Becky Edgren – PuroClean of Dayton

CNO 2.0 Venue and Details

The venue for tonight’s CNO 2.0 meeting was “Ollie’s Place”. Thank you to the team at Ollie’s.

A 50/50 drawing was won by Suzanne Werts.

We had 5 new CNO 2.0 member inductions. CNO president Chris McAlpine could not make it tonight so Myron Rheaume, the Zone 14 Lt. Governor for Optimist International, stepped up to do the inductions.

We had 35 members and 11 guests in attendance.

Photos from the Meeting Are Here

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Mike Schwartz Jesse Gaither Induction
Cindy Harris Ron Tinnerman Induction
Nick Tarkany Chris McAlpine Induction
Cheryl Probst Christine Balsan Induction
Andrew Cain Stan Fronzaglia Induction

Tonight’s Speaker

Greg Fay introduced our speaker, Becky Edgren, CEO of PuroClean of Dayton. PuroClean is an emergency services company. Core services are water damage restoration, fire damage restoration and mold removal services.

Becky started working when she was young at her father’s tool and die shop with her brothers. After some tough economic events the business ended in 2004 after 60 years. When she decided she wanted her own business to support herself and to involve her daughters she first tried to purchase a local remediation company. That deal fell through and she started the PuroClean location in Moraine. It serves Dayton, Springfield, Cincinnati, Covington, Newport, Hamilton and more.

PuroClean has 25 employees. She started the company 10 years ago in the fall of 2008. It wasn’t planned, but the daughters ended up with the perfect majors in college to take on the roles of accountant, operations, and marketing.

It was not an easy decision to start the business. They had 3 months of organized family meetings. At the end the daughters were asked if they were in. All 3 said yes. By the end of 3 years the business had grown enough that all 3 daughters became full-time employees.

All of Becky’s employees know the Core Values of the business:

  • Do the right thing.
  • Be respectful of people and property.
  • Be passionate about what you do.
  • Give back.

She talked about how sometimes the job is not just the restoration. Sometimes it is to have someone to talk to. Sometimes it is to take out the trash. Sometimes it is to walk the dog.

When the recent hurricane disasters hit Florida and Houston they went down to help.

PuroClean does a lot of ongoing training, including recently participating in a live burn organized by a fire department. They also train others.

She advised us that if you have more than ten square feet of mold in your home you should call them for help. The minor mold around your bathroom tub is not a concern. Mold needs moisture or high humidity to thrive.

She also said we need to check how much water damage insurance we have. If it is just $5000 or even $10,000 it is not enough. Contact your insurance broker and increase your coverage if it is not enough. Approximately 70% of all claims are from water damage, so protect yourself.

Tonight’s Guests

Andrew Cain
Becky Edgren
Bill Hazel
Cindy Harris
Debby Bremer
Gary Poeppelman
Greg Huff
Mike Schwartz
Nick Tarkany
Pam Miske
Ted Santo

Upcoming Optimist 2.0 Meetings

Thursday May 17, 2018 – Nelly’s Centerville – 5:30PM – David Ball, TJ’s Place of Hope, Guest Speaker

Thursday June 21, 2018 – Ollie’s Place Centerville – 5:30PM – Mike Schwartz, Owner of Ollie’s Place and Optimist 2.0 Club Member