Meet Club Directors and Officers and Learn President Paul Boeckman’s Goals

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Michell C. Clark wrote, “Negativity is contagious. Unhappiness is contagious. Fear is contagious. But so is happiness. So is optimism. So is love. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you. And strive to be a reflection of what you want to receive.”


We give thanks to you for the people in this room who help to bring out the best not only in one another, but also in those whom we work to serve and support. Help us to never underestimate the impact we can have on others, to strive for those impacts to be positive, and to forgive ourselves for the times we fail to be a reflection of what we wish to receive.


Welcome President Paul Boeckman

Today was the first meeting of the Optimist Year. President Paul Boeckman did an excellent job today. He is a funny man. We all can look forward to a fantastic Optimist year.


Buil-a-Bear – Childhood Health and Wellness

Nancy Lehren announced that she is stepping down as the chair of Childhood Health and Wellness committee. Debby Moore and Carol Smerz are the new co-chairs.

Nancy Lehren announced that the Build-a-Bear at the Kroc Center for children with Sickle Cell was a great success last Saturday.

Haunted Trail Volunteers Needed

Gail Aiken announced that the Haunted Trail will be held on October 15th and 16th. They need lots of volunteers. They are in need of several more trail guides and for people to help setup and tear down. Sign up online using the Member Calendar.

Christmas Tree Lot Delivery Day is November 23, 2024, and It Opens for Sales on November 29.

Karl Frydryk, on behalf of Greg Griffin, announced that Christmas Trees sales start in just 59 days.

Tri-Star Soccer 2024 Was Cancelled

Chris McAlpine announced that Tri-Star Soccer was cancelled because of the hurricane last Friday. There were 45 kids signed up online and many more would have come. The high school soccer players schedule and the soccer field schedule will not allow it to be rescheduled this year. Chris said thank you to everyone that offered to help or planned to show up and help.

Installation of Bob Myers to the Board of Directors

Bob Myers was installed to the CNO Board of Directors by President Paul Boeckman today. Unfortunately, I did not capture word for word what Paul said. It was hilarious though. He started off saying that one of Bob’s duties as a director would be to mow Paul’s yard.

Installation Dinner Recap

Paul Boeckman and Joan Cordonnier did a recap of the CNO Officer Installation Banquet last week.

Hosted by Gary Anderson, the event began with a humorous nod to Mark Twain and celebrated the accomplishments of outgoing President Joan Cordonnier. New officers for the 2024-2025 year were installed, with Paul Boeckman stepping in as President. Don Stafford was named Rookie of the Year and Mike Cordonnier was honored as Optimist of the Year. The evening’s entertainment was provided by Moses Mabarack, who is one of Paul Boeckman’s tennis players from Alter High School.

Joan Cordonnier also presented Spark Awards to Dave Kay, Stan Fronzaglia, Phil Speelman, Debby Moore, Fran Sheehan, and Karen Charnesky for their exceptional contributions. She gave a special “Human Sunshine” Award to Carol Smerz and recognized Mike Bevis as a “Difference Maker” for his behind-the-scenes efforts. Joan also extended thank-yous to Debe Dockins, Erin Dickerson, Jean Pummill, Roland Rapp, Greg and Evelyn Griffin, and Diane and Patrick Arehart for their support throughout her presidency. Special thanks go to the Social Committee for organizing such a wonderful event.

We remembered members we’ve lost. It was a memorable night of gratitude, tradition, and optimism for the year ahead.

For full details, please refer to the full article linked here.

New CNO Handbook Available

The new handbook is here! You can pick one up at a lunch meeting or at an Optimist 2.0 meeting. The handbook is also available to download from the website. The handbook has been significantly revised from last year. Thanks to everyone involved especially Diane Arehart, Evelyn Griffin, Greg Griffin and Joan Cordonnier.

President Paul Boeckman’s Goals for the Year

Paul made us laugh when he said, “I have just a couple things that I wanted to mention from a goal perspective like every president that comes into their administration. First, I’m going to make sure I lower your taxes.”

Paul continued, “Seriously though I want to focus on the Childhood Mental Health Initiative Committee this year.”

Paul said he wants to reward youth volunteers, “Charlie Tapp had an idea we are working on to come up with a way to show appreciation to the youth that volunteer and help us help the community. We have a lot of young volunteers that help with unloading the Christmas trees and delivering flags. Plus, dozens of kids at the fright stations of the Haunted Trail.”

Paul explained, “The idea is this appreciation may plant a seed and a few years down the road they might be sitting in chair at a meeting like this as a member of our club.”

Board of Directors and Officers Tell Us a Little About Themselves

Paul Boeckman has asked his board of directors and officers to each take a few minutes to tell us a little about their personal lives. Today we heard from Paul Boeckman, Mike Creech, Denise O’Neil, Greg Haufbauer, and Karl Frydryk.

Paul Boeckman, President

From Paul Boeckman:

I was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. My early years were spent at Corpus Christi School, and from there, I went on to Chaminade Julienne, which had just merged at the time. Sports were a big part of my school days—I played baseball, mostly at first base since I was never much of a runner, and I was on the basketball team, although I didn’t see much time on the court. Still, those experiences taught me a lot and built a foundation for teamwork and perseverance.

I was an Accounting major but soon realized Banking was a better fit. That decision set the course for my career, which took off when I joined Winter’s Bank. Eventually, I found myself working in Chicago for Discover. Now, let me tell you, Chicago has only two seasons: winter and construction! After a few years there, I took the opportunity to return to my Dayton banking roots at GE Capital.

I retired in 2021 after a fulfilling career, but retirement didn’t last long. After about a year, I got restless and took on a consulting job, which kept me busy for another year and a half. But when our grandson was born, I knew it was time to step away. Grandkids are the best!

Nowadays, Ginny and I love to travel. We’ve had the chance to visit some great places and create lasting memories together. One of the other things I’ve found really rewarding is coaching tennis at Altar High School. It’s been a lot of fun, and working with the students keeps me engaged and energized. Watching them grow and improve over time has been a real highlight for me.

Mike Creech, Vice-President

From Mike Creech:

Thank you all for having the confidence to elect me as Vice President of the largest and best Optimist Club in the world. I am honored and humbled to serve in this position.

I was born in Evansville, Indiana, the fourth of eleven children. Growing up in such a large family, we participated in a lot of sports and activities to get out of the house—and to give our parents a bit of a break! Swimming became a family tradition, and to this day, about half of my siblings, ranging in age from 54 to 74, are still swimming competitively.

I attended the Murray State University and Indiana State University of Evansville, but I’ll admit I wasn’t the most conscientious student. While in school, I worked part-time for a company called N.O. Nelson Company, which later evolved into WinSupply. They convinced me that college might not be my path, so I dove into selling plumbing supplies and equipment.

By the time I was 23, I had the opportunity to start my own company in Alton, Illinois, called Winsco P&H, the first one in the WinSupply Organization with “Win” in its name. I took a brief detour to work in uranium mining in Jeffrey City, Wyoming—an experience I wouldn’t necessarily recommend. In 1981, I returned to Evansville to rejoin the company as president.

In 1992, I became part of the management team at WinSupply in Dayton and remained there until I retired in 2021. Throughout my career, my mantra was to help as many people as possible succeed in their own businesses. Now, in retirement, it’s rewarding to be involved with several nonprofits where my goal is to help as many kids as possible gain the tools for success in their lives.

While at WinSupply, I served on over 100 boards, which has given me extensive experience in governance and leadership. In my spare time, I enjoy cycling. I was involved with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s Ride to Cure Diabetes, served on the JDRF board, and became a certified USA Cycling coach. I coached teams for several years and participated in multiple century rides, including three memorable ones in Death Valley alongside Dr. Myers.

I’m married to my wonderful wife Sue, and we have three children and five grandchildren who bring immense joy to our lives. I serve on the Skilled Trade Scholarship Committee and the Safetyville Square Committee. I also run two flag routes and have been involved with events like the Americana 5K Race as the Race Rabbit and Tri-Star Basketball.

For those of you who aren’t deeply involved yet, I remember when I rejoined the club three years ago—I had many questions and didn’t fully understand how everything worked, even though I had been a member back in 2007 for a year. So, if you’re in a similar position, don’t be afraid to ask questions. You can’t learn by keeping your mouth shut. Get out there and get involved. There are many members here who know a lot and are willing to help. Let’s work together to make a positive impact.

Denise O’Neil

From Denise O’Neil:

Hello everyone! I’m thrilled to serve as your new Vice President and wanted to share a bit about myself.

I attended Catholic schools all my life, starting from grade school at St. Helens and attended Carroll High School where I was on the tennis and drill teams. I earned a BS in Marketing from Miami University and an MBA from University of Dayton.

After college, I embarked on a 33-year career in banking. I worked at Winters National Bank, where I met Paul Boeckman. Following a merger and some family considerations, I decided it was time for a change. I’m now happily working at Buckeye Home Healthcare—a great organization and a wonderful place to be.

My pride and joy are my two daughters and my grandchildren. My eldest daughter is an engineer at Northrop Grumman and has twins who keep us all busy. My youngest daughter is an U.S. Air Force flight doctor, and interestingly, our daughters are good friends with Mike’s daughter—it’s such a small world! Although I’ve never been in the military, I became involved with the USO when my daughter joined the Air Force. I love volunteering there, especially doing face painting; it’s a fun and creative way to support our service members.

I’ve been a member of this club for 30 years and have been involved in various committees and activities. My husband and I love to dance—you’ll often find us on the dance floor at social events! We also enjoy kayaking, hiking, biking and travel.

Currently, I’m part of the Haunted Trail and Golf Committee. Joining a committee like the golf committee is a fantastic way to meet people and get more involved. We always need volunteers, whether it’s for guiding at events or helping with planning.

In fact, we’re still in need of volunteers for the Haunted Trail event coming up in two weeks. If you’re not inclined to walk around the trail, we always have other areas where you can help. Your participation would be greatly appreciated!

Besides the Haunted Trail and Golf committees, I’m a member of the Childhood Health and Wellness committee and enjoy catching up with club members while working at the Tree Lot.

If you’re new to the club or have some time to spare, I highly encourage you to join a committee—it’s the best way to contribute to our future and connect with fellow members.

Thank you all, and I look forward to working together to make our club even better!

Greg Haufbauer

From Greg Hoffbauer:

I am honored to have been elected to the Board of Directors. I grew up in Tiffin, Ohio, and attended the University of Dayton, where I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting. Later, I earned an MBA from Notre Dame.

I spent several years in public accounting and then worked in various businesses as an accounting leader, including in the printing supplies and paper industries. For the last nine years before retiring, I served as Chief Accounting Officer at AK Steel. After a year of retirement, I helped open a coffee shop called ContempoRoast with my wife and son, who is very passionate about coffee. Interestingly enough, I didn’t start drinking coffee until about a year and a half ago! At the shop, I handle payroll, insurance, taxes and even roast some coffee beans.

In my free time, I enjoy reading and tackling puzzles—I once completed a 60,000-piece puzzle. I also love playing board games. My wife Mindy and I have been married for 33 years and we have two children, Andy and Emma.

I joined the Optimist Club to give back to the community and have been involved in events like the AOF, the Christmas Tree Lot, Golf Outing, and various social events. I’m also a volunteer on the Boonshoft Museum board and serve on boards for charter schools. Since I didn’t have much experience with Centerville when we opened the coffee shop, getting involved with the community has been important to me. I’m really enjoying being part of CNO, and serving on the board will be a great way to learn more about the organization and contribute further.

Karl Frydryk

From Karl Frydryk:

Hello everyone, I’m honored to serve as your Past President’s Representative this year, and I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself.

I grew up in Hillsboro, Ohio, and attended Miami University, where I developed a passion for sports and golf. During college I switched from Banking to Accounting. After college, I became a CPA and have served as CFO for several companies.

Despite my Ohio roots, I’m a big Red Sox fan—a love I picked up during my time in Central Massachusetts. Outside of work, I’m actively involved with the Dayton Foundation and enjoy giving back to the community.

I have a wonderful wife, three super children and four grandchildren who keep me on my toes.

As your Past President’s Representative, I’m here to ensure your voices are heard. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns you’d like me to bring to the board.

I look forward to working with all of you in the coming year. Thank you.

Quote of the Week

“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.” –Mark Twain

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Arline DanialBob Glavin
David WiedmeyerMike Creech
Kevin LawlerJesse Gaither
Susan VassJulie Walling Noeth
Tom ConroyMike Bevis
Tony DanialBob Glavin

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Arline DanialBob GlavinInduction
Tony DanialBob GlavinInduction

Happy Bucks

Jesse GaitherCNO members Brent and Chastity Richburg were married on Saturday.
Joan CordonnierHappy to no longer be president and just sit at lunch.
Vida McDowellHer second grandchild has arrived.
Bob LawsonGrandson is now an RN and working at Ohio State Hospital.
Karl FrydrykHis fourth grandchild has arrived.
Bob MyersOnly Optimist that has Karl Frydryk watching him on the board.
Jane FiehrerGlad she went for a marketing degree after hearing how many board members switched away from accounting.

Sergeants at Arms

Jesse GaitherHe has not been to a meeting for a while.
Tony and Arline DanialThey are new member and now they have their first fine.
Most of the newly installed directorsThey were not wearing their Optimist Pin at today’s meeting.
Denise O’NeilShameless self-promotion for mentioning her employer’s name during her speech. Sergeant Art Hung is strict!

Club Membership Anniversaries

Karl FrydrykOctober 1, 198836
Ken IrwinOctober 2, 201212
Rick KempferOctober 2, 201212
Larry LarrimerOctober 2, 201212
Christy GarietyOctober 3, 201113
Valorie HuffOctober 7, 200420


Roy BarclayOctober 1
Mike FanelliOctober 1
Anne KohlsOctober 4
Rachel SelbyOctober 7

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to See the Thank You Notes We Received This Week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

CLICK HERE to see the PowerPoint Slides from this week’s meeting

CLICK HERE to see the photos taken at the meeting

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