John P. Kalaman Respect for Law Awards 2022

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Paul directs us to “put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground […] with all of this take up the shield of faith” (Ephesians 6:11-16).  Our sisters and brothers in blue take this directive to heart.  Each day, they put on their uniform, place their badge over their hearts, and do their best to “never betray (their) badge, (their) honor, (their) integrity, (their) character, or the public trust” and to “always have the courage to hold (themselves) and others accountable for (their) actions” as the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor states.  


Be an armor for our brothers and sisters in blue.  Shield them with your protection, enlighten them with your wisdom, provide them with composure in every situation they face, and surround them with your everlasting love.


Volunteer Signups Available Online with the Virtual Clipboard

Did you know that you can now signup to volunteer or to participate in social events using a simple online registration form right from your phone or PC? The Member Calendar has a complete list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and social events.

Dime-a-Day Contest Winners

Thank you to all who participated in the Dime-a-Day contest! In 2022, 28 CNO members contributed to the Dime-a-Day program for the Optimist International Fund.

The five Dime-a-Day contest winners each receiving a $10 Optigear gift card at Lizard Apparel are:

  • Don Kelley
  • Mike Bevis
  • Bob Burkman
  • David Ladd
  • Jeff Umbreit

Thank you, again, for supporting the Optimist International Fund!


  • Tom Novak announced that a total of 3503 have been delivered since Memorial Day. They come down on Wednesday July 6. The team is always looking for more volunteers to deliver and retrieve flags.
  • Gary Hansen announced that he is looking for chairs, committee members and volunteers for the following events:
    • Big 6 Gaming Table at Party in the Park (July 15); contact Mitch Bodenmiller or Debe Dockins if you are interested
    • CHS Handouts Booth at Party in the Park (July 15)
    • Americana Parade Float (July 4)
  • Nancy Lehren announced that an in person Build-a-Bear will be held at Children’s Hospital on July 9 in the morning for kids with cancer. To volunteer use the member calendar here.
  • Erin Dickerson announced on July 30 there is a volunteer opportunity at the Big Back Yard party. There are 2 shifts at 1.5 hours each. To volunteer use the member calendar here.
  • Chris McAlpine announced that he and Nancy Lehren are trying to raise money to build a well in Africa, working with CNO speaker Heather Cumming from a couple of weeks ago. This is not an Optimist project. Their goal is to raise $1000. Let them know if you would like to donate. No amount is too small or too large.

Community Events

  • 7/18/2022, All Day, the 30th year of the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic will be held on 7/18/2022.  To volunteer use the member calendar here.

Social Events

7/10/2022, 3 PM, Carillon Park guided private tour followed by dinner at the Carillon Brewing Company. Admission (including the tour) is $11 ($9 for those 60+, free if you are a member). Dinner and drinks are on your own. Payment is at the park. Everyone should arrive by 2:45pm for the tour. You can skip the tour or the dinner or do both. To attend use the member calendar here.

John P. Kalaman Respect for Law Awards 2022

The emcee for today’s awards was Gary Anderson. John and Paula Kalaman were present today for the awards. Paula spoke at the end of the ceremony and reminded us how wonderful she and John think CNO and the community is to them and the memory of their John. She said that the award winners today should be especially proud since they were chosen by their peers. She said that somehow their son John knew that he would lose his life in his job, but he joined the police force anyway.

Gary Anderson reminded us to realize howe privileged we are to live in a community that values the police and sheriff’s department along with our great schools.

This week 1500 Optimist Clubs will be presenting Respect for Law awards.

Each year one award is selected for the City of Centerville Police Department and one award is selected for the Washington Township Substation of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. Nominations are accepted from the peers of those eligible. All employees of the department are eligible, not just police officers.

Those nominated are typically employees who have exhibited excellence through special accomplishment or a daily commitment to the mission and values of the department. This commitment is typically exhibited through the employee’s outstanding work product, attention to detail, exemplary treatment of the public and cheerful and cooperative attitude with co-workers.

You can view the Tri-Fold Brochure for the 2022 John P. Kalaman Respect for Law Awards here.

Julie Gerspacher, City of Centerville Police Department

Centerville Police Department Chief Matt Brown introduced award recipient Julie Gerspacher, Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police.

Julie Gerspacher was hired on July 2, 2001, as secretary for the Centerville Police Department. On January 20, 2011, she became the administrative assistant to the chief of police. Julie is the get-it-done, behind-the-scenes person that does whatever is asked of her. She is always busy, has incredible motivation, and is known to drop whatever she is doing to help anyone with anything, and always with a smile! She has a gift of making everyone feel as though they are the most special person in the world. Julie’s work is the foundation for our department.

In addition to her normal duties, Julie has been a member of the Kalaman Golf Outing Committee for ten years and a volunteer at the tournament for twenty years. She is the leader of the CPD Christmas kindness program joining with St. Vincent De Paul helping to provide gifts to those in need. Julie is also a member of the department’s employee contribution fund committee, spending considerable time organizing gifts and making sure all are aware of special events concerning our CPD family.

The mission of the Centerville Police Department is to provide exceptional police service and it requires every member of the department to achieve our goals. Julie contributes to that mission every day and we are fortunate to have her on the Centerville team.

Some excerpts of the nominations received for Julie

Julie is known to drop whatever she is doing to help anyone with anything and always with a smile.  She is the glue and foundation that everything in our department builds from.

Julie is the person at our department that interacts so well with everyone here.  It was never more evident than when she returned from an illness and there was a line of people at her door waiting to greet and check on her.

Julie Gerspacher Spoke

I was just shocked as the chief when I found out about the award. I feel like I already received my reward July 2001 when I was hired by the department. Soon after I was hired the 9/11 tragedy happened and I was handing out gas masks to officers and I wondered what I gotten myself into. I have seen 21 years of unbelievable acts of bravery and courage. So much goes unnoticed with the officers. Not only do the officers have an amazing brotherhood they share it with me. I have held so many babies ad some of them have received scholarships from organizations like CNO. I feel truly blessed to work with the officers and my coworkers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Also, I have to say I just became a grandmother a week ago.

Scott Morgan Administrative Sergeant, Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office

Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office Captain Mike Brem introduced award recipient Sergeant Scott Morgan.

Administrative Sergeant Scott Morgan was nominated for the John P. Kalaman award by his fellow co-workers and me, based on his achievements, selfless dedication and enthusiasm to his profession.

Scott began his career with the Five River Metro Parks in 2000, then transferred to

Butler Township Police Department in 2003.  He then transferred to the Montgomery County Sheriff’s office in 2011, where he has worked in several facets to include road patrol, general crimes Detective, Inspectional Service Unit detective, Supervisor, Administrative Supervisor and a member of the Hostage Negotiations Team.

Scott was selected as the Administrative Sergeant for District-15 in June of 2021.  With Scott’s experience and work ethic, he has been able to implement and accomplish many tasks to help the district run as efficiently as possible. Some of the accomplishments include reorganizing detective case management and statistics, digitally organizing all the district’s inventory, coordinating new Crisis Interventions tools for sharing information within our agency and surrounding agencies and has volunteered to lead several other projects at the district and in the community.  Scott’s also very generous with his time in mentoring all the specialty units he oversees.

Scott is chasing excellence in all his work duties and continuously goes above and beyond to assist others in achieving their goals.  A big thank to Administrative Sergeant Scott Morgan for his outstanding achievements.

Scott Morgan Spoke

I am extremely honored to be receiving the 2022 John P. Kalaman Respect for Law award, and grateful for the recognition.  I am earnestly grateful and deeply humbled to be in the company of the men and women who have preceded me in winning this award.

I would like to take a second to thank the Kalaman’s, John and Paula.  I’ve had the privilege of attending several events over the years hosted by your family to honor your son, and they have absolutely been first class, thank you.  I would like to thank the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and our outstanding command staff, including (acknowledge those present) and Captain Mike Brem, whom I’ve been fortunate enough to have worked for over the years.  You all have provided me with numerous opportunities to grow and succeed within our organization and I’m truly grateful. Thank you to Washington Township for providing me with an amazing community to serve, and to the Centerville Noon Optimist for hosting this ceremony.

And most importantly, my wonderful support system, my family; thank you to my fiancé Elizabeth and our three children Dane, Dash, and Ellie, and my mother, Denise, all of whom I love so very much and appreciate their patience and understanding on those long days, strange hours, and nights where I’m called away at 2 a.m.

Thank you!

About the CNO Awards from Bob Burkman

In July 1965, a discussion between Past Optimist International President Carl Bowen and former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover resulted in the birth of the Respect for Law program. This is the fourth most popular international program with more than 1,500 Clubs participating last year.

After the tragic events of January 12, 1998, Centerville Noon Optimist member and then township trustee, the late Terry Blair became the driving force to name our club’s Respect for Law Award in honor of John Kalaman. 

The John P. Kalaman Respect for Law Award and the Robert J. O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award, given in October, are the results of Terry Blair’s efforts.

The Kalaman family pushed for the passage of Ohio’s Move Over/ Slow Down Law, adopted in 1999, requiring motorists to change lanes or slow when approaching stopped emergency vehicles.  There are many reminders of John Kalaman within our community.  There is a John P Kalaman Memorial Golf Tournament held here at Yankee Trace Golf Course, which funds a scholarship in John’s name, and a yearly blood drive is held in his name.  The City of Centerville named a street for him.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
David GainesMike Bevis2nd Reading
Cameron LangerScott Langer2nd Reading

Welcome Guests!

Guest Guest Of
Andy GerspacherProgram
Calle BurnettJonathan Werts
Dane KoelkerRespect for Law
Dash KoelkerRespect for Law
Deb GrahamMike Bevis
Denise MorganProgram
Gwen DickersonErin Dickerson
Jacob DiceGail Aiken
Jennifer McCormickProgram
Julie GerspacherProgram
Kim MelnickMike Bevis
Lucas DiceGail Aiken
Luke NeffJesse Gaither
Mark GerspacherProgram
Scott BrownProgram
Matt BrownProgram
Rob StreckProgram
Daryl WilsonProgram
Ruth O’TooleRespect for Law
Stephanie LlacunaJesse Gaither
Terry LewisBob Collins
Scott MorganProgram

Happy Bucks

Art HungCelebrating 24th anniversary with Heather.
Debe DockinsPaul Stull has just retired after 56 years from being a veterinarian.
Dick StevensCelebrating 51st anniversary with Sandy.
Gail AikenGrandson gets his wrist cast removed this week.
Tom NovakCelebrating 53rd anniversary with Paulette.

Sergeants at Arms

Everyone who has not volunteered for an event related to Independence DayNot volunteering for an event related to Independence Day.
Scott LangerSaid he has known his son all of his life when it has only been since his son was born.
Gail AikenBringing her grandson as guest when he has an injured wrist.

Membership Anniversaries

Gary HansenJune 30, 199923
Roy BarclayJuly 1, 198636
Sara HemmeterJuly 1, 20148
Greg CrabtreeJuly 2, 200814
David DuncombeJuly 2, 20184
Andy HarmonJuly 2, 20184
Mark ScarpinoJuly 2, 20184
Jeff UmbreitJuly 2, 20184
Robin GoldenJuly 4, 201210
Diane ArehartJuly 5, 20166
CeAnn ChalkerJuly 10, 200022


Valorie HuffJune 28
Frank DePalmaJune 29
John SpeersJuly 4
John CarrollJuly 5
Bob LawsonJuly 6
Mark ScarpinoJuly 6
Bob GlavinJuly 9
Mark PolingJuly 10

CNO Donations – 2013 through June 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes received this week

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here