Noon Meeting News – May 23, 2017 – Bryn Mooth – Food and Wellness

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, to be a good driver we must watch our speed and keep an assured clear distance. The same applies to our speed thru life. We are all going somewhere, slow down and enjoy the view and it will also provide you with the assured clear distance to make the right decisions. Your good book provides us with all the rules for a happy life. Help us
focus on them in our travel thru life. The decisions we make are all up to us and sooner or later those decisions will determine if we are put in the Smoking or non smoking sections. Amen!

Click here to see all the photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Bryn Mooth Speaker

Today’s Speaker

Bryn Mooth spoke about the joys and benefits of eating locally and seasonally. Bryn is  journalist who writes about food and wellness. She extolled the virtues of Cincinnati’s Findlay Market (in the Over the Rhine neighborhood) and is author of Findlay Market Cookbook. Findlay Market is the oldest in Ohio and Ohio ranks #5 in farmers markets in the USA. She explained that eating seasonally means consuming  asparagus and strawberries in spring, tomatoes, corn and zucchini in  summer and squash and apples in fall. She quoted Mark Bitman saying if you want to make a difference in health, community, connection, use locally sourced markets. She gave everyone a copy of Edible Ohio Valley.


Member Birthday
Jim Marker May 23
Don Skelton May 25
Cristlyn Johnston May 26
John Anderson May 28

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day # Years
Paulette Novak May 25 12
Robert Clements May 25 12

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Ashley Morgan Joe Madden 1st reading

Sergeants at Arms 

Member Infraction
Larry Lynde For not allowing time for Sergeants for 2 weeks and his comment about Laurie Poeppelman’s rack. (Clothes rack was what he meant – LOL)
Bob Duffy Sitting at birthday table inappropriately (as usual)
Greg Fay No sign in sheet at Optimist 2.0
Greg Griffin For extreme efficiency at Optimist 2.0 – and this is a fine because…?
Bob Collins For phone ringing during Phather Phil’s prayer
Lisa Tucker Not here often enough
Debe Dockins Late
Larry Larrimer and Ed Case Late
Mike Fanelli and Christine Balsan Late 2 weeks ago
Bob Lawson Going to the wrong place pizza after  Build a Bear.

 Happy Bucks!

Tom Novak Donuts and coffee
Rachel Goetz For support and flowers after her surgery
Dave Kay For a donut “pig out” (he drove by Bill’s Donuts last night and could not resit stopping)  and more donuts (THANKS Lisa Tucker) today at lunch