The Wall That Heals Recap and Online Forms Training

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Today, the first Tuesday in August, is National Night Out. According to, National Night Out is described as an “annual community-building event that enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community.”


Be with the seventeen thousand communities who are celebrating National Night Out today, especially the one-hundred forty-six here in Ohio. Help us to build community with our neighbors, to support one another, and to live in this world as you would have us live in the next.  


Volunteer Signups Available Online with the Virtual Clipboard

Did you know that you can now sign up to volunteer or to take part in social events using a simple online registration form right from your phone or PC? The Member Calendar has a complete list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and social events.


  • Sue Jesse announced that a Euchre Party will be on 8/18/2023, at 7 PM. Sign up online using the Member Calendar.
  • Bob Glavin announced that TOP Soccer for special needs children and adults starts on August 20. He is looking for soccer buddies that are 1 to 1 with a child. No soccer experience is needed. There will be 150 players on 8 fields. All you need to do is be enthusiastic and empathetic for the players. Please contact Bob Glavin if you can help. You may also sign-up online to help using the Member Calendar. They need your help each week on Sunday and Wednesday for one hour until mid-October.
  • Mike Bevis announced that BoomerFest at St Leonard will be on August 12. The St. Leonard Optimist Club and CNO will have a community outreach booth from noon to 5 PM and needs volunteers to chat up the community about CNO. You can register to sign up on the Member Calendar.
  • Michelle Garel (Bob Collins’ daughter) announced that on August 21st at 6 PM, The Foundation Fighting Blindness invites you to the Vision Quest Trivia Night fundraiser at Heather’s Cafe in Springboro. It includes food, drinks, prizes, live music, and a silent auction. The suggested tax-deductible donation is $60. All proceeds benefit the Foundation Fighting Blindness which is making great strides towards ending degenerative eye disease which Michelle is living with.

The Wall That Heals, Debe Dockins

Beth Duncan introduced Debe Dockins who gave a recap about the Wall that Heals.

Debe said to check out the slides from today’s meeting to see several pictures of CNO members at the Wall That Heals.

Thank You CNO Members for Volunteering

Debe said if she left you out that she sincerely apologizes.

Thank you to:

  • Mayor Brooks Compton for speaking at the opening ceremony and to he and Ruth for volunteering.
  • Bob Myers who played taps one evening.
  • Bob Myers and Mike Creech for volunteering for an extra shift for a hard-to-fill time slot.
  • Greg and Evelyn Griffin for volunteering for an extra shift for a hard-to-fill time slot.
  • Greg Griffin for taking photographs.
  • Stan Fronzaglia, Bob Burkman, and Mike Bevis for representing their branch of armed services and laying wreathes at the wall.
  • John Kalaman for riding his motorcycle in the escort to Yankee Park.
  • Avenue of Flags committee and volunteers for arranging for flags to be placed (and immediately after picked up) along the motorcycle escorted parade route from Sinclair to Yankee Park. Thanks also for placing flags at both Sinclair and Yankee Park.
  • Cameron Langer for arranging the donation of Lee’s Famous Recipe box lunches for volunteers constructing the wall. This was very appreciated.
  • Volunteers who took shifts and/or were involved in the deconstruction. Thanks to: Diane and Patrick Arehart, Jay McAlpine, Charlie Goodwin. Paul Stull, Fred Polizzi, Dennis Dockins, Beth Duncan, Troy Young, Mike Thonnerieux, Jackie Powell, Steve and Joanne Rau, Debby Moore, Steve Kohls, Bob and Kadie Crawford, Mike Creech, Joan and Mike Cordonnier, Greg and Mindy Hoffbauer.

Thank you to the Centerville-Washington Park District

Thanks to the Park District for being an incredible partner in making the Wall That Heals happen for our community and areas quite far away from here as well. The parks district donated a bunch of time to construct the wall and provided the site and parking at Yankee Park. This could not have happened without the park district.

Thank You to Organizations

  • Optimist Club of Centerville Noon (CNO) for the $2500 donation.
  • Centerville Washington Foundation for their $10,000 Community Impact Grant.

Online Form Sign Up Training, Patrick Arehart

Beth Duncan introduced Patrick Arehart, who was dressed up as Paul McCartney. “Paul” was here to help us learn how easy it is to use online forms that replace paper signups that require a lot of manual effort to maintain and use.

Click this link to view Patrick’s slide deck.

Why Have an Online Calendar and Signups?

Patrick said one of the many benefits of online registration for events is it makes life much easier for your event organizers.

Your smartphone already has every clipboard loaded. The calendar on the CNO website is updated all the time.

Clipboard signups are only available to members that attend meetings. Online signups are available to those that can’t attend meetings, plus they are super simple.

Entries go into a database that is way more flexible and legible than a clipboard. With clipboards, organizers end up creating a manual spreadsheet out of the entries. Then they have to update this spreadsheet from emails, phone calls, and conversations. This process is at least double work and sometimes triple work for everyone.

Note that sending an email is more steps and more typing than filling out an online form. When you register for an event, you have the option to add it automatically to your calendar which saves you time and helps keep you organized.

Check the Website for Opportunities

Everything that you can sign up for is on the website. On the home page of the CNO website is a button called “Member Calendar.” The direct link to the calendar is Below the signup opportunities section is a section that lists lunch speakers, Optimist 2.0 meetings and events for the community.

You can use this page and its entries to tell your friends what is happening with your club, which might interest someone in joining.

There are additional ways to get to the calendar. Every signup opportunity is mentioned in CNOtes. For each announcement with a signup there is a link to the “Member Calendar.”

President Beth also puts a link in her weekly president’s notes to the member calendar.

You do not need a QR code to access the signups. QR Codes are not magic, they are just a way to save you from typing in web addresses yourself. If you can’t get a QR code to work, don’t worry – just go to the CNO website and tap the member calendar button.

Signing Up for an Event

Once you are on the calendar page, just tap the opportunity you want to sign up for and a simple form will appear. Click on the calendar link now if you would like to see opportunities.

The upcoming Euchre party is a great example of a simple online signup. The form is super quick to fill in. Just enter your name, email and tap the register button.

There is even a place to put a message for the organizer. Instead of sending a separate email you can let the organizer know if you have a question or comment.

The recent Americana volunteer signup form is almost identical to the Euchre form. There was just an extra section so you could choose your time slots. Time slots are handy because no one expects you to volunteer for all 8 hours of an all-day event.

How Do I Know If My Registration Worked?

It is easy to know if you did it right. After tapping registration, you will see a green confirmation box that thanks you for signing up. If you see this, then it worked. For convenience, the web site will also send you a confirmation email. The organizer also gets this email.

Do not worry if you don’t get the email. Emails sometimes get missed or go to SPAM. If you see the green confirmation box that means your name is for sure in the database for the organizer.

Database List Generated for the Organizer

With minimal effort you are building a database for the hard-working organizer. If the organizer wants a spreadsheet of registrations, they are just one click away. Databases and spreadsheets are much more legible than messy signup sheets. The organizer also can’t lose the signup sheet (which has happened!)

If you are an event organizer, I have step by step instructions for you. I’m also more than happy to do a remote training session with you.

Multiple Registrations with One Form

Registering you and your spouse can be done with just one registration. Just change the quantity of attendees to two and another guest section shows up. Use this for events like the installation dinner, as it helps the organizer see what is going on for seating.

If it is an event with a fee and you use the extra attendee option, you only have to go through the payment process one time.

Practice with Simulated Events

You can practice now. I have created a test event on the calendar. It is labeled “Training Simulation.” Go ahead and play with the multiple attendee option.

Remember events are always available at

Thank You

Thank you, Debe Dockins and Patrick Arehart for presenting today!

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Debbie WalkerSarah Umbreit
James KoverArt Huing
Joan GrussPaula Harrison
Karen CollinsBob Collins
Keith DavisArt Hung
Michelle GarelBob Collins
Mike SelleckGary Anderson
Tim MachDebe Dockins

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Joan GrussPaula Harrison1st Reading
Alice OnadyBob Glavin1st Reading
Christina ClemmerTim Clemmer3rd Reading
Connie RischBeth Duncan3rd Reading

Happy Bucks

Andy HigginsGot a huge thank you from a person who loved watching the Wall that Heals parade while the streets were lined with flags.
Steve RauFourth grandchild, a girl, just arrived.
Stephanie has nominated Therapeutic Riding Institute (TRI) for best of under Professional Services > Best Pet Therapy Center. Vote daily.
Stephanie LlacunaTickets for the annual Gala, dinner and demonstration fundraiser, Stetsons and Sterling on 9/9/2023, are on sale at
Sarah UmbreitThank to everyone that helped with the Americana 5K race.
Sarah UmbreitThanks to everyone that helped with the golf outing.
Debe Dockins$20, She and Liz Fultz are on behalf of the library are so thankful for the overwhelming support physically and financially for the Wall that Heals.
Julie NoethThanks to everyone that helped with the Wall That Heals.
Cameron LangerIt was an honor to feed the volunteers that assembled the Wall That Heals.
Dick StevensCelebrating 52nd Wedding Anniversary with Sandy.
Bob BurkmanFor all the volunteers that lined the streets with flags for the Wall that Heals route from Sinclair to Yankee Park.
Joan CordonnierThanks to all who donated that helped she and Mike raise $3000 for the American Cancer Society riding from Cleveland to Cincinnati in 4 days traveling 354 miles.
Kristen MarksThe overwhelming, with record breaking attendance, success of the Big Backyard Party and that CNO has such a popular station at the event.

Sergeants at Arms

Former Educators at LunchAnne Kohls recently mixed up AM and PM on her alarm clock. Sergeant Clemmer said this must be the fault of a teacher.
Bob BurkmanMistaked Red Cabbage in today’s salad for a birthday candle.
Bob CollinsIt has been a long time since he brought his daughter Michelle Garel to a lunch meeting.
Joan CordonnierCaused today’s meeting to start late.
Erin LauritoDid not show up early to train new sergeants Karen Charnesky and Tim Clemmer.
Art HungDid not great his guests as they walked in the doors to Yankee Trace.
Myron RheaumeTelling president Beth when to start the meeting.

Membership Anniversaries

Myron RheaumeAugust 1, 198736
Kathy KleinAugust 5, 20167


Deb GrahamAugust 1
Melissa DeeterAugust 3
Andrew CainAugust 4
Katy BarkerAugust 7

CNO Donations – 2013 through July 2023

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

Click here to see the Thank You Notes we received this week.

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here