Youth Appreciation Awards Presented

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Phather Phil was under the weather this week , so Bob Burkman filled in and read a prayer from Phather Phil’s Prayer Book – published a few years ago – we also prayed fro Phather Phil’s speedy recovery.

Today’s Guests – WELCOME!

Guest Guest Of
Adeola Adelekan Honoree
Tahira Adelekan Honoree’s Family
Greg Bell Tom Henderson
Kristen Bell Honoree
Rosemary Bell Honoree’s Family
Nancy Ciramella Tom Novak
Tony Ciramella Tom Novak
Chuck Cowgill Tom Henderson
Jack Durnbaugh Tom Henderson
Andrea Fleischman Tom Henderson
Larry Holland Tom Novak
Nance Holland Tom Novak
Kim Janky Mike Bevis
Sung Jeon Honoree
Meghan Leiker Tom Henderson
Stella McCrory Tom Henderson
Joanne Rau Tom Novak
Steve Rau Tom Novak
Yoon Sun Shin Shin Honoree’s Family
Pam Splawinski Greg Griffin
Jeff Wolff Tom Henderson
Chris Wysong Debe Dockins

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Community Event

Chris McAlpine announced that CNO will have a booth at Winterfest at Primary Village South on 12/7/2019 from 9 AM to 1 PM. The game is super easy. We challenge the kids to balance a bean bag on their foot and walk from a starting line and drop it in a box.  If they can do one bag, we add a bean bag to both feet.  Then add bags to hands, forehead, shoulder, or anything that’s funny.  While the kids are playing, we talk to their parents about the Optimist club.  Chris is looking for volunteers.

Social Events

  • 12/10/2019 – 6 – 8:45 PM, Tuesday, Holiday Party at Yankee Trace. There will not be a lunch meeting that day.


Christy Gariety announced that all of the children have been adopted for the Adopt-A-Family program.  She is looking for the person that took the child coded 77D to record their name for that spot.

Bob Glavin announced that the Partners Optimist Club (adults with special needs) is selling Poinsettias as a fundraiser. Also, thank you to Beth Duncan for donating shirts to all 26 members of the Partners Optimist Club.

Youth Appreciation Awards

Greg Griffin introduced Dr. Tom Henderson, the superintendent of Centerville Schools and member of CNO. Tom presented three guidance counselors from CHS who introduced the students they chose to receive recognition with the 2019 CNO Youth Appreciation Award. The award honors outstanding students who will be great ambassadors of Centerville High School. Since each of them is a star, they received a “Star” plaque.

Besides Dr. Henderson and the guidance counselors, there were several staff members from CHS in attendance. Coordinating principal John Carroll, East unit principal Jack Durnbaugh, West unit principal Jeff Wolff, South unit principal Chuck Cowgill and communications relations specialist Sarah Swan.

Dr. Henderson and the counselors discussed the students who received this honor. Dr. Henderson was also able to spend some time with each of the recipients after they were selected.

Kristen Bell

East unit guidance counselor Meghan Leiker introduced CHS senior Kristen Bell.

From Megan Leiker:

In trying to select a nominee for this program, I found it easy to settle on one student, Kristen Bell, and not just because we live in the same neighborhood or she shares the same name as one of my favorite actresses… or that her dad is a teacher at the high school. I picked Kristen because she focuses on making a difference in the lives of everyone she touches.

With a 4.6 GPA, it is obvious Kristen puts a lot of work into her academics. Outside of the school is no exception. I found it interesting that of the 13 clubs she has been involved in, eight of them are volunteer and community service organizations. Girl Scouts, Octagon Club, Key Club, BOLD (Building Our Lives Drug and Alcohol Free), East Unit Assembly, volunteering at nursing homes and study buddies are just a few of the ways Kristen puts effort back into her community and volunteers her time to help others.

Society has coined Kristen’s generation as the “Me Me Me” generation. With social media, everything is about “how many likes can I get” and “look how good I am doing”. When I talked with Kristen about what drives her to be different, her response was “I strive to be a part of the population that does not fit into this category. The reward for me comes from the faces of the people I help or directly affect. I know I am making a difference by helping and brightening their day. That’s why I do what I do.”

If everyone was as humble and serving as Kristen, the world would look much different. She is a rare kind, which I believe is a direct representation of her upbringing. I want to thank Kristen’s parents, Greg and Rosemary, for instilling these values into your daughter. And Kristen, my hope for you would be to never lose this drive and continue to brighten everyone’s day in your next stage in life.

Kristen thanked CNO, her parents Greg and Rosemary Bell (who were guests today), and principal Jack Durnbaugh for all the support she has received. She said her parents have always encouraged her to try new things.

Sung Jun Jeon

South unit guidance counselor Andrea Fleischman introduced Sung Jun Jeon

From Andrea Fleischman:

It is my pleasure to nominate Sung Jeon for the Youth Appreciation Award this year. Academically, Sung is extremely talented. He takes some of the most challenging courses we offer in every subject at the high school and exceeds expectations. In addition to intelligence, one of the most impressive things about Sung is his personality, which is the main reason why I nominated him. Sung is one of the most kind, caring, and personable teenagers I know. He carries on positive, engaging, and intelligent conversations with teachers, as well as with his peers, and he asks good questions. I don’t think I’ve had a conversation with Sung where I didn’t see him smile. Sung’s volunteer work and extracurricular involvement are second to none. He is a member of the National Honor Society, DECA (an association for marketing students), manages finances for the Hole-In-The-Wall (the spirit shop at the high school), is a 3-year member of Student Council and is heavily involved in fundraising for Spirit Chain, was elected Senior Class Business Manager, is an award-winning member of Speech & Debate, is the President and Founder of the CHS Investment Club, AND plays violin!!!  

Teachers and peers alike have endless positive things to say about Sung. I asked a couple of his teachers about what it’s like to have Sung as a student in class. One of his teachers said that Sung works awesome in groups, is tremendously reliable, and genuinely raises the energy and mood of a room. I definitely agree and am always excited to talk with Sung whenever he comes to chat about something. Another teacher said that he contributes regularly in classroom discussions, and that his maturity and professionalism in the classroom is exceptional. They both said, word for word, “I freaking love this kid!”

Sung has many gifts to share with his future campus and career communities, and I’m excited and happy for him because I know there are great things coming his way in return for all that he has worked for and given to others throughout his high school career. Congratulations, Sung!

Sung thanked CNO for recognizing youth in the community which is important. Without the support of CHS he wouldn’t be here. His mother, Yoon Sun Shin, was able to attend today’s lunch. His father is currently in Korea. Sung said, “Thanks to God for guiding his family on this wonderful path!”

Adeola Adelekan

West unit guidance counselor Stella McCrory introduced Adeola Adelekan.

From Stella McCrory:

I am pleased to introduce Adeola Adelekan to you.  She is an amazing young lady and it’s my honor and privilege to tell you a little bit about her.

I reached out to Adeola’s teachers to get some scoop on her.  It all came back clean.  Here’s some of what I received:  I LOVE ADEOLA-all caps, exclamation point. “She has a way of listening that makes you feel heard.  Her friendly attitude brightens my day.”  Another says, Adeola is “one of the most charismatic and memorable students of my career…she demonstrates an admirable work ethic, integrity and an eagerness to truly understand the material.”  Another says, she is “a wonderful student …a joy to have in class: she participates, helps others, and is always attentive.”  Another- “Dynamic thinker on complex issues, extremely well-written…Outstanding young person.”  Her advisor says, “Adeola is so much fun to have in advisory!  She always comes to class with a bright smile to start our day!”  Her peers in advisory say that she is very driven and that she has a great sense of style” (always a plus). 

Adeola is an excellent student.  She is ranked 72 out of 693 students with a 4.3 GPA.  She is a member of National Honor Society and French Honor Society and holds an office for both.  Adeola is an officer of Interact Club as well.  Her club sponsor shared that Adeola “is super energetic and always willing to help.  She is caring, thoughtful, and hardworking.”  Adeola participates in HOSA, Model UN, and Poetry Club where she serves as president.  She volunteers for Study Buddies, which is a selective program where upper-class students mentor our elementary students during lunch hour and for Chem Buddies as well.  She plays on our softball team and serves as captain.

Outside of school, Adeola volunteers at House of Bread and Saint Vincent DePaul.  She also volunteers with NHS at Bethany Village to tutor the residents with technology.  I’m told the residents love it! 

Adeola is also devoted to her church-Tabernacle Baptist, where her father serves as pastor, and mother as first lady.  Adeola is active in her church youth group, the liturgical dance team, Tabernacle Guild Girls, and as her father’s assistant. 

Adeola is a remarkable young lady with a bright future.  Congratulations for all your hard work, your successes, and for being such an awesome addition to our class of 2020!

Adeola said, “Good afternoon everyone. Thanks to God. Thanks to my parents! Thanks to my counselors and Mr. Carrol. Thanks to the Optimists and to my fellow recipients.” Her mother Tahira Adelekan was able to attend today’s meeting. Her father Tokunbo Adelekan, unfortunately, was not able to attend.

After the presentations, Dr. Henderson thanked CNO for this award opportunity. Next, there was a group photo of the recipients, the counselors, principals and Dr. Henderson.

Annual Christmas Tree Lot Presentation

Greg Griffin presented a slide show about our Christmas Tree lot fundraiser. He wants to make sure especially new members get briefed on how the Christmas Tree Lot works and why. The why is simple, “We do it for the kids.” First Greg showed us a great video about the tree lot and then he stepped us through his slide deck.

You can see the slides here.

The tree lot is co-chaired by Greg Griffin, Karl Frydryk, and Gary Aiken. Thank you to everyone who helps. The tree lot fundraiser is a success because of all the generous time of our members! Be sure to sign up for shifts with your team captain and attend your shifts on the tree lot.

Thank You Notes Sent to CNO This Week

Click here to see the Thank You Notes we received this week

CNO Donations 2013 through June 2019

Click this link to see a summary of the donations our club has made.

Over 50 years, we have donated close to $2,000,000 to our youth community. In the past 6 years, we have donated nearly $700,000.


Member Birthday
Russell Hulbert November 19
Brendan Cunningham November 22
Jayne Weikel November 22
Natalie King Dunlevey November 24

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Julie Cochran November 19 11/19/2009 10
Beth Duncan November 20 11/20/2016 3
John Kalaman November 20 11/20/2016 3
Jon Fox November 20 11/20/2000 19
Marilyn Becht November 20 11/20/2016 3
Paula Kalaman November 20 11/20/2016 3
Christine Balsan November 21 11/21/2013 6
Dave Klein November 21 11/21/2013 6
Kristina Rainer November 21 11/21/2012 7
Martha Jackson November 21 11/21/2013 6
Bill DeFries November 23 11/23/2004 15
Andy Dickerson November 24 11/24/2018 1
Erin Dickerson November 24 11/24/2018 1
Gareth Dickey November 24 11/24/2018 1
Mariah Vogelgesang November 24 11/24/2018 1
Rick Altvater November 24 11/24/2018 1
Ron Kuker November 24 11/24/2018 1
Sue Zammit November 24 11/24/2018 1

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Christopher Wysong Debe Dockins 3rd Reading
Jay Schindler Mike Bevis 3rd Reading
Stephen Rau Tom Novak 1st Reading
JoAnne Rau Tom Novak 1st Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Charlie Tapp For not sharing the money when he won the Euchre tournament and the bonus for being the last one to win a round by going alone
Rachel Goetz Buying a 50/50 ticket with 4 quarters
Roland Rapp Complaining that someone bought a 50/50 ticket with quarters
Tom Novak Not wearing his glasses when he had a hard time finding his badge
Cherie Gentry Phone went off at last week’s meeting while sitting with both sergeants
Beth Duncan Telling the sergeants there was a reason to fine Diane Arehart from the Euchre party, but not remembering what the reason was
Gary Aiken Wasn’t at previous meeting and therefore didn’t introduce the speaker he arranged
Debe Dockins Being able to sit comfortably in a child’s chair at a recent meeting at Children’s Hospital
Gail Aiken Telling a sergeant Marilyn Abbot took her out of first place in the badge box
Debe Dockins Not being at lunch last week for the big announcement about closing the tree lot at 8 PM each evening instead of 9 PM
Everyone who missed last weeks meeting For not braving the cold last week to come to the meeting

 Happy Bucks! 

Member Reason
Debe Dockines The 2019 Dottie Yeck Good Life writing contest winners were announced. $4 happy bucks because the top 4 winners were all from Centerville schools.
Bob Bargmeyer Had a great time at the Boy Scout Thanksgiving at Woodland Trails.
Bob Bargmeyer For making it home after getting lost coming back from Woodland Trails.
Gary Smiga Tom Henderson does a great job as superindentent of Centerville City Schools.
Jesse Lightle Thanks to Tom Novak and the Avenue of Flags for making 80 flags available to line the route for Detective Del Rio.
Tom Novak Thanks to the Washington Township road crew for putting out the 80 flags for Detective Del Rio.
Myron Rheaume Hearing about the wonderful students receiving Youth Appreciation awards today.
Myron Rheaume Thanks for everyone giving happy bucks and fines which support Optimist International’s scholarship programs.
Gary Anderson Grandson, who is a frehsmen trombone player in the Mason marching band, placed 7th out of 91 bands at the Grand National competition in Indanapolis.
Bob Burkman All Avenue of Flags activity is done until next April!
Judy DeMarco Build-a-Bear was a great success. There were about 60 kids participating. Thank you to Bill’s donuts and Chick-Fil-A for their donations of food.
Judy DeMarco Thank you to Bill’s Donuts and Chick-Fil-A for supporting the Caregiver Breakfast for the doctor’s and nurses at Children’s Hospital each year.
Rachel Goetz Gladly gave 4 happy quarters because there were seats available at the birthday table and it wasn’t her birthday!