Noon Meeting News – October 10, 2017 – Jack Lohbeck – Centerville Washington Foundation

Phather Phil’s Prayer

David Ladd “Philled in” for Phather Phil this week and told everyone that Phather Phil is out of the hospital and at home but not yet ready to join us for lunch.  David gave us one of his patented extemporaneous prayers that lifted everyone’ spirits and added prayers for Phather Phil’s speedy recovery.

Photos from the meeting

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Anna Marie Demos Spirit Chain
Bethany Ekeh Spirit Chain
Megan Knauer Spirit Chain
Jack Lohbeck Speaker
Jay McAlpine Bob Burkman
Rick Talda Beth Lybrook

Today’s Speaker

Mike Bevis introduced our speaker, Jack Lohbeck, President of the Centerville Washington Foundation. Jack explained that the Centerville Washington Foundation of the Dayton Foundation was started in 2005 by Mayor Sally Beals and Fred Smith – retired  CEO of Huffy. He went on to say the tag line of the foundation is “Helping People Help Our Community”. The mission statement of the foundation says that it exists to be a community partner for corporate and individual charitable giving, functioning in the formation and preservation of charitable donations, providing services to donors and non profit organizations, and serving as a source of funds for community groups. CNO’s own Mike Bevis will serve as the Foundation’s next president.


Member Birthday
Dav Bremer October 11
Steve Campbell October 11
Donna Robinson October 14
Chuck Dickerson October 15
Wes Cleaves October 15
Craig Dring October 16

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Roland Rapp October 15 10/15/2002 15
Keith Meyer October 16 10/16/2013 4
Rick Kempfer October 16 10/16/2012 5

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Jay McAlpine Chris McAlpine 1st Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Christine Balsan Needing security to enter
Chris Mc Alpine Sending Donna Huss to the hospital after installation dinner and not signing a certificate
Joe Madden Failed to brief new president on the banners
David Ladd Held up line at installation dinner looking for name badge
Scott Langer Late
Bob Burkman Showing up new president of only 2 weeks
Gary Miller Asking for trail volunteers
Mike Bevis Speaker wearing Rotary pin
Marilyn Becht Stealing water from another lunch guest’s place
Chris Mc Alpine No president notes, ruined Dave Kay’s weekend
Larry Lynde Not polishing bell and gavel for Chris Mc Alpine
Tim Clemmer Busting sergeant Cherie Gentry down to corporal, via a guest Judge

Happy Bucks!

No time for Happy Bucks this week.