Georgia Mergler – Sneak Peek – New Woodbourne Library

Phather Phill’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, I think we all have had the feeling of being at the end of our rope. We have lost faith in ourselves and the miraculous things we can do. In times like this have us remember the caterpillar, when it thought the world was over it became a butterfly. Lord You are always there to bring us back from self destruction. We can always turn to You in faith and continue on the road You created for us. Whatever number of days we have left let us use them to bring joy and purpose to the lives of others and turn them
into butterflies. Amen!

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Dana Dring Craig Dring
Georgia Mergler Speaker
Criss Somerlot Joe Madden

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Committee Announcements

Beth Duncan, Social Committee, announced that the Installation Dinner will be at Canopy Creek Farm on Tuesday, 9/25/18 at 6PM (no lunch that day) and the cost is $35/person. Also, save the date of December 11, 2018 for the Holiday Dinner.

Tom Novak, Avenue of Flags, said that flag pickup for Labor Day will be Thursday 5-7, and Friday 8:30-10 on Friday. There are over 100 helpers and 65 Routes.

Chris McAlpine, Tri-star Soccer Chair, stated that the next event will be Friday evening, 9/21/18, at the Rec Center.

Today’s Presentation or Speaker

Liz Fultz introduced Georgia Mergler.

Liz’s intro: Our speaker is Georgia Mergler, the Community Relations Manager at the Washington-Centerville Public Library.  When I asked what to say for her introduction, she said anything that makes her look fabulous.  After 20 years with the library, there is no shortage of material, but she makes herself look fabulous.  She came to give us a sneak peek of the Woodbourne Library renovation and expansion.  Woodbourne Library has been closed for just over a year and half and it is now gearing up to reopen.  Georgia will whet our appetites with details about the library and the upcoming events.

Her presentation was titled, “Woodbourne Library Grand Re-opening. Renovation and Expansion”

Originally the building the library is in was the Hunter Savings and Loan in the 1960’s and was designed in the mid 1900’s by famous designer, Wood Garber. His design features and history of the building will be discussed at a meeting on November 3, 2018.

In 2016 the Woodbourne library was closed for renovation. The new expansion takes the size of the library from 21,000 sq. ft to 30,000 sq ft, which is approximately the same size now as the Centerville library. She showed us pictures of tensile shade structures funded by CNO for the Children’s Garden. We also saw pictures of the two signature sunscreens on the sides of the building designed by Harry Botier that were restored to look how they did originally.

Some features of the renovated library:

  • There is a new drive through material drop off.
  • Parking has been increased and there is a new exit at North Village Drive. You can no longer turn left out on to 48 from the library.
  • For the new Teen Room, artists have created some original works of art.
  • There is a Marketplace Area for browsing audio visual material and to pickup your holds.
  • The new Children’s Room includes a story time area and includes special details to be small child friendly. It is within the Children’s library.
  • The new non-fiction area shows a good example of the new patterned carpet.
  • There are some nice new lighting fixtures. Between natural lighting and new lighting features the library is much brighter than before.
  • Seven public meeting rooms were added. These can be reserved by the public for free with a WCPL library card. The tables in these rooms include electrical outlets and USB outlets. There are also TV’s with HDMI connections for computer presentations.

The library will be hosting the “Rediscovering Woodbourne: Fundraising Gala” on September 20, 2018 from 6 PM until 9 PM. The cost is $60.60 (6060 is the address of the library). This event is for adults 21 and over. Proceeds from this event will support projects to enhance the Library experience for all ages.

The grand opening will be September 23, 2018. There will be a Flag dedication at 12:30 followed by the Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening from 1 PM until 3 PM. This is a free event for all ages. There will be live music, strolling performers and mascots, demonstrations of new Library features, raffles and light refreshments!  The library is open as normal on this day and will stay open until 5 PM. You can get a special commemorative library card on this day.

Quick Facts about the Woodbourne Library Expansion Project

  • The Woodbourne expansion project was completed on time and on budget.
  • The library’s collection is fluid; Items come and go depending on usage.
  • The WCPL Library System has the highest national rating of 5 stars.
  • Books are the single most circulated item at the library. Last year 2.1 million items were circulated and over half were books.
  • Anyone can get a library card either online or in person. If you live, work or go to school in Ohio you can get a library card at any library in Ohio.


Member Birthday
Rick Kempfer August 28
Scott Rheaume August 28
Chris McAlpine August 31
Jim Mogan August 31
Jesse Lightle August 31
Julie Cochran August 31
CeAnn Chalker September 03

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Anne Kessler August 29 08/29/2002 16
Jeff Busch August 31 08/31/2001 17
Ken Peacock August 31 08/31/2001 17
Andrew Mckenzie September 1 09/01/1987 31
Don Skelton September 1 09/01/1987 31
Frank DePalma September 1 09/01/1979 39
Gary Anderson September 1 09/01/1979 39
Jerry Stahley September 1 09/01/1986 32
Larry Lynde September 1 09/01/1988 30

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Dana Dring Craig Dring 1st Reading
Bryan Miller Joan Cordonnier 1st Reading
Daniel Koons Mike Bevis 2nd Reading
Carolyn Taylor Beth Duncan 3rd Reading
Steve Rudisill Mike Bevis Induction

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Larry England For not riding in the golf cart
Larry Lynde Riding bike without a helmet on the bike path
Craig Dring, Heather Kuth, Patricia Kuhlman, Steve Rudisill Wearing Orange Shirts
Paul Stull Not perfoming a miracle to save Jane Fiehrer’s boa constrictor decades ago
Everyone born in August not at the Birthday table Not sitting at the birthday table
Everyone not born in August sitting at the Birthday table Sitting at the birthday table without having an August birthday
All men in shorts For wearing shorts
Chris McAlpine Late to the last board meeting
Gary Smiga For making Stan Fronzaglia jealous for getting 2 birdies at a golf tournament
Chuck Dickerson Being mean
Paula Kuhlman Donating only half of the proceeds of her book to CNO

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Nick Tarkany Heavier than Air brewing won medals at the Brewers Cup.
Donna Huss Thank you to Evelyn Griffin, Marge Back and Carrie Million for arriving early and handling registration at the Ohio District Convention.
Donna Huss Thanks to everyone who brought school supplies for the Ohio Convention collection effort.
Donna Huss Casey Wyckoff has volunteered to chair the  Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CCDHH)
Joan Cordonnier Just took grand daughter to Forest Field Park to play on the amazing new equipment. Thanks to CNO for sponsoring it.
Brian Nolan John Horner also got lost at Forrest Field Park.
Tom Novak Thank you to Mike Brubaker for handling the Avenue of Flags database and printing up the route sheets.
Tom Novak Thank you to Patrick Arehart for building smartphone friendly to help with Avenue of Flags delivery.
Patricia Kuhlman Daughter has been promoted to assistant store director for Christian Dior in New York City.
Gary Anderson Geri and he just had their 47th Wedding Anniversary.