Essay Contest

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father we are over joyed to welcome You in our midst.  You are our spiritual leader, our teacher and our motivator.  We pray that we are the extension of Your love here on earth by being Optimist and caring for You kids.  Be with us in our journey to bring out the best in kids and make this a better world  than when we entered it. Make us proud for using our talents for the betterment of others.  We’re drinking from our saucer cause our cup has overflowed.  Amen!
All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Today’s Speakers

Kelly George, head of the essay contest for the CNO, introduced the top three students for this year’s essay contest with CNO. This year’s topic is “Can Society Function Without Respect”. Seventy clubs participate in this in Ohio. One winner from each club will compete at the state level and receive a $2500 scholarship. If the winner is from our club, we add an additional $1000.

All three students presenting are seniors at CHS. Along with medals we gave them each a portable USB battery charger.

Winning a bronze medal for third place was Grace Hemmeter. She will attend Miami University this fall and is a business major. She was inspired to participate because she liked the question and really wanted to do her best to answer it. The fact that there was a possible scholarship also helped. Her take was societies are groups of people and documents like the US Constitution inherently are based on respect. If you don’t like someone else’s view you can and should still respect them or society cannot exist.

Winning a silver medal for second place was Luke Suazo. He will attend Harvard this fall and is an engineering major. From concepts he learned in his CHS philosophy class he was inspired to answer the prompt for this essay. His essay, said it is natural for respect to exist and is seen in apes and monkeys as well as in their evolution into man that the activities such as play and grooming could not happen without respect. Every major religion in the world has many references to respect and are all variations to what we know as the “Golden Rule”.

Winning a gold medal for first place and representing CNO for the state level was Melissa Elias. She will attend Miami University this fall.  She was inspired to write her essay because of how important respect is in all relationships. Respect has helped us overcome racial inequality. Her essay said that because of the works of Martin Luther King in helping reduce racism, respect has taken a bigger hold on society. She believes that entrepreneurs and doctors are learning to respect their customers more now since society is better for it.

Thank you to our three contestants and their families for sharing their essays with our club.

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Carlos Elias Speaker’s Family
Melissa Elias Speaker
Grace Hemmeter Speaker
Krista Suazo Speaker’s Family
Luke Suazo Speaker


Member Birthday
Denise O’Neil April 18
Michael Mershad April 21
E David Klein April 22
Keith Meyer April 23

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Stanley Fronzaglia April 19 04/19/1999 19
Vida McDowell April 19 04/19/1999 19
Mark Petre April 22 04/22/1996 22

New Member Readings and Inductions

No readings or inductions – plan to induct two more members at Optimist 2.0 Thursday April 19th.

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Anyone wearing short sleeve  shirts. Should have realized it was still cold outside and worn long sleeves.
Underdressed CNO Past Presidents Showing up at a CNO lunch and not wearing your pin.

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Sue Brubaker Monte Carlo night went so well, thank you to Beth Duncan and her team.
Myron Rheaume Hearing today’s essays and that the winner of the next level in the speech contest came from Zone 14 which is our zone.
Tom Novak Monte Carlo night went well, thank you to Beth Duncan and her team. Police officer daughter at Sinclair donated 5 tickets she received to anyone who wants it for 4/17/2018 Dayton Dragons game.
Jay McAlpine Niece Alexandra completed Boston Marathon in 3.25 hours.
Rachel Goetz Daughter is in the CHS production of Legally Blonde this weekend. All are welcome to go see it.
Vida McDowell First place overall at the Monte Carlo night and had a lot of fun.
Bob Duffy For April birthdays not sitting at the birthday table – he is eating their dessert.
Stan Franzaglia Found out from second opinion that he does not have a hernia.
Paul Stull $5 worth of happy bucks for Charles Goodwin being inducted into the Explorers Club in New York City.
Joe Madden That his table of all men can barely function with the total absence of respect.