USO Wright-Patterson AFB, Erik Oberg

USO’s mission is to strengthen the well-being of the people serving in America’s military and their families. Since its founding in 1941, the USO, a private, nonprofit organization, has served the people of the United States military and their families throughout their time in uniform from the moment they join through their deployments and as they transition back to their communities.

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Erik Oberg – USO – Wright Patterson AFB

Oberg began his employment with the USO in September, 2019. As Programs Manager, he oversees the operation of the facility and the delivery of programs which seek to boost the morale of service members and their families stationed at WPAFB and around the Miami Valley. He engages dozens of USO volunteers and helps raise funds to support USO activities.

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Mia Walthers & Whitney Armstrong – USO @ WPAFB

From the USO Wikipedia: The USO is an American nonprofit that provides live entertainment, such as comedians, actors, and musicians, social facilities, and other programs to members of the United States Armed Forces and their families. Since 1941, it has worked in partnership with the Department of War, and later with the Department of Defense, relying heavily on private contributions and on funds, goods, and services from various corporate and individual donors. Although it is congressionally-chartered, it is not a government agency.

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