Photography Contest Winners 2024

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Pictures are snapshots of but single moments in our lives.  Each hold memories, are full of emotion, and as the saying goes, are worth a thousand words. Some fill us with a sense of longing, sadness, and regret while others bring feelings of peace, strength, hope, and joy. 


Help us to look at each snapshot in our life as one small piece of a much bigger picture of who we are. To have the strength and peace of mind to let go of the pieces we may regret, knowing they helped make us who we are today, and to press on to the future with a cheerful countenance and the power to make our optimism come true.



  • Bill Stone announced that the annual Optimist International convention is from June 22 to June 26 ,2024. He encouraged everyone to attend. Tom Kendo, a member of the Kettering Dorwood Optimist Club, will be confirmed at the convention as the Optimist International President starting October 1, 2025.

Photography Contest 2024

Joan Cordonnier introduced Roberta Taylor, who is co-chair of the photography contest with Melanie Asbell. Patrick Arehart assists with the contest.

Roberta said, “This afternoon I have the pleasure of awarding three students in the Centerville/ Washington Township area for their participation in the Centerville Noon Optimist Photo Contest. The purpose of the photo contest is to assist young people with developing an interest in the area of photography and to expose them to “The Optimist Creed” and our philosophy of Optimism. Students are asked to submit photos that illustrate/exemplify one of the ten tenets of The Optimist Creed.”

Viewing All the Photos from the Contest

You can view all the entries using this link. The top three photos are listed first.

The photos were judged by photography expert Roy Marecki from Shutter’s Edge Photography. His comments are listed below.

3rd Place winner is Ian Harvey, a 9th grade student at Spring Valley Academy

Creed line chosen, “To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.”

Ian brought his parents and his photography teacher Hollie Macomber.

Ian said, “Can I just say that this is my favorite Optimist club!”

Roy Marecki, the contest judge said, “As far as matching the Optimist Creed Verse provided by the photographer, this photo may be the best example. While it’s a heartwarming moment, it doesn’t show the same skill set as first and second place photos. It’s important in photography contests to not only convey emotion or narrative but also to demonstrate technical proficiency and creative vision.”

2nd Place Winner is Sasha Riley, an 11th grade student at Centerville High School

Creed line chosen, “To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.”

Sasha brought her parents.

Sasha said, “The photo is of a Roman aqueduct while I was on a school trip in France. My teacher was not able to come today.”

Roy Marecki, the contest judge said, “This photo could be displayed as a wallpaper on a computer or as a print on a wall. It has vibrant colors and excellent composition. However, it misses the mark slightly when it comes to the overall theme of the contest, even though an aqueduct is certainly strong.”

1st Place winner is Hannah Largo, 11th grade student at Spring Valley Academy

Creed line chosen, “To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.”

Hannah brough her parents, aunt, brother, cousin, and her photography teacher Hollie Macomber.

Hannah said, “Thank you all for giving this huge honor. This group is crazy, thank you.”

Roy Marecki, the contest judge said, “The photo was well-thought-out and aligned with the theme of the contest, especially since it complements the Optimist Creed Verse provided by the photographer. Framing and composition are essential elements in photography and this shows that care was taken in the execution.”

Wrapping Up

Roberta said, “I want to thank the members of the committee Melanie Asbell, Patrick Arehart and Ellie Parker and our judge, Roy Marecki from Shutter’s Edge Photography in Cincinnati, for their time and commitment.”

2024-2025 Officers and Board of Directors Nominations for CNO

CNO Secretary, Jean Pummill, reported that the nomination committee of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club, comprised of past presidents, the current president and incoming president have nominated the following members for the Optimist Year starting October 1, 2024, and ending September 30, 2025:

  • President Elect: Sarah Umbreit
  • Vice Presidents: Mike Creech and Denise O’Neil
  • Board of Directors for 2-year terms: Andy Higgins, Greg Hoffbauer, Erin Laurito, Bob Myers, and Paul Stull
  • Board Members with 1 year left to serve: Dennis Dockins, Jim Mogan, Steve Rau, and Deb Saunders. Since Mike Creech has moved into the Vice-President position before his term expired, the Nomination Committee has chosen Karen Charnesky to finish out his term.
  • The incoming president chooses the Treasurer and Secretary. Roland Rapp has been chosen as Treasurer and Jean Pummill as Secretary. They are both currently serving in those positions.
  • Paul Boeckman will be president which was decided a year ago.
  • Past president Representative: Karl Frydyk
  • Joan Cordonnier will serve as the Immediate Past President

We will hear from each of the nominated board members and officers over a total of 3 to 4 weeks.

Mike Creech, Nominated for Vice-President

Mike Creech has been a member of CNO since 1/17/2022.

Mike spoke:

It’s an honor to be selected as the vice president. I have really appreciated what a great club this is and how we are inspired every day to think about how we can help youth outside of this room. When I was a new director, I had questions about the various initiatives and I have learned by being on the board. If you have any questions or want something brought to the board’s attention, please let any of us officers know. We represent you and want to do what’s best for supporting youth and growing the club. Thank you.

Andy Higgins, Nominated for the Board of Directors

Andy Higgins has been a member of CNO since 10/23/2019.

Andy spoke:

I can remember back to my induction when I said if I could find a group that had this much fun on a Tuesday at noon, that’s what I wanted to be a part of. You all have truly lived up to that expectation, and I really appreciate it. I promise to give back to the club in the same enthusiastic way.

I haven’t met everyone here yet, so I wanted to introduce myself. I am married to Cindy Jarret, and we’ll be celebrating our 40th anniversary next December.

You’ve all met my daughter Emma a couple of times, and my daughter Elyse is the president of the TOP Optimist club. It’s been a real blessing to be able to do a lot of father-daughter activities together through this club, whether it’s working the tree lot, delivering flags, or the other events.

Thank you all. Hopefully, I can give back over the next two years as a board member.

Greg Hoffbauer, Nominated for the Board of Directors

Greg Hoffbauer has been a member of CNO since 2/27/2023.

Greg spoke:

I’ve been a member for just over a year. I try to get involved in a number of areas and really appreciate the opportunity to be on the board. I’ve been looking for additional ways to get involved in the organization. I think this is a great way. I’m really excited, thank you.

Erin Laurito, Nominated for the Board of Directors

Erin Laurito has been a member of CNO since 8/23/2022.

Erin spoke:

I’ve been a member for two years. One day, I was sitting in my home office and saw the Avenue Flags crew putting flags in my yard. That’s when I felt the need to get involved with this organization. I called Tom Novak, who introduced me to Debe Dockins, and before I knew it, I couldn’t get enough of what this organization does.

I am truly honored to be nominated for this board position. The club has been able to do what it’s doing for so long because of the dedicated group steering it in the right direction. The fact that people think I can contribute to helping guide the club is a true honor, and I will do my very best to ensure it continues growing in a great direction. Thank you.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Bianca RileyWinner’s Mother
Bill LargoWinner’s Father
Christine LargoWinner’s Family
Dennis BovaRachel
Ernie RileyWinner’s Father
Hannah LargoWinner
Hollie MacomberTeacher
Ian HarveyMindy Harvey
Joshua LargoWinner’s Brother
Marla SillimanWinner’s Guest
Mindy HarveyWinner’s Mom
Sasha RileyWinner
Shaen HarveyWinner’s Father
Sunny AybarWinner’s Friend
Theresa CurryArt Hung
Thomas WagnerOnline Guest
Tim McKenziePaul Boeckmann

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Doug OrfTom Novak1st Reading
Andrew NathanRoland RappInduction
Byron WadeRon ThomspsonInduction
Mike NewkirkFred PolizziInduction

Happy Bucks

Sue BrubakerCelebrating 54th Wedding Anniversary with Mike Brubaker.
Bob LawsonThanks to Everyone that helped at Family Adventure Day.
Joan Cordonnier$2, Mamma Mia! at CHS was fantastic. Thanks to everyone that came to see it and for Mike Cordonnier’s hard work.
Debe DockinsMamma Mia! at CHS was absolutely great. Everything was great from singing to set design.
Ron and Kathy RearickJust closed on the house they had already moved from.
Vida McDowellHappy with Paul Boeckman’s guest who is the new owner of insurance broker she uses.
Renee GlennShe had a great niece born last night.
Scott LangerHe and Cameron have a Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser 5K that you donate to from his Facebook page. Scott’s great nephew is 9 and has Cystic Fibrosis and will be the ambassador for the 5K.
Bob CollinsThe lead singer at the CHS Mamma Mia! play was fantastic.
Marla Silliman (Aunt of Hannah the winner of the photography contest))$3 Happy Bucks for the winners of the photography contest.
Nancy Lehren and Sue BrubakerThis is their last week for being sergeants.

Sergeants at Arms

Carrie Million and Evelyn GriffinTried to convince the sergeants that they are twin sisters, not just sisters.
Stan FronzagliaTried to sell a $1, 50/50 ticket for $10 to Rachael Goetz.
Tom NovakPaid $1 to not have his fine announced.
Mike BrubakerPicking up strangers in the foyer of Yankee Trace. Turns out he became Mike’s guest for the meeting.
Kelly StoneStolen the bell and gavel from Joan Cordonnier in the last six months.
Joan CordonnierBeing too protective of the bell and gavel, although she lost them this week to Patrick Arehart.
Scott LangerComplimenting Sergeant Nancy Lehren’s hair.
Chris McAlpineFined because he will be a sergeant starting next week and he can’t be fined then.
Mike GoekeFined because he will be a sergeant starting next week and he can’t be fined then.
Anyone who has ever been a sergeantBeing a sergeant.
Tim ClemmerLeft his sunscreen at Family Adventure Day over the weekend.
Erin DickersonForgot to return Tim Clemmer’s sunscreen that she retrieved for him at Family Adventure Day.
Bob BurkmanHe was wearing bright green shirt and a yellowish shirt, and then explaining that he was well-known for his impeccable sartorial taste. The sergeant was not happy to have to look up the word sartorial.
Ron ThompsonFined for long readings for his new members.
Mike BevisFor not having as long of readings for his new members.
Everyone that has not paid a fine recentlyIf the sergeants never specifically fined you this quarter, you are now fined.
Paul BoeckmanDidn’t meet his guest in the lobby.
Andrew Nathan, Byron Wade, Mike NewkirkToday is your first fine as new members of CNO!
Art HungIntroduced his guest today as a friend.
Denise GreenTold a sergeant that Joan Cordonnier was not wearing her CNO pin for her photos in the most recent edition of “Centerville Lifestyle” magazine. In fact Joan was wearing her pin!

Membership Anniversaries

Charlie TappMay 1, 197846
Tim StullMay 1, 198737
Abdrea BublitzMay 2, 20231
Karen CharneskyMay 2, 20231
Mark MetzgerMay 2, 20231


Brandon BarrettApril 30
Lynne ReillyMay 1
Abby BranhamMay 1
Melissa DeShurkoMay 4
Chris WysongMay 4
Keith WeiskittleMay 4
Lou BrinkmanMay 6
Mary MaddenMay 6
Tom HendersonMay 6
Pam MillerMay 6

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes received this week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here