John P. Kalaman Respect for Law Awards 2021

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

Lord our God,

When we see a “Thin Blue Line” flag flying in support of our brothers and sisters in law enforcement, we do not necessarily know what the lines symbolize.  The blue stripe stands for law enforcement.  The black stripe above symbolizes society, order, and peace.  The black stripe below symbolizes crime, anarchy, and chaos.  Those in law enforcement stand between the two.

It takes a special kind of person to put on a uniform day in and day out to protect and defend us all; those who support them and those who question their every move and decision.  Lord, please give our sisters and brothers in blue wisdom in every situation they face, peace of mind that they did their very best in every situation and surround them in Your everlasting love and protection.



  • Debe Dockins announced the 21st season of TOP soccer for special needs kids will start on 8/22/2021. The program needs volunteers, including assistant coaches and on-field buddies assigned to a participant. The kids look forward to the event each year. Volunteers do not need to know anything about soccer to help.
  • Bob Lawson announced that the Fishing Derby will be on August 28, 2021.
  • The President’s Club will honor all member clubs’ Volunteers of the Year. They will honor CNO Optimist of the Year for 2020 Mike Brubaker and for 2019 Beth Duncan. The breakfast will be on August 12, 7:00 AM. There is room for a few more people so let Debe know if you would like to attend.
  • Debe Dockins announced CNO will participate in Party in the Park on Friday, August 13, 2021. Volunteers are needed to work the CNO tent.
  • Debe Dockins announced that the next Optimist 2.0 meeting will be 8/19/2021 at Nelly’s with Zach Hollingsworth of Freedom Whiskey speaking.
  • Debe Dockins announced that a service project of the OI Great Ohio District. For the August 2021 convention attendees will be stuffing backpacks with school supplies. The stuffed backpacks will be donated to JW Reasons Elementary school in Hilliard, OH. There are two ways to contribute: purchase items from the list and bring them to our meeting or to give money for the purchase of items. Evelyn will be collecting money and supplies every Tuesday until 8/17/2021. Contact Evelyn if you have questions. Read the flyer here.
  • Patrick Arehart announced that CNO is holding a Membership Drive where participating members will share in $400 based on the number of points received.  Receive 1 point for bringing a guest to any meeting, 3 points for a returning guest and 10 points for a guest application.   Contest runs through 9/21/2021.

Committee Meetings

  • 8/17/2021, 6 PM, Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

Community Events                                

  • 8/28/2021, Fishing Derby

John P. Kalaman Respect for Law Awards 2021

The emcee for today’s awards was Bob Burkman. John and Paula Kalaman were present today for the awards. Paula spoke at the end of the ceremony and reminded us how wonderful she and John think CNO and the community is to them and the memory of their son. She said that the award winners today should be especially proud since they were chosen by their peers.

Each year one award is selected for the City of Centerville Police Department and one award is selected for the Washington Township Substation of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. Nominations are accepted from the peers of those eligible. All employees of the department are eligible, not just police officers.

Those nominated are typically employees who have exhibited excellence through special accomplishment or a daily commitment to the mission and values of the department. This commitment is typically exhibited through the employee’s outstanding work product, attention to detail, exemplary treatment of the public and cheerful and cooperative attitude with co-workers.

You can view the Tri-Fold Brochure for the 2021 John P. Kalaman Respect for Law Awards here.

Detective Sergeant Jeffrey K. Kaercher, City of Centerville Police Department

Chief Matt Brown presented the award to Sergeant Jeffrey K. Kaercher.

Kaercher was unanimously nominated for the John F. Kalaman Respect for Law Award by his peers based on his devotion to duty, knowledge and tireless dedication to his profession. He began his career with the Centerville Police Department as a patrol officer on July 28, 2008. Some of Det. Sgt. Kaercher’s many roles have included patrol officer, detective, physical fitness coordinator and sergeant. After months of research and testing, he implemented a new software program that has streamlined the department’s scheduling and payroll process. Det. Sgt. Kaercher is generous in mentoring fellow officers (notably younger ones) in patrol tactics and assisting with investigations. He has received numerous awards and letters of recognition and has brought credit and pride to this department.

Coworker Excerpts of Recommendations for Kaercher

Throughout my time working with Sgt. Kaercher, 1 have known him to be one of the most knowledgeable and dedicated officers we have in our ranks. Sgt. Kaercher is routinely willing to aid fellow officers (notably younger officers) with investigations and patrol tactics/advice. I can personally attest that he has been of great help regarding OVI enforcement.

Sgt. Kaercher was contacted by the Versailles KY Police Department to assist with a homicide investigation in their jurisdiction. He took the lead and obtained search warrants for property within the city limits and evidence collection leading to indictments in Kentucky, based upon information from that investigation, he is investigating similar acts involving the suspect which may lead to additional charges. 

Sgt. Kaercher also played a major role in solving many vandalism complaints throughout the city where businesses and a religious building were damaged. Sgt. Kaercher was able to research the vehicle owned by the suspect, obtain photos, and a confession leading to an arrest and the clearance of many cases. It should be noted Kaercher performed this investigation while assigned as the staff sergeant and not the primary investigator, this showed his initiative in working a case.

Deputy Jonathan Petry, Washington Township Substation of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office

Rob Streck, the Montgomery County Sheriff, could not come to today’s ceremony. In his place Chief Deputy Daryl Wilson presented the award to Deputy Jonathan Petry.

Petry began his law enforcement career in 2013 with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office and was promoted to deputy sheriff in 2015, serving in Jefferson Township, Harrison Township and Washington Township. Since November 2020, Jon has been WTs Community Oriented Policing deputy.

During the pandemic Jon took the initiative to build relationships with hotels and motels in the Township. From this relationship MCSO deputies were able to quickly and strategically address trespassing issues and loitering concerns that had the potential to become detrimental to the business community.

Working with all the neighborhood watch groups in the Township, Jon has not only grown the size of these neighborhood watch groups, but the number of them as well. He has started additional social media talk groups, participated in platforms such as Ring, Next Door and Facebook, assisted residents with locating missing pets, addressed speeding concerns and provided assistance in solving thefts and burglaries. Using the Community Resource Trailer, Jon has assisted with feeding hundreds of Centerville School students during the COVID-19 pandemic and dropped off supplies to residents in need. Jon is the epitome of the team player who is always willing to help where needed. His selfless leadership to the community along with his dedication and passion to the residents of the Township are exemplary.

About the CNO Awards from Bob Burkman

In July 1965, a discussion between Past Optimist International President Carl Bowen and former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover resulted in the birth of the Respect for Law program. This is the fourth most popular international program with more than 1,500 Clubs participating last year.

After the tragic events of January 12, 1998, Centerville Noon Optimist member and then township trustee, the late Terry Blair became the driving force to name our club’s Respect for Law Award in honor of John Kalaman. 

The John P. Kalaman Respect for Law Award and the Robert J. O’Toole EMT/Firefighter of the Year Award, given in October, are the results of Terry Blair’s efforts.

The Kalaman family pushed for the passage of Ohio’s Move Over/ Slow Down Law, adopted in 1999, requiring motorists to change lanes or slow when approaching stopped emergency vehicles. 

There are many reminders of John Kalaman within our community.  There is a John P Kalaman Memorial Golf Tournament held here at Yankee Trace Golf Course, which funds a scholarship in John’s name, and a yearly blood drive is held in his name.  The City of Centerville named a street for him.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Deanna NesbitMike Bevis2nd Reading
Brian NicholasLarry Lynde2nd Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Amanda HollandHonoree’s Guest
Ashton MillerHonoree’s Guest
Cathy HerbenickDonna Huss
Darlene BraunschweigerDebe Dockins
Jane HenryDonna Huss
Jeff PetryHonoree’s Guest
Jeffrey KaercherHonoree
Jonathan PetryHonoree
Marge PetryHonoree’s Guest
Mitch BodenmillerBob Montavan
Ruth O’TooleHonoree
Sally MartinoDonna Huss

Happy Bucks

Joan Cordonnoer$5 for being able to attend today’s meeting after a long while.
Charlie GoodwinVacation soon to see classmates from the class of 1960 and visiting family including his brother’s lakehouse.
Joan CordonnoerNeed to really find a storage space soon for the Americana Float.
Debe DockinsSally Martino attended today’s meeting and is going to join Centerville Noon Optimist Club.
David LaddHe and Sherry are celebrating their 52nd wedding anniversary.
Paula Kalaman$5 for all the love CNO members have shown her in the last year during her cancer treatments.
Jane FiehrerReceived a warning intead of a ticket when recently pulled over by a Centerville police officer.

Sergeants at Arms

Our Sergeants at Arms decided this week to suspend fines out of reverence for John. Kalaman and Robert O’Toole.

Membership Anniversaries

MemberMonthDayJoined# Years
Kathy KleinAugust58/5/20165
Fred PolizziAugust98/9/200516


Andrew CainAugust 4

CNO Donations – 2013 through July 2021

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes received this week.

Links to PowerPoint and Pictures

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

The photos taken at Today’s Meeting are here.