Heavier than Air Brewing Co. – Anthony Rocco – Dayton Freight Company


Guests and Members in Attendance

Name Member/Guest
Shamus Baker Guest
Jonathon Barrett Guest
Emily Duke Guest
Brett Houseman Guest
Kevin Jackson Guest
Anthony Rocco Guest
Ashley Simeone Guest
Jim Voudris Guest
Adam Westendorf Guest
TR Wise Guest
Jack Anderson Member
Nancy Anderson Member
Diane Arehart Member
Pat Arehart Member
Marge Back Member
Dav Bremer Member
Bob Burkman Member
Jeff Busch Member
Brendan Cunningham Member
Beth Duncan Member
Greg Fay Member
Laura Franklin Member
Stan Fronzaglia Member
Jesse Gaither Member
Greg Griffin Member
Gary Hansen Member
Martha Jackson Member
Becky Keegan Member
Nancy Lehren Member
Pam Miller Member
Brian Nolan Member
Fred Polizzi Member
Myron Rheaume Member
Brent Richburg Member
Gary Smiga Member
Jerry Stahley Member
Carolyn Taylor Member
Ron Tinnerman Member
Jayne Weikel Member

CNO 2.0 Venue and Details

The venue for tonight’s CNO 2.0 meeting was Heavier than Air Brewing Company. Thank you to the team of Nick Sr, Chris, Ben and Nick Jr. for allowing us to take over their bar tonight. There was a 50/50 drawing won by Laura Franklin.

We had 29 members and 10 guests in attendance.

Committee Announcements

Greg Fay introduced a few members to discuss programs and fundraisers. The Centerville Noon Optimist club has raised well over a million dollars in the past 50 years. Greg also asked us to get on Facebook and to “like” the CNO and CNO 2.0 Facebook pages.



Gary Hansen, chair of the Will Cale Scholarship committee discussed the program. This committee reviews the applications of kids nominated by school counselors. The committee then chooses four to seven of them to give a scholarship for them to attend Sinclair. Often, they are the first person in their family to ever go to college. We provide up to $750 for up to six semesters for the student to obtain an associate’s degree. $750 per semester. Additionally, we provide the students with two mentors to help them navigate college and the financial aid process.

Myron Rheaume discussed the Professional Development Program (PDP) and the Personal Growth and Involvement (PGI) programs of Optimist International. These programs help you be a better club member and to have more success in life. He also noted that for each member added to an Optimist club, the club can help 35 additional children.

Greg Griffin discussed the Christmas Tree lot and showed us the video showcasing the lot. The full details are in this article.

Greg Griffin discussed the “Outstanding Organization” Award received earlier today by CNO presented by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Dayton Region. The full details are in this article.

Tonight’s Presentation

Greg Fay introduced Anthony Rocco, the Vice-President of Operations of the Dayton Freight Company founded in 1981 by Thomas L. Cronin, Jr.

Anthony Rocco grew up in Centerville and graduated from Alter High School and Xavier University. He first started working at Dayton Freight during college on the loading dock. After college, he went back and has been there for 26 years.

There are two major types of truck shipments. Full truckload (TL) and less than truckload (LTL). TL shipments account for 400 billion of the 700 billion shipping business each year. Dayton Freight is in the LTL business. Dayton Freight is a regional carrier in the Midwest with sales of about 60 billion annually. The goal of the company is to be the best regional LTL carrier in the Midwest.

Rocco attributes the success and expansion to the technology they have implemented in the company and the trucks. Items such as laser braking automation have greatly reduced their accident rate. Other technology helps reduce the chance of a trailer tipping during a loss of control. Without their technology Rocco said they would be about 25% of their current size. Dayton Freight currently handles 19,100 jobs per day.

Numerous facts about Dayton Freight can be viewed here.

There is a shortage of over 300,000 truck drivers. Dayton Freight trains any dock workers interested in how to drive a truck. The dock workers make about $18/hour and a truck driver makes about $28/hour. He said he believes the chances of automated drivers happening soon is very low. He believes it will be a minimum of 10-15 years and probably longer. Drivers are paid by the mile and they have 19 drivers that made over $100,000 last year. Truck drivers are typically male, but they do have 22 female drivers.

Thank you Anthony Rocco for taking the time to discuss your journey and for the information about a great company headquartered in Dayton, Ohio!

50 / 50 Drawing

Jesse Gaither was the winner of the 50/50 drawing. He won the 50/50 at CNO 2.0 last month as well. Will he win a third time next month? Come to the next CNO 2.0 meeting and find out!