Dan Patterson – Lafayette Escadrille Film Project

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father we can all profit from how other people look at life. A story tells of a father talking to his son saying,” we all have two wolves residing within us.” One is evil, it is anger, resentment, lies, self pity, greed and no
respect for others. The other is a good wolf full of love, joy, peace, kindness, empathy, compassion, faith and Optimism. The son questioned, “which one wins?” The father replied “the one we feed.” Help us Lord to have the feelings of the good wolf to exhibit our lives. Making it a reflection of Your love for us and the children which we both love. Amen.

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

CNO Election Season Begins

Jean Pummill spoke to us about how the process works. It is today and the next two Tuesdays. Three of the nominees got up and spoke for a short time. Summaries follow:

  •  Greg Griffin, nominated for president elect, was humbled to be chosen and thanks the previous presidents and club members.
  • Debe Dockins, nominated for vice-president, thank you for being such a great club and family.
  •  Diane Arehart, nominated for a 2-year term for the board, is proud to be a part of CNO and enjoys participating in all kinds of activities and wants to help the board in any way she can.

Election Process Speech Notes from Jean Pummill

Last Week for 2018 Quarter One Sergeants

President Chris McAlpine, knowing we were short on time, told our current favorite sergeants Diane Arehart and Larry Lynde to come up quickly to award today’s fines. They both sprinted up to the podium. Then Chris announced, “Sorry we are out of time for fines.” Diane and Larry dug deep into their optimism bucket to keep their heads held high as they walked back to their seats without assessing any fines.

Happy birthday

Bob Duffy was handed the music director’s wand to lead us in a beautifully awful rendition of happy birthday for Jane Fiehrer who was brave enough to show up to a meeting on her actual birthday. It is so fun when we do this!

Today’s Speaker

Julie Walling Noeth introduced today’s speaker, Dan Patterson, one of the foremost experts on aviation history in the world, having published nearly 40 books. Julie has known Dan Patterson since 1980 when she worked for him at his photography studio. Dan is also a photographer and graphic designer in the Dayton area.

The subject today was the Lafayette Escadrille squadron from World War I. The squadron was comprised of 38 American pilots who felt strongly that they wanted to help the French fight the Germans years before the USA joined the war. America has forgotten this story but the French have not. More than 250 American pilots fought with the French Air Service before the USA joined the war.

The story takes place over a century ago from 1914 until 1918. The French are extremely proud of these American pilots who risked their lives to protect France. They built a beautiful and thoughtful memorial monument just outside of Paris. Dan hopes all of us will visit the memorial. The pictures were indeed beautiful.


These brave pilots flew the Nieuport 11 aircraft. The Nieuport 11, nicknamed the Bébé, was a French World War I single seat sesquiplane fighter aircraft. These were the most advanced war fighter planes ever built at that time.


They wore a French uniform and their squadron badge was an American Indian chief in full headdress. We were shown a picture of the rededication ceremony for the 100-year celebration of the event from 2016 in France of John Yellowbird Steele of the Oglala Sioux tribe and he was wearing a full Indian headless. Forty men from the squadron are buried under the memorial.

Some of the pilots learned how to fly at Huffman Prairie in Dayton near WPAFB by flying Wright Flyers.


One of the men who died was buried in the Washington National Cathedral in Washington DC. His father wanted this badly enough that he paid for a chapel in the cathedral to be built to include his son’s tomb.

Dan described WWI as an “industrial” war. In one two-month period over 50,000 American soldiers were killed. That is more than was lost by America in 18 years of the Vietnam war. In one year of WWI as many as 50 million rounds of ammunition was consumed. During this exchange of fire, the battle line would only move a couple of kilometers in either direction.

Dan is working on a movie about the Lafayette Escadrille squadron. He showed us his latest trailer of the movie. The movie is a series of interviews to help answer the question of what compelled these men to come to Europe and risk their lives when at the time they clearly didn’t have to.

His final thought was these brave men made America great over 100 years ago.


Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Andrew Cain Stan Franzaglia
Gayle Irwin Ken Irwin
Dan Patterson Speaker
Michelle Tagliamonte Ken Irwin


Member Birthday
Jane Fiehrer March 27
Anna Sexton March 31
Maha Kashani March 31

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Dav Bremer March 31 03/31/2001 17
Robert Jones March 31 03/31/2001 17
Donald Kelley April 1 04/01/1983 35
Edward Case April 1 04/01/2009 9
Philip Robinson April 1 04/01/1982 36
William Stone April 1 04/01/2013 5

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Amy Wang Patrick Arehart Induction
Cindy Harris Ron Tinnerman 2nd Reading
Nick Tarkany Chris McAlpine 2nd Reading
Jeff Zaret Amy Barker 2nd Reading
Cheryl Probst Christine Balsan 1st Reading
Andrew Cain Stan Fronzaglia 1st Reading

Sergeants at Arms

No time for Sergeants this week.

Happy Bucks!

No time for Happy Bucks this week.