Dayton Children’s Hospital

Dayton Children’s Hospital, Jena Pado, Plus CHS Culinary Arts National Competition

Jena Pado is the Chief Development Officer at Dayton Children’s Hospital. She told us about the state of health in our area and how Children’s is helping. She thanked CNO for all its support. The CHS Culinary Arts team is headed to a national business management competition in Washington D.C. on May 3, 2023. The team is prepared to showcase their winning idea: a Mexican restaurant that caters to the Latino community and gives back through their Tacos for Tots program.

Dayton Children’s Hospital, Jena Pado, Plus CHS Culinary Arts National Competition Read More »

Presentation of Checks to Dayton Children’s from Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Outing

Donations from CNO have helped fund the patient tower at DCH that opened on June 5, 2017. It has State of the Art technologies and conveniences. In the Dayton area there are 50 new patients each year with childhood cancer. Pediatric cancer is truly bad luck. It is not because of lifestyle, exercise levels or diet which are the causes of a lot of cancers in adults. Pediatric cancers can be cured about 85% of the time. About 42% of adults with cancer are cured. Treatment for pediatric cancer is the same across the U.S. through a nationwide network of doctors and protocols.

Presentation of Checks to Dayton Children’s from Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Outing Read More »

Dr. Greg Ramey – Dayton Children’s and Major Gifts Presented to The Library and Park District

One in three kids has a major mental health problem at some point in their childhood. We need to do more earlier for mental health to help raise kids into adults that are caring and moral. Over the past 25 years there has been a 33% increase in issues caused by the need for perfection as a child. This shows up as anxiety, depression, or suicide attempts. There has been an additional noticeable rise in issues related to social media. Children’s hospital now will have 3 psychologists and 13 psychiatrists to help kids. In a year Children’s will open up a new 24 bed crisis center.

Dr. Greg Ramey – Dayton Children’s and Major Gifts Presented to The Library and Park District Read More »