FilmDayton, Lisa Grigsby

Bob Burkman’s Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Author Leo Buscaglia once said, “The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. There will most likely be no ticker-tape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor. But that does not lessen our possible impact, for there are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give.”

As Optimists, we give our time and talents in order to enrich the lives of children.

Thank you for the opportunity our club gives us and thank you for fellow like-minded club members.



  • Nancy Lehren announced that the next Build-a-Bear event will be for children with Sickle Cell and it will be on 9/10/2022 from 2 PM to 4 PM. Sign-up online to help using the Member Calendar.
  • Debe Dockins announced that the annual CNO Officer Installation dinner will be at the Presidential on September 27, 2022. No lunch meeting will be held that Tuesday at Yankee Trace. The deadline for registration and payment is 9/16/2022. You can register online (credit cards) or in person (credit cards, checks or cash) after a lunch meeting.

FilmDayton, Lisa Grigsby

Diane Arehart introduced Lisa Grigsby, the Executive Director of FilmDayton, whose mission is to advance the art, craft and business of film in the Dayton region.

A native of Washington DC, and a graduate of the University of Oklahoma, Lisa Grigsby moved to Dayton 31 years ago for a 90-day consulting gig at a local comedy club and ended up buying Jokers Comedy Cafe. She served as the President of the Miami Valley Restaurant Association for several years, and her proudest accomplishment while serving was creating Dayton’s Restaurant Week. In 2007 the club was taken by eminent domain to widen the roads for the Super WalMart. After 25 years in the funny business, it was time for her to reinvent her career, so she went on to become the special events director for the AIDS Resource Center (now Equitas) and during her time there volunteered as a catalyst to work with sociologist Richard Florida’s Dayton Create. That project created the birth of FilmDayton and today she’s here to tell us more about her work there.

View Lisa Grigsby’s slide deck here.

About FilmDayton

(from their website)

FILMDAYTON is a non-profit 501(C)(3), volunteer-driven organization dedicated to building the Dayton region’s film community. We bring together local filmmakers, students and fans at monthly “Film Connections” meetings. We promote and support film events in the Miami Valley. We are building an infrastructure to encourage new filmmaking in the Dayton area. FilmDayton originated from the DaytonCREATE effort to foster the growth of the “creative class” and strengthen the local economy.

How it Happened

(from their website)

In January of 2007, the Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) assembled a Creative Class taskforce, consisting of many area organizations, to bring Dr. Richard Florida and the Creative Class Group’s “Creative Communities Leadership Project” to the Greater Dayton area. This regional community-empowerment project was a year-long effort by 32 “Catalysts” in five teams to revitalize the region’s economic competitiveness using Dr. Florida’s theories, existing strengths, and open-source planning with the community.


Lisa Grigsby last spoke to CNO in 2001.

She said that Dayton has more college students per capita, than most cities of its size, but a lot of them leave the region. There is a huge brain drain. Her group is working on the area film industry. There are over 200 creative people in this area that created a film collective.

Before 2009 tax incentives, there were a few movies made in the Dayton area, but since then, they have been able to convince many more productions to film in the Dayton area. In 2016 they were re-established as a film commission covering 9 counties centered around Montgomery County.

A few years ago, the Ohio Legislature government decided to stop the tax incentives. Grigsby lobbied representatives and enlisted the help of Tom Hanks, who wrote letters. To convince the Ohio Legislature of the benefits she dropped a book of 200 names on their desk saying these people employed by the film industry in Dayton will move immediately out of the area and probably to Georgia where they take obtaining film productions seriously. They finally convinced them to put the tax incentives back in the budget. Before they did so, however, Middletown, Ohio lost being able to film the majority of Hillbilly Elegy, which is based on a book written by J.D. Vance, a Middletown native. It was a Ron Howard film and with a budget over 45 million. The production company wanted to film in the area, but the costs were much higher in Ohio than Georgia without the tax incentives.

Reel Education for Real Jobs

Dayton students in the film industry can expect to find local jobs. FilmDayton has hosted Production Assistant & Pitch Workshops, Screen Writing Seminars, and Location Scouting Classes, all to make sure local talent is prepared for industry jobs. Most film jobs are union jobs with benefits. There are over 200 crew registered in their local database.

Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit

The Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit was created in 2009 to encourage and develop a strong film industry in Ohio. Currently, the Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit provides a refundable tax credit of 30% on production cast and crew wages plus other eligible in-state spending, with an annual $40 Million allocation.

What Does a Film Commission Do?

  • Market the region to productions
  • Identify suitable venue & locations
  • Assist finding crew, equipment, housing, props
  • Connect service providers with productions
  • Consult on permitting, permissions, road closures, police and fire safety needs
  • Really anything needed to get films made here!

Economic Impact

Screen Production is a type of specialized manufacturing and its impact moves rapidly and widely through an economy, especially in sectors heavily affected by COVID-19.

Since its inception in 2009 the Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit has had these economic impacts:

  • $1.1 billion in total gross economic output of projects using the tax credit
  • $573 million in total eligible production expenditures in Ohio by tax credit recipients
  • $3.09 return on investment per $1 of tax credit outlay
  • 6,192 total full-time equivalent jobs created including 2,806 direct full-time employees
  • $497 million Total Gross Value generated by the tax credit
  • 134 screen productions generated by using the tax credit

Examples of Items Found for Productions by FilmDayton

  • “Welcome to Dayton Signs”
  • Old cars
  • Homes
  • Dogs
  • Helipads for stars who don’t arrive by car
  • Closed bank that looked like it was built in the 1980’s since no bank would let you film in a working bank

Example TV Shows Filmed in Dayton

  • House Hunters
  • The Dead Files
  • Hoarders (Lisa said they really like Dayton for some reason!)
  • Ancient Aliens
  • The Profit
  • Catfish (the TV show)
  • Undercover Boss
  • Ghost Hunters
  • Long Lost Family (True Stories of Families Reunited)
  • The REAL

Example Movies Filmed in Dayton

Carol, staring Cate Blanchet and Rooney Mara

  • Filmed in 2014
  • 6 Oscar Nominations
  • $4,003,602 in Ohio Payroll (114 production crew, 751 extras, 33 talent)
  • $243,500 location fees
  • $2,700,628 wardrobe, catering, props, transportation
  • $482,662 lodging expense

Miles Ahead, staring Don Cheadle, Ewan McGreggor

  • Filed in 2015, Don Cheadle’s exploration of the life and music of Miles Davis
  • $2,218,649 in Ohio Payroll (140 production crew, 800 extras, 55 talent)
  • $235,000 location fees
  • $1,737,083 wardrobe, catering, props, transportation
  • $143,228 lodging expense

How to Help

  • FilmDayton does not receive any funds from the media productions they work to attract to Dayton – they rely solely on contributions to advance their mission
  • Become a FilmDayton Member
  • Register your property in the location database
  • Join a location scouting team
  • Become a Sponsor (in return for helping bring jobs and economic opportunity to the Miami Valley, you’ll receive exclusive opportunities for events like movie screenings, set visits and wrap parties)
  • Volunteer

Warehouse Space Needed

FilmDayton is currently looking for warehouse space for a prop warehouse. They want 5,000 to 10,000 square feet with a loading dock located south of Dayton to service Cincinnati and Dayton.

Thank You

Thank you, Lisa Grigsby, (film commissioner of DaytonWood), for educating us about FilmDayton and how it makes a positive economic impact and helps retain area college graduates in the Dayton area.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Jon WesneyJesse Lightle1st Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
David LeePatrick Arehart
Jen LeePatrick Arehart
Jerod LongMike Bevis
Lisa GrigsbySpeaker
Mark JungdahlPatrick Arehart

Happy Bucks

Vida McDowellHer 40 and over 4.5 tennis team won the Midwest title and will move on to the National USTA championship competition in Oklahoma City in mid-October.
Charlie Goodwin$3 for great trips celebrating his 80th birthday, to Alaska, Panama City, and next is Milwaukee where he has been asked to sing his signature song, “It’s a Wonderful World.”
Mike CreechIt is his wife’s birthday plus he paid another $1 because he was not fined for going the wrong way in the line for his lunch at the park last week.
Judy DeMarcoHighly recommends Alaska cruises to everyone.
Sue BrubakerGary DeMarco survived the Alaskan cruise with Judy DeMarco, Sue Brubaker and anotehr woman.
Bob Bargmeyer$10 Celebrating 53rd Wedding Anniversary with Anna.
John KalamanCelebrating 57th Wedding Anniversary with Paula,
Gary Smiga$1 went the wrong way in the line for his lunch at the park last week.
Gary SmigaHappy that Jon Wesney is joining the club joining a long line of excellent Centerville City Schools superintendents.

Sergeants at Arms

Patrick ArehartGot his guest’s home city wrong during his introduction.
Everyone who deserves a fineYou are fined unless you know for sure you have no cause for a fine. There were a LOT of fines.

Membership Anniversaries

Jeff BuschAugust 31, 200121
Ken PeacockAugust 31, 200121
Larry LyndeSeptember 1, 198834
Drew MckenzieSeptember 1, 198735
Jerry StahleySeptember 1, 198636
Gary AndersonSeptember 1, 197943
Frank DePalmaSeptember 1, 197943


Julie CochranAugust 31
Doug FlandersAugust 31
Jesse LightleAugust 31
Chris McAlpineAugust 31
Jim MoganAugust 31
CeAnn ChalkerSeptember 3
Bob CollinsSeptember 4

CNO Donations – 2013 through July 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see this Week’s Thank You Notes

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here