Creativity Commons Powered by Washington-Centerville Public Library

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Glennon Doyle Melton wrote, “Silence is a really big deal…our quiet translates as agreement.  And we’ve missed our chance: to change, to do a new thing.  God is always, always trying to do a new thing.  And those twinges of discomfort are God’s invitation to co-create.  Our refusal to wrestle, to engage, to challenge is our refusal to co-create with God.  The most repeated phrase in the Bible is “fear not”.  And so, when we feel that something we are hearing doesn’t resonate with the God of love, we must raise our hands.  Even – especially – if our hands shake with fear and trembling.”


Forgive us for those times in which we feel those twinges of discomfort, that something is not right, and yet we remain silent.  Help us to “fear not”, to raise our hands, and to use our voices for those who cannot or are not being heard.  And may we always strive to lead with love.


Volunteer Signups Available Online with the Virtual Clipboard

Did you know that you can now signup to volunteer or to participate in social events using a simple online registration form right from your phone or PC? The Member Calendar has a complete list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and social events.


  • Debe Dockins announced that NO LUNCH MEETING WILL BE HELD ON September 27, 2022. Instead, the annual CNO Officer Installation Dinner will be at the Presidential Banquet Center.
  • Nancy Lehren announced that last weekend’s Build-a-Bear for children with Sickle Cell was a success. The kids created 59 bears. The hospital gave her a nice certificate thanking CNO for putting on the event.
  • Tom Novak announced at big THANK YOU to everyone that has helped with the Avenue of Flags this year. You are all appreciated.
  • Gail Aiken announced that the Haunted Trail committee is creating fright stations that need things for old folks and babies. If you have things to donate like walkers, canes, highchairs and play pens, let her know.
  • Gail Aiken announced the Haunted Trail is on October 11 and October 12. They need lots of volunteers for trail guides, to hand out donut holes and other tasks that don’t require walking the one-mile trail. You can register online here.
  • Chris McAlpine announced that Tri-Star Soccer will be held on Friday September 30, 2022, at 6 PM. Volunteers should arrive at 5:15 PM. They need a lot of volunteers. You can register online here.
  • Mike Bevis announced that James “Pee wee” Martin passed away at 101 years old. He spoke to CNO. He was one of the first paratroopers in WWII.
  • Greg Griffin announced that the Tree Lot opens in 73 days. All the tree lot team captains have been assigned and they will contact you soon about your assigned team.

Creativity Commons of the Washington-Centerville Public Library, Bill Menker

Liz Fultz introduced Bill Menker, the Patron Services Manager at Washington-Centerville Public Library.

From Liz Fultz

I’m pleased to introduce our speaker today, Bill Menker, the Patron Services Manager of the Washington-Centerville Public Library.  Bill has been with the library for 23 years.  He has very wide and varied interests, he is willing to learn almost anything, and he has a DIY attitude.  These attributes make him the best possible person to have implemented the new Creativity Commons, which he is going to tell us about today.

View Bill Menker’s slide deck about Creativity Commons here. Check out his slides for additional details that are not listed here, like information about specific machines and what you can create with them.

The library website has lots of details on what they have and when they are open. You can also reserve time on the machines and register for classes.

Creativity Commons is a Makerspace

A Makerspace is a collaborative workspace for making, learning, exploring, and sharing that uses high-tech to low-tech (or no tech) tools. It is a place where people can enter with an idea and leave with a completed project.

Creativity Commons is a true studio-like environment designed for hands-on learning and has tools and knowledgeable staff to assist patrons to create something wonderful!

Patrons have access to cutting edge equipment and technology that is not generally available in other venues.

Maker Kits

In 2016, WCPL launched its Maker Kit collection with 10 kits. These take-home kits are themed around activities that promote hands-on, DIY learning. Each kit includes a user’s guide, an inventory of the contents, as well as tools and supplies needed to ‘make’ something. The library now has 50+ Maker Kits

In 2017, WCPL launched ‘Make It’ programs focusing on the DIWO aspect of the Maker Movement. Classes include Robotics, Soldering, 3D Printing, Needle Felting, Cake Decorating, Soap Making, Fixit Clinics, Upcycled Series, and more!

The Maker Movement

  • The Maker Movement is a social movement with an artisan spirit
  • Maker culture emphasizes learning-through-doing (active, hands-on learning)
  • Maker culture encourages do-it-yourself (DIY) and do-it-with-others (DIWO) techniques and processes
  • Makers prefer informal, peer-led, and shared learning that is motivated by fun and self-fulfillment

The Maker Movement at WCPL

  • April 2021 – The Library Board of Trustees approved a proposal for an offsite makerspace in the main building of Washington Township RecPlex
  • January 2022 – A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Library and Washington Township was finalized
  • May 25, 2022 – Space opened to the public (soft launch)
  • June 16, 2022 – Creativity Commons Grand Opening!

Equipment and Technology at Creativity Commons

  • Laptops with Design Software
  • Sewing & Embroidery Machines
  • Silhouette Cameo desktop cutter
  • 3D Printers & 3D Scanner
  • Glowforge Pro Laser Cutter & Engraver
  • Sawgrass SG1000 Sublimation Printer & Heat Press
  • Roland TrueVis VG2-540 Large Format Printer/Cutter
  • Soldering Irons
  • Paints, Markers, Pens, Pencils, Crayons
  • Miscellaneous Hand & Power Tools

Maker Classes

A variety of classes are available for all ages. Some examples of classes offered are listed below:

  • Intro to Blender for 3D Printing
  • Customized Tote Bags
  • Personalized 3D Printed Bottle Opener
  • EVA Foam for Cosplay
  • Design Your Own Laser Cut Earrings
  • Needle Felting
  • Quilted Placemats

Creativity Commons is Free

Except for consumable materials, the use of equipment at the Creativity Commons is free. You can bring your own materials or purchase materials at the library at very reasonable prices. A list of consumables is on the website.

Requirement to Use Machines at Creativity Commons

  • Must have a Library Card
  • Appointments can be made a month in advance
  • Most appointments are 2 hours
  • There is a 15-minute grace period before appointments are released
  • Walk-in appointments possible, but not guaranteed

Thank You

Thank you, Bill Menker, for educating us about the Makerspace at Creativity Commons Powered by Washington-Centerville Public Library.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
David CordonnierJoan Cordonnier2nd Reading
Jon WesneyJesse Lightle3rd Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Bill MenkerSpeaker
Doug FarrisTom Novak
Vickie FarrisTom Novak

Happy Bucks

Myron RheaumeMyron made a joke about Sergeant Aiken’s appearance while she was reporting about the Haunted Trail. He is essentially asking to be fined next week.
Debe Dockins$2, Registration is now open for the Ghost Walk on Main – there are already several registrations.
Rene GlennHer contract has been renewed with her current employer.
Chris McAlpineAppreciates all the love and support from CNO for the passing of his mother Kathy McAlpine.
Patrick ArehartHas published 256 CNOtes articles. He really likes the number 256 since it is part of the core way computers store data and do math.
Wendy HattanSon is getting married.

Sergeants at Arms

Steve RauLate to meeting – he claimed to be just in time, but accepted the time ruling of Sergeant Gail Aiken.
Bob DuffyDidn’t wear his OSU shirt.
Tom NovakCriticized his guests credit card entry skills when introducing them.
Beth DuncanTook home the restaurant folder with her credit card after attending a CNO Committee Meeting.

Membership Anniversaries

Colleen AlbertsonSeptember 16, 20202
Katy BarkerSeptember 16, 20202
Melissa DeShurkoSeptember 14, 20166
Dean HeyneSeptember 14, 20166


Dawn ArrowoodSeptember 14
Laura ThimonsSeptember 16
Bill DeFriesSeptember 19
Terri LeputaSeptember 19
Harry BosseySeptember 22
Carol SmerzSeptember 22
Jon WertsSeptember 22

CNO Donations – 2013 through July 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see this Week’s Thank You Notes

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here