Noon Meeting News – November 21, 2017 – Youth Appreciation

Phather Phil’s Prayer

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Photos from the Meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Amanda Bergmann Dr. Tom Henderson
Hallie Bergmann Dr. Tom Henderson
Tori Bergmann Dr. Tom Henderson
Neha Chawla Dr. Tom Henderson
Praveen Chawla Dr. Tom Henderson
Priya Chawla Dr. Tom Henderson
Chuck Cowgill Dr. Tom Henderson
Felicia Davis Dr. Tom Henderson
Jordan Davis Dr. Tom Henderson
Jack Durnbaugh Dr. Tom Henderson
Andrea Fleischman Dr. Tom Henderson
Mary Ellen Marrs Dr. Tom Henderson
Stella McCrory Dr. Tom Henderson
Pam McGill Greene Optimists
Sarah Swan Dr. Tom Henderson
Rick Talda Beth Duncan
Jeff Wolff Dr. Tom Henderson
Gemma Dr. Tom Henderson

Today’s Speaker

CNO member Dr. Tom Henderson introduced the Centerville High School  principals of each unit. They in turn introduced the three Youth Appreciation Recognition award winners. East unit Hallie Bergmann, South unit Neha Chawla and West unit Jordan Davis. Each awardee was praised for a strong positive attitude, willingness to give of their time and talent and volunteer hours. The three young women received a standing ovation.


Member Birthday
Natalie King Dunlevey November 24

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Christine Balsan November 21 11/21/2013 4
E David Klein November 21 11/21/2013 4
Kristina Rainer November 21 11/21/2012 5
Martha Jackson November 21 11/21/2013 4
Bill DeFries November 23 11/23/2004 13

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Cindy Gaboury Jean Pummill 1st reading
Michael Laughter Vince Reidy 2nd reading
Rhonda Meeker Mike Bevis 3rd reading
Rick Talda Beth Duncan 3rd reading
Ben Barlow Jerry Stahley 1st reading
Stephanie Catanzaro Greg Fay Induction

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Jesse Gaither  Jacket left at tree lot
Bob Glavin Yeti cup left at tree lot – Greg Griffin is holding it for ransom for the $6 all “prior Av
Scott Langer Didn’t follow directions at tree lot
Jerry Stahley Matching shirt with Rick and giving misinformation
Mary Madden Laying down on the job at tree lot
Bryan Link Scott Langer award
Mike Wall Welcome back
John Carroll Welcome back

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Mary Madden $5. for all who helped her when she passed out at tree lot (Mary was also fined for “laying down on the job” when she fainted
Stephanie Catanzaro Her music students performing at St. Leonard’s Dec 3rd
Gary Aiken Great tree lot unload
Jane Fiehrer For Jesse Gaither’s girls at tree lot
Bob Bargmeyer Grandparents day at Cline School and a 99 year old Veteran of WW2 as speaker
Tom Novak Tree lot put together team
Jean Pummill Optimist 2.0 added 17 new members   to CNO
John Carroll Students being honored today