Food Allergies in Children, Dr. Terri Moncrief, MD, MS

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer


We look around and see a world in need of more kindness.  We get so wrapped up in our to-do lists and busyness that we forget what an impact we can have with a simple act of kindness shown to others: a phone call to check in on a friend or neighbor who lives alone; greeting your cashier or bagger by name; volunteering your time to help someone in need; paying for the person behind you in the drive-thru line; holding the door open for a stranger…the possibilities are endless.  Help us to take time to spread kindness one simple act at a time.


Volunteer Signups Available Online with the Virtual Clipboard

Did you know that you can now signup to volunteer or to participate in social events using a simple online registration form right from your phone or PC? The Member Calendar has a complete list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and social events.


  • Bill Stone reported about the Great Ohio District convention over the weekend. There were 21 out of 64 clubs represented. Out of the 50 people attending, 13 were CNO members. Bob McFadyn, the OI President Designate for 2022-2023, was in attendance. Governor Greg Griffin did a great job this last year and the convention he and his team put on was EXCELLENT! Bill Stone will be Governor of the Great Ohio District beginning 10/1/2022.
  • Tom Novak announced that the next flag deliveries will be on Wednesday, August 31 and the flags will be on display for seven days. There has been lots of growth this year and they need more volunteers to deliver and pick up flags. Please help if you can.
  • Greg Griffin announced that the Member Handbook is being updated. If you would like your entry updated for the next year, email Greg. If you do not have any changes, there is no need to email him.

Community Events

  • 9/30/2022, Tri-Star Soccer, time and place to be determined.
  • 10/11/2022 and 10/12/2022, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM, Haunted Trail

Food Allergies in Children, Dr. Terri Moncrief, MD, MS

Diane Arehart introduced Dr. Terri Moncrief, MD, MS, an allergist, and immunologist. She is a Native Daytonian. She attended Washington University, St. Louis and trained at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. She has children aged 13 and 16. One of them has the following food allergies: peanut, cashew, pistachios, peas.

Dr. Moncrief’s presentation was titled, “Food Allergy a Primer.” To get a lot of details not listed here, please view the PDF of her slides here.

Presentation Objectives

  • Discuss the epidemiology and natural history of food allergy
  • Review the appropriate reasons to seek food allergy testing


  • Food Allergy:  an adverse health effect arising from a specific immune response that occurs reproducibly on exposure to a given food
  • Food Allergens: proteins that are recognized by the immune system
  • Sensitization:  presence of positive allergy tests (blood or skin testing) without clinical symptoms upon exposure
  • Food Intolerance:  non-immunologic reaction to a given food

Top 6 Food Allergies

  • Milk
  • Egg
  • Soy
  • Wheat
  • Nuts (peanut/tree nut)
  • Seafood (fish/shellfish)


  • Delay introduction of solids to 6 months
  • Evidence does not support delayed introduction of allergenic foods
  • Insufficient evidence to routinely test prior to introduction of food, except with a sibling with a peanut allergy because it is a 7-fold increase in risk
  • There is insufficient evidence to restrict maternal diets during pregnancy or lactation

Who is at Risk of Developing a Food Allergy?

  • Child has a parent or sibling with allergies, asthma, eczema or food allergy
  • Child that has severe atopic dermatitis

About Food Allergies

Food allergies affects 3-5% of children and the number is increasing. A lot of allergies are outgrown. Rarely are allergies to peanuts outgrown. Of those with allergies more than 90% are only allergic to 1 or 2 foods.

Diagnosis of food allergy involves getting a history of the symptoms experienced when eating suspected foods. The gold standard for diagnosis is a food challenge in a doctor’s office. Other methods are skin and blood tests.

As the child grows periodic food challenges in a doctor’s office can be used to determine if they have outgrown the allergy.

Children likely to have an anaphylaxis reaction (which includes a good chance of swelling of the throat that can stop breathing) must always carry an automatic injection device to deliver Epinephrine.

The protein in a food is what causes an allergic reaction. Food that does not have protein rarely causes a reaction. Sugar, for example, does not cause allergic reactions.

Listen to kids who say that the feel weird when they have certain fruits and vegetables as they may not be faking it.

Additional Concerns for Kids with Food Allergies

Children and their parents have challenges that other families do not.

  • It can be difficult to send a child to pre-school when there is a parent there that insists on bringing in items with peanuts.
  • Teenagers must be warned before they start kissing another teenager. A way to get rid of the allergen a person has eaten is for that person to eat another food afterwards.

Thank You

Thank you, Dr. Terri Moncrief, for educating us about food allergies.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Todd MuckerheideMike BevisInduction
Deb GrahamMike BevisInduction
Erin LauritoDebe DockinsInduction
Steve MaysMike FanelliInduction

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Angelina JacksonBrandon Barrett
Bob HansemanMike Bevis
David CordonnierJoan Cordonnier
Dr. MoncriefSpeaker
Giovani TaylorRoberta Taylor
Jill GuibersonDon Kelley
Molly GuibersonDon Kelley

Happy Bucks

No time for Happy Bucks this week

Sergeants at Arms

Tom YoungLost his badge
Michigan FansFor being Michigan fans
Mike BevisDid not return his badge in a timely manner last week
Mike YoderInterupted a conversation

Membership Anniversaries

Mitch BodenmillerAugust 22, 20211
Jane HenryAugust 22, 20211
Sally MartinoAugust 22, 20211
Deanna NesbitAugust 22, 20211
Brian NicholasAugust 22, 20211
Jessica WagnerAugust 22, 20211
Kristin PassidomoAugust 16, 20175
Matt SomerlotAugust 21, 20139
Julie Walling NoethAugust 20, 200814
Don MassieAugust 20, 199131


Gail AikenAugust 17
Susan ThomsenAugust 20
Marilyn BechtAugust 21
Stephen WalkerAugust 21

CNO Donations – 2013 through July 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see this Week’s Thank You Notes

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here