Tom Frazier Golf Classic Raises $50,000 and Haunted Trail Gears Up for Spooky Fun

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer


We all have special voices and gifts. As this Optimist year comes to a close, we take time to appreciate the varied voices and gifts of those we serve and those we serve alongside, each unique and special due to ages, experiences, and backgrounds. It is truly a gift. Each voice influences the way in which we view our world, live our lives, and serve others. Help us to remember our voices and gifts matter. Sharing them matters. Listening and appreciating them in others matters. We are all beloved children of God. Let our voices be heard, but more importantly, let us take the time to listen to the voices of others.



Build-a-Bear for Children with Sickle Cell

Nancy Lehren announced that the next Build-a-Bear will be on September 28, 2024, at 1:30pm at the Kroc Center for children with Sickle Cell. Sign up online using the Member Calendar.

Haunted Trail Volunteers Needed

Gail Aiken announced that the Haunted Trail will be held on October 15th and 16th. They need lots of volunteers. They will need extra help for tear down this year as fewer high schoolers will be able to help on that day. Sign up online using the Member Calendar.

Tri-Star Soccer Volunteers Needed

Chris McAlpine announced that Tri-Star Soccer Punt Pass Kick competition at the Magsig soccer field will be on September 27, 2024, between 5:30 PM and 7:30 PM. You do not need to know anything about soccer or have any athletic skills to be a big help. The high school players do the physical work, and other volunteers help with registration, scoring and to tell people about our club. Sign up online using the Member Calendar.

Tri-Star Soccer New Committee Chairs Needed

Chris McAlpine announced that he and Greg Wasmund are stepping down as co-chairs of Tri-Star Soccer after the event on September 27, 2024. Let them know if you would like to step up to the task of running this very popular program.

Adopt-a-Family 2024

Christy Gariety and Sue Jessee announced that Adopt-a-Family signups are now available. The school has given CNO a list of 50 families to help. Sign up online for one or more children using the Member Calendar and the wish lists will be distributed in November.

Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic Recap

Mike Bevis presented the recap for the 32nd Annual Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic held on July 15, 2024. Mike said that there were 148 golfers this year. Mike asked, “Why do we work six months each year for this fundraiser? We do it for the results. How do we give back to the community? By raising $50,000. I would like to give a big thank you to all those involved.”

Special Thanks for Golf Outing Work

Mike gave special thanks to some committee members:

  • Steve Rau for taking over the coordination of volunteers for day of tasks
  • Karen Charnesky for handling registration of golfers and administrative tasks
  • Val Huff and Vida McDowell for running the silent auction and having a record-breaking year
  • Erin Laurito for bringing in a lot of sponsors
  • Fran Sheehan for data entry and hosting the thank you party for the committee members
  • Don Stafford for being very involved in a bunch of areas.

Major Sponsors for the Golf Fundraiser

Mike listed the major Sponsors:

  • Miami Valley Chevy Dealers Association
  • Secure Future Advisors
  • Winsupply
  • Voss Auto Network
  • Archadeck Outdoor Living
  • St Leonard
  • Van Martin Roofing
  • Buckeye Pools
  • First Financial Bank
  • Houser Asphalt & Concrete

Children’s Hospital Representatives

Mike introduced Adam Blanchard (Director of Donor Engagement) and Kate Barrett (Nurse Manager for Hematology/Oncology), who came today to accept the $17,000 donation to Dayton Children’s Hospital Hematology and Oncology department.

Adam Blanchard, Director of Donor Engagement at Dayton Children’s

Adam Blanchard recently joined us to share some exciting updates. He expressed his pleasure at visiting and thanked everyone for being wonderful partners over the past 22 years—a partnership that has resulted in over $240,000 in lifetime giving. He was particularly appreciative of Erin Dickerson’s opening prayer, which highlighted the power of gifts.

Adam is enthusiastic about our new Youth Mental Health Initiative, emphasizing its critical importance. He looks forward to continuing our collaboration to evolve this vital work. In South Montgomery County, specifically Springboro, his team is leading the way in mental health awareness and addressing the challenges that families face.

He also announced their “Envision More: So All Ships Rise” comprehensive philanthropic campaign, which our funding supports. This campaign encompasses all the hospital’s initiatives, with a primary focus on elevating mental health services. As part of this effort, the Mathile family of Iams fame—Clay and Mary Ann, along with the second and third generations—has made a historic, multigenerational gift. This includes a $3 million Community Challenge Grant and the naming of the new mental health facility at the Children’s Hospital on their main campus. The facility is slated to open in the spring of 2025, with keys expected in April and patients beginning to receive care in June and July of 2025.

Adam highlighted that our partnership not only contributes to impactful work in the Hematology-Oncology space but also enables the organization to reach more children and families, making a real difference in their lives. He expressed deep gratitude for our ongoing partnership and looks forward to exploring how we can continue to grow together.

Kate Barrett, Nurse Manager for Hematology/Oncology at Dayton Children’s

Kate Barrett spoke about the importance of the funds raised through our annual golf outing. She explained that the money helps support the hospital’s “Travel Away Fund,” which provides $1,000 to families needing to travel for medical treatments, regardless of their financial situation. This assistance covers expenses like hotel stays, gas, food, and other lodging needs, easing the burden on families who must travel for care. Barrett mentioned that some families travel to nearby hospitals, like Cincinnati or Nationwide Children’s, while others need to travel several states away for specialized treatment.

Last year alone, Dayton Children’s used around $80,000 from the Travel Away Fund to support families. She emphasized how fortunate the hospital is to have partnerships like ours, as not every hospital can offer this level of assistance.

Kate also highlighted some of the hospital’s current projects, including their work with bone marrow transplants and gene therapy, particularly for patients with sickle cell and those undergoing oncology treatments. She noted that because of the support the hospital receives, they can help patients return home sooner and ensure they get the best care possible.

In closing, she expressed her gratitude for everything our club does for Dayton Children’s.

Haunted Trail

Gail Aiken, the chair of the Haunted Trail Committee, was wearing a witch’s hat when she went over the annual CNO Community event. The event is free to our community. In 2024, the event will be held on October 15 and 16.

Check out the photo montage video here created by Greg Griffin.

Fright Stations and Characters

  • Grim Reaper
  • Vicious Vampires
  • Goblin Graveyard
  • Nursery Nightmare
  • Witches and Black Cats (one by CHS Drama students and another by Magsig students)
  • Scary School
  • Circus of Horror
  • Death Hospital
  • Scientists Gone Mad
  • Execution Inmates
  • Creepy Campout
  • Spooky Spider Tunnel
  • Shipwreck Pirates
  • Zany Zombies
  • Ghosts
  • Boo Bog (Swamp Creatures)
  • Jason with a Chainsaw
  • Gilly Monster with air horns
  • Surprises on the trail

Haunted Trail Trivia Contest

Rare and fabulous prizes were given to the winner of the Haunted Trail Trivia Contest. For example, Bill Williams won a fake plastic hand for getting the most correct answers. Read the questions and answers to learn about the CNO Haunted Trail.

  1. What year did the Haunted Trail start? – 1990
  2. Where was the location for the first Haunted Trail? – Grant Park
  3. In the first years of the haunted trail, who stored the props in their garage? – Bill Williams
  4. Who was the Grim Reaper at Grant Park because they had back surgery and couldn’t walk the Haunted Trail as a guide? – Gail Aiken
  5. How many years was Bill Williams in charge of the Haunted Trail? – 13 years
  6. What woman decorated the spider station by herself? – Mary Madden
  7. Who rode a real horse as the headless horseman? – Karen Novak (Tom Novak’s daughter)
  8. What year did Gary Miller take over the Haunted Trail? – 2017
  9. What was the location of the Haunted Trail when Gary Miller was the chair? – Forest Field
  10. What is the best date for a can? – Expiration Date
  11. What year did the Haunted Trail move to the Rec Center? – 2019
  12. How many fright stations are there? – 16
  13. How long is the Haunted Trail? 1 mile

New Sets and Additions Designed and Built by CHS Students

Mike Cordonnier, CNO Member and the technical theater teacher at CHS, wearing a Dinosaur costume, updated us on the new sets his CHS students are building for the Haunted Trail.

  • They have designed and built a new version of the graveyard to make it easier to transport and set up. The previous set is much heavier.
  • They are adding to the scary school.
  • There will be a brand-new area called the Bloody Barnyard.
  • They have built a box that that looks like stacked pumpkins to accept monetary donations. The pumpkins eat the money as it is inserted.
  • They have new signs to help people know where donated canned food items can be dropped off.

Volunteer Types Needed for the Haunted Trail

Join in on the fun! You will have a Howling good time! Sign up online using the Member Calendar.

  • Setup and Tear down on October 14 and 17
  • Trail Guides
  • Chaperones for the fright stations
  • Witches at the Bonfire

These jobs are already filled by Students this year:

  • People to wear the Gilly Suit
  • Grim Reapers
  • People to wear the Jason mask and run the gas chainsaw (The chainsaw has no chain on it, it is just loud)

New Head Witch for Haunted Trail 2025

Gail Aiken announced that Debe Dockins, who was dressed in full witch regalia, will be the Co-Chair of the Haunted Trail committee starting with 2025. Gail said the position is also known as the Head Witch of the Haunted Trail. Thank you, Debe, for taking on this important and challenging job.

Welcome Guests

GuestGuest Of
Adam BlanchardGolf Committee
Arline DanialBob Glavin
Dave PatrickMike Bevis
Jon PowellChris McAlpine
Kate BarrettGolf Committee
Kathy CookKelly Stone
Steve BitontiTom Novak
Steve ParkerTom Novak
Tony DanialBob Glavin

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Arline DanialBob Glavin3rd Reading
Tony DanialBob Glavin3rd Reading

Happy Bucks

No time for Happy Bucks this week

Sergeants at Arms

No time for Sergeants this week

Club Membership Anniversaries

Bill WilliamsSeptember 20, 199331
Denny CottleSeptember 20, 20159
Sue BrubakerSeptember 23, 200816
Mike WallSeptember 26, 199529
Mike CordonnierSeptember 26, 20186
Dana DringSeptember 26, 20186
Steve LinderSeptember 26, 20186
Carolyn TaylorSeptember 26, 20186
Stephen WalkerSeptember 28, 199826
John PowellSeptember 29, 199925
Pat BehnSeptember 29, 200321
Rebekah BuckSeptember 29, 20231
Marjorie CattawiSeptember 29, 20231
Karen CollinsSeptember 29, 20231
Betsy HooblerSeptember 29, 20231
Shirley KuhnSeptember 29, 20231
Gay MillerSeptember 29, 20231
Joy MindlingSeptember 29, 20231
Karen MoseynskiSeptember 29, 20231
Peggy TarnowieckyiSeptember 29, 20231
Marjie YoungSeptember 29, 20231
Ruth YoungSeptember 29, 20231
Brooks ComptonSeptember 30, 199430
Denise O’NeilSeptember 30, 199430


Harry BosseySeptember 22
Jon WertsSeptember 22
Carol SmerzSeptember 22
Mark KarnsSeptember 23
Dan ThalheimerSeptember 24
Evelyn GriffinSeptember 26
Diane ArehartSeptember 26
Casey DixonSeptember 26
Jeff KujawaSeptember 27

CNO Donations – Since 2013

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes received this week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

CLICK HERE to see the PowerPoint Slides from this week’s meeting

CLICK HERE to see the photos taken at the meeting