Montgomery County Auditor, Karl Keith

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer


Life can get messy and hard. We struggle. We slip. We fall. We fight to get back up again. But there is beauty in the struggle. Sometimes that beauty comes in the strength we find to overcome our struggles and fight our battles. Sometimes it comes in the help we receive to rise again. 

We give you thanks Lord for being beside us in the struggles and battles and for those who bless us with helping hands when we need it. Help open our eyes and our hearts to recognize when our neighbors are struggling, to see the beauty in our own struggles, and to provide help to others when they need it most.



  • Joan Cordonnier announced that an archive committee is forming. Let her know if you want to help with organizing CNO artifacts. Let Joan know if you have any old photos or artifacts for the new committee to use.
  • Greg Griffin announced that the tree lot opens on 11/24/2023. You will be notified soon by your team captains when your team is scheduled to work. The tree lot should be sold out by around 12/7/2023. If you would like to help setup the tree lot that date is 11/11/2023 from 8 AM to 11 AM. Signup online to help using the Member Calendar.
  • Nancy Lehren, chair of Childhood Health and Wellness, announced there will be a Build-a-Bear for Oncology patients on November 8, 2023, and for Sickle Cell patients on November 14, 2023, both at Dayton Children’s Hospital. Signup online to help using the Member Calendar.
  • Sue Jessee announced that for Adopt-a-Family this year there will be 50 kids instead of 25 kids. The budget per kid is $75 and you can buy gifts or give money. Gifts need to be dropped off by November 30, 2023, at Cline Elementary. Register to participate using the Member Calendar.

Centerville City Schools November 2023 Levy

Centerville City Schools Superintendent Jon Wesney introduced Laura Sauber, the Treasurer,  which is the chief fiscal officer of the district and reports directly to the Centerville Board of Education.

Their presentation was titled, “It’s a Fact, Centerville City Schools November 2023 Levy Information.”

Centerville City Schools’ levy, Issue 13 on the November 2023 ballot, is a combined 5.4-mill operating and 0.5-mill permanent improvement levy.

They presented a slide deck that you can view here. It had a lot of facts about the 2023 levy.

There is also a lot of information on the district website at

Montgomery County Auditor, Karl Keith

Debe Dockins introduced Karl Keith, who has served as Montgomery County Auditor since 2000 and was recently re-elected to serve a 7th term.

Mr. Keith has more than 40 years of experience in government finance and public administration. He began his career as a state examiner for the Ohio Auditor of State.  He subsequently served eight years in the Montgomery County Treasurer’s Office. He was appointed chief deputy auditor in 1991, a position he held for over nine years prior to his appointment as auditor. 

He was named Ohio’s Outstanding County Auditor in 2012. He also received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Ohio Government Finance Officers Association in 2016. Karl is a lifetime member of the NAACP and was awarded the Dayton Realtors’ 2020 Fair Housing Award.

A Certified Cash Manager, Auditor Keith earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Ashland College and a master’s degree in political science from Miami University.  He and his wife, Doris, reside in the City of Dayton.

​Karl Keith and the Optimist International Oratorical Contest

Karl said that he competed in the Oratorical Contest each year at ages 13, 14, and 15. He was in Butler County at the time. When he was 15, he was the runner-up for all of Ohio. He said it helped him and helps so many other young people prepare for their future.

Montgomery County Three Year Property Value Update

Karl’s presentation was titled “Off the Charts – 2023 Triennial Property Value Update.” He is doing about 80 presentations about the values update and how property taxes work.

Property in Ohio is required to be reassessed for taxing purposes every six years. A market update is performed midway through this cycle. The County Auditor serves as the chief assessor to perform these reassessments. Note that not every county is on the same schedule.

He knows that many citizens are concerned about their property tax values. The housing market has been very hot since 2014. The most sales occurred in 2021 with 12,762 valid sales.

They only consider valid sales in determining the value of a property. Valid sales are willing sales of seller and buyer. Foreclosures and sales between family members are not considered. The value of a property is based on valid sales in the same neighborhood.

See the slide deck for all of the details which includes many informative charts and graphs.

Thank You

Thank you, Karl Keith, for explaining how property values are determined and how the taxes on our properties work.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Beth HallDiane Arehart
Christine DimisaRachel Goetz
Jacque DunneJulie Walling Noeth
Jeff KlankMike Bevis
Karl KeithSpeaker
Krista HorsmonStan Fronzaglia
Laura SauberJon Wesney

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Ginger RossStan FronzagliaInduction

Happy Bucks

No time for Happy Bucks this week.

Sergeants at Arms

No time for Sergeants this week.

Membership Anniversaries

Dan ThalheimerOctober 25, 20203
Bernita DaleyOctober 26, 20221
Eric ParsleyOctober 26, 20221
Judy TellisOctober 26, 20221
Troy YoungOctober 26, 20221
Mike BrubakerOctober 28, 200815
Charlie GoodwinOctober 28, 200815
Jessica KingOctober 28, 200815
Karen SirmansOctober 28, 200815


Karen CollinsOctober 26
Ray DaleyOctober 27
Brent RichburgOctober 28
Bob BargmeyerOctober 29
Suzanne WertsOctober 30

CNO Donations – 2013 through August 2023

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes received this week.

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here