Robert O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award Presentation

Prayer for Gary Aiken

At the start of the meeting, David Ladd led us in a prayer for Gary Aiken, who passed away on October 3, 2021. Gary was a great man and a huge inspiration to his fellow members of the Centerville Noon Optimist Club. Gary joined CNO on 6/1/1982. He will be missed but remembered.

Gary Hansen is the 54th CNO President

Gary Hansen was officially sworn in as CNO president by Pat Behn during today’s meeting. We look forward to a great year under your leadership Gary.


  • Debe Dockins announced that the next CNO 2.0 meeting will be 10/21/2021 at 5:30 PM at Bock Family Brewing. The speaker will be Eric Horstman, founder, and president of Flyin’ to the Hoop.
  • Christy Gariety, Adopt-a-Family co-chair, announced that she and Sue Jessee are accepting $50 gift cards with activation code receipts from Walmart, Target, and Kohl’s to be given to families this holiday season. The cards need to be received by 11/29/2021.

Dayton Children’s Hospital Donation

Mike Bevis, the chair of the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic, introduced Adam Blanchard, who came today to accept the $11,000 donation for Dayton Children’s Hospital hematology and oncology department.

Adam said this year’s donation will be used to pay expenses incurred by kids that need highly specialized care at other hospitals. Adam said that CNO’s total donations to Dayton Children’s is now over $200,000.

Committee Meetings

10/18/2021, 6 PM, Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

Social Events

10/23/2021 6 PM to 10 PM, Wine and Beer tasting party at the home of Patrick and Diane Arehart. The cost is $20 which includes all the wine and beer you taste. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to pass. The price is $5 if you will not be having any of the supplied wine and beer and you are BYOB. To register, contact Debe Dockins or Sue Jessee.

Robert J. O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award, Mariana Jones

The EMT/Firefighter award honors the memory of Ruth and John’s son Robert J. O’Toole. Robert lost his life on January 12, 1998 while responding to an accident.

This year’s recipient is firefighter and paramedic Mariana Jones. CNO presented Mariana a plaque and her name will be added to a larger plaque at the Washington Township Fire Department headquarters building.

Joining us at lunch today was Ruth O’Toole (Robert J. O’Toole’s mother) and her daughter Ruth DeVan. Also, at today’s meeting were Fire Chief Scott Kujawa, Deputy Fire Chief Nick Bergman and Mariana’s husband Adrian Jones.

Tri-Fold Brochure of the 2021 Robert O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award

Bob Burkman introduced Fire Chief Scott Kujawa who presented the award to Mariana Jones.

From Chief Scott Kujawa’s Notes about Mariana Jones

Good afternoon. My name is Scott Kujawa, and I am the Fire Chief for the Washington Township Fire Department. It is my honor to be able to stand before you today to present this award.

On January 12,1998, Firefighter Robert O’Toole and Officer John Kalaman paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving our community. These two men will never be forgotten by the Washington Township Fire Department, Centerville Police Department, or our community. I want to thank the Noon Optimist Club of Centerville and the entire O’Toole family for their continued support and remembrance of Firefighter O’Toole through the Robert J. O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award.

Now, to recognize this year’s recipient:

Firefighter/Paramedic Mariana Jones has been a career member of the Washington Township Fire Department since July 2018. She joined our department with several years of experience from the Harrison Twp and Sugarcreek Twp fire departments. In 2014, she received a rookie of the year award and in 2016 a firefighter of the year award, both from the Sugarcreek Twp Fire Department.

Mariana was an outstanding addition to our department. She is an exceptionally competent firefighter and paramedic while continually striving for improvement. She is professional and respectful to the citizens and visitors of our community, as well as every one of her coworkers. Mariana brings a positive attitude which is contagious and reflective of who she truly is as a person. She exemplifies this attitude and encourages others to maintain the same positive outlook.

Mariana has a true passion for the EMS side of our profession. She is part of the team that developed and implemented a new continuous quality improvement program for the review of EMS reports. Not only did she help develop this quality improvement program, but she is also one of the report reviewers. Her passion for the job spills over into her review of the reports. She wants to assure that our paramedics are always providing the best care possible.

Her work on the EMS Committee has created more effective ways of providing service to our community. While EMS reports alone keep her busy, she doesn’t stop there and gives an all-out effort every day she comes to work. Mariana’s work ethic and job performance are second to none and she is truly deserving of the Robert J. O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Dennis DockinsDebe Dockins2nd reading
Jessica WagnerMike BevisInduction
Anne KohlsMike BevisInduction
Jackie PowellTom NovakInduction

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Adam BlanchardMike Bevis
Adrian JonesProgram
David HaaseMike Bevis
Dennis DockinsDebe Dockins
Dennis SmithBob Collins
Eric ParsleyMike Bevis
Jackie PowellTom Novak
Mariana JonesProgram
Ruth DevanProgram
Ruth O’TooleProgram
Tom SimmsBob Collins
Tom YoungDebe Dockins

Happy Bucks

Ron TinnermanGary Aiken was always excited to see his grandchildren playing basketball.
Gary Smiga$13, Gary Aiken could be superstitious. While playing golf with Gary Aiken in Florida, Gary noticed that his golf cart was number 13. Gary left the cart on the third hole and went and got another cart.
Harry BoseyHarry remembers that Gary Aiken was extremely welcoming to him in 1994 when Harry joined CNO.
Jesse LightleGary Aiken was a true champion of Washington Township. They will also miss him at the RecPlex.
Jesse LightleMarina Jones was the recipeient of the Firefigter/EMT award  today.
Stan FronzagliaVida McDowell;s tennis team won the regional tennis tournament that included Ohio and several surrounding states.
Greg Griffin$4, Remebers meeting Gary Aiken for the first time while working the Christmas Tree lot. Greg plans on making this the best Tree Lot season ever in honor of Gary Aiken who was in charge for several years.
Gary HansenHe remembers that it was after Gary Aiken told him how important member participation is to the community that he started coming to lunch almost every week instead of once or twice a month and participating more in the club.
Gary HansenThank you to CNO member for being so supportive about the loss of his nephew.
Dave KayHe remembers how Gary Aiken got him to join CNO.
Don KelleyHe remembers playing golf with Gary Aiken, when a “friend” put an extra club in Gary’s golf bag. Originally Gary had 12 clubs. When Gary figured out he had 13 clubs he couldn’t throw the unwelcomed club far enough.
Debe DockinsShe remembers that every time she saw Gary Aiken he always asked about her kids.
Debe DockinsHer sons’ birthdays are this weekend.
Beth DuncanBeth appreciated Gary Aiken’s smile.
Beth DuncanDebe Dockins, thank you for your great year as CNO President.
Charlie GoodwinGary Aiken will be missed. Gary and Gail have been Charlie’s neighbor for over 30 years.
Charlie GoodwinCenterville-Washington Foundations celebration of Paul Stull was at their annual Founder’s Event on 10/7/2021.
Bob BurkmanBob remembers Gary Aiken trimming the last tree at the tree lot one year that looked like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. He got it looking good enough that a family came in at the last minute to buy it.

Sergeants at Arms

Pre the Sergeants – no fines this week in Honor of Gary Aiken

Membership Anniversaries

MemberMonthDayJoined# Years
Carolyn TaylorSeptember269/26/20183
Dana DringSeptember269/26/20183
Mike CordonnierSeptember269/26/20183
Steve LinderSeptember269/26/20183
Steve RudisillSeptember269/26/20183
Ken IrwinOctober210/2/20129
Larry LarrimerOctober210/2/20129
Rick KempferOctober210/2/20129
Christy GarietyOctober310/3/201110
Sue BrubakerSeptember239/23/200813
Pat BehnSeptember299/29/200318
John PowellSeptember299/29/199922
Stephen WalkerSeptember289/28/199823
Mike WallSeptember269/26/199526
Brooks ComptonSeptember309/30/199427
Denise O’NeilSeptember309/30/199427
Karl FrydrykOctober110/1/198833


Carol SmerzSeptember 22
Harry BosseySeptember 22
Jon WertsSeptember 22
Mark KarnsSeptember 23
Greg SmithSeptember 25
Evelyn GriffinSeptember 26
Diane ArehartSeptember 26
Jeff KujawaSeptember 27
Mike FanelliOctober 1
Roy BarclayOctober 1
Anne KohlsOctober 4

CNO Donations – 2013 through August 2021

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see the Thank You Notes the Club Received this Week

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The photos taken at Today’s Meeting are here.