today’s Presentation

Mike Bevis introduced, Dr J. Thomas Hardy, DO, a retired Army colonel and Vietnam veteran, the Chief of Staff at the Dayton VA Medical Center. He came today to give us a brief history of veteran’s services and of the Dayton VA Medical Center.

United States Veteran’s services were started during the revolutionary war, however, there was no money to fund the services needed. For all U.S. wars through the Mexican War the states provided Veterans services instead of the federal government. The Mexican War was the inspiration for the opening lines of the Marines’ Hymn, “From the Halls of Montezuma…”. Hardy showed a picture of this epic battle.

The Veterans Administration was not established until 1930 and became the cabinet-level Department of Veterans Affairs in 1989.

The American Civil War made the need for veteran’s services a national need. Huge advances in weaponry occurred at the time of the Civil War. The increase in the number of dead and wounded was well beyond any other U.S. war up to this point. Over 1 million needed treatment, though most from disease. Old war tactics were used, but with amazing weapons. Tens of thousands of disabled veterans resulted from the Civil War.

Artillery canons became much more effective, reaching a 2-mile range. Canister bombs were effective at a 200-yard radius and within 10 yards of explosion victims were vaporized.

Rifle efficiency also increased. The Spencer rifle, the first repeating rifle, was invented. With the Spencer rifle a soldier could shoot 28 rounds per minute. Soldiers described it as, “load it once and shoot all week.” The Confederates also had rifles that were more accurate and used .58 caliber rounds that were very damaging.

The mission of the VA is to fulfill President Lincoln’s promise “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s Veterans.

Nationally at first 3 VA homes were established. The facilities were located in Dayton. Maine, and Milwaukee. The Dayton VA facility opened in 1867, at first with just a log cabin and a barn. Its first hospital was opened in 1870 and was the most modern hospital ever at that time, having running water, steam heat and flush toilets. It had housing for up to 7000 veterans. The VA hospital was a tourist attraction, having over 500,000 visitors per year. Originally the VA was run like a military organization, with routine and discipline. Residents that could work, worked to feed themselves and others and take care of the facility.

The VA’s goal is injury and mental recovery, learning useful job skills and connecting veterans with jobs.

Quick Facts about the Dayton VA Medical Center

  • There was a working farm that met some of the food needs.
  • The chapel has been in continuous use for 150 years.
  • The chapel bell was made out of melted confederate canons.
  • There is a museum supported from donations of items and money from veterans.
  • Stone from the quarry was used to build the Home Chapel and Grotto Gardens.
  • The Brown Hospital was completed in 1930.

Home page of the Dayton VA Medical Center

Virtual Museum of the Dayton VA Medical Center



Member Birthday
Tzuling Kuo May 31
Mike Witt June 01
Shawna Hatton June 01
Mark Kingseed June 03
Larry Larrimer June 04

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Carol Burkman May 31 05/31/2003 15
Robert Burkman May 31 05/31/2003 15
Gary Aiken June 1 06/01/1982 36

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Jeff Umbreit Sarah Umbreit 1st Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Bob Burkman Underground marketing for the Avenue of Flags
Charlie Tapp Lost name tag
Tim Clemmer Didn’t return his flag supplies after installing flags
Greg Griffin Todays meeting is not on the online calendar
Bill Stone Falling out of a car when picking up flags because he asked Kelly to drive faster
Greg Griffin Because CNO donated Kelly Stone’s requested amount for JOI to travel to the international conference Greg reminded her that she agreed to do a happy dance – It was perfect!
Jane Fiehrer Late to meeting

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Don Kelley Grandchild just graduated from Notre Dame
Charlie Tapp Celebrating Karl Fydryk’s 3rd hole in one
Bob Bargmeyer 4th birthday of oldest grandduaghter from Connecticut
Bob Bargmeyer Just missed hitting a deer on their trip
Bill Stone 7th Grandchild Francis is doing great in Nashville, saw him just a couple of weeks ago
Greg Griffin Evelyn gets to go and visit their newest grandchild in Vegas
Faith Ryon (guest from JOI) Thank you to the club for the donation to JOI and for the volleyball tournament she will be at this weekend
Valerie Kronson (guest from JOI) Funny seeing so many members of her church today sitting at the bad kids table