Bringing Out the Best in Kids Award and Memorial Scholarship Winners

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Alan Bair Honoree’s Family
Anastasia Bair Honoree
Anna Bargmeyer Bob Bargmeyer
Joann Garison Honoree’s Family
Michelle Garison Honoree
Ed Goschinski Art Hung
Danielle Meyer Honoree
Terri Meyer Honoree’s Family
Tom Meyer Honoree’s Family
Matthew Miller Pat Arehart
Evelyn Moyer Honoree’s Family
Geoff Moyer Honore’s Family
Mark Scarpino Greg Wasmund
Dan Tarpey Dr. Tom Henderson
Jason Whited Honoree

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

Committee Announcements

Bob Lawson, Fishing Derby chair, said last Saturday’s Fishing Derby was a great day! Thank you to all the helpers, you did a great job. Please bring kids to Cabela’s from 5-7 on 6/7/2018, they will give us free fishing rods if we bring kids.

Beth Duncan, social committee chair, announced that the 50th anniversary party is Tuesday, June 19, 2018. The cost is $15 per person. It is being held at Canopy Creek Farm in Miamisburg. It will be like an upscale picnic with great food and corn hole. There will be guest speakers as well. Remember that our normal lunch at Yankee Trace is cancelled on June 19, 2018.

Mike Bevis, programs co-chair, said be sure to come next week. A professor from Miami University will be our guest speaker and he will discuss “fake news”.

Mike Bevis, golf co-chair, stated we are still accepting donations for the golf outing. Give one of the forms on the table to someone who would like to donate.

Tom Novak, Avenue of Flags co-chair, announced that flags will be delivered on Tuesday, 6/12/2018. They will be picked up on Friday, 6/15/2018.

Jane Cordonnier, Americana 5K Run Chair, said there is less than a month until the Americana celebration. Please consider signing up to help the club with its activities at the Americana Festival.

Happy Birthday Dick Stevens

Today was Dick Stevens’s actual 73rd birthday. You know what that means! He got a special treat of having Happy Birthday sung to him LIVE as only we can. It was so bad it was good!

Friend of Youth Award

Joe Madden announced that the presentation today is one of his favorites. He introduced the Friend of Youth Award. This award is perfect for our club because our slogan friend of youth is a perfect match for the teacher award. The first Friend of Youth Award was awarded in 2003. Joe listed the previous award winners in a most amusing way. We have improved the selection, but we have up years and down years. He did this to politely jab the many, many award recipients that are current members of CNO. It was hysterical!

Congratulations to this year’s winner Jason Whitehead. He was nominated by CHS principal Jack Durnbaugh. Jack’s nomination letter included statements such as, “Jason is a superb social studies teacher.” “He challenges his students to be problem solvers.” “His students love history since being taught by Jason and his style of teaching.”

Jason Whitehead said, “I’m very humbled and honored to be here to accept this award. To hear my name mentioned is wonderful. This club is great because of promoting youth. The current generation of kids is getting a bad rap. The majority of the kids are well behaved and enthusiastic, if you treat them well and make them want to be in class.”

Educational Assistance Awards

Gary Smiga was happy to introduce this year’s Centerville Noon Optimist Club’s Memorial Educational Assistance Award winners.  The award is given in the memory of the individuals that have passed away while active members of our club.  The following individuals exemplified what it meant to give back to your community with their service and character:

  • Tom Frazier- 1994
  • Tom Craig- 1994
  • Denise Goeckel- 1998
  • Dick Lewin- 2002
  • Corwin Robinson- 2005
  • Steve Fisher- 2007
  • Dave Petree- 2007
  • Jim Hawley- 2010
  • Margaret Barclay- 2010
  • Tom Gravlin- 2013
  • Terry Blair-2014
  • Dave Milam- 2014
  • Ken Bluhm- 2015
  • John Hughes- 2015
  • Mike Hayes- 2015
  • Wes Hamdan- 2016
  • Tim Gibson- 2017
  • Linda Fisher- 2017
  • Brent Moore 2018

He asked us to join him in a moment of silence to remember these fine individuals.

The qualifications for our Educational Assistance award are as follows:

  1. Be a graduating high school senior that will be attending a college/university offering a two/four year degree upon the completion of an accredited program;
  2. Be a resident of Centerville/Washington Township;
  3. Have a strong record of participation in community service activities; and
  4. Possess a financial need as affirmed by the FAFSA

He recognized the committee members who read the applications and made this year’s selections: Gail Aiken, Will Cale, Bob Duffy, and Roberta Taylor.

Normally we have 3 awards. This year we had 4. Each will receive $1500 later today. Thank you to the CNO board for the approval of the awards and the entire CNO membership for your fund-raising efforts that make the Educational Assistance awards possible.

This award is renewable for a second year with a continued financial need, continued involvement in school, community or faith-based activities, and a freshman grade point average of at least a 3.0.

Three of the recipients were able to join us today. Each recipient brought family members with them to share lunch with us today.

Anastasia Bair

Anastasia attended Centerville High School and she is ranked 119th in a senior class of 664 students with a GPA of 3.991. Anastasia’s Extracurricular and Community Service Activities include:

  • Varsity Soccer where she served as a captain
  • Club Soccer
  • Varsity Wrestling Stats
  • Young Life
  • Lunch Buddies
  • Elk Connectors
  • Chem Buddies
  • Volunteer at Church watching 2-year olds during the service
  • BOLD (Building our Lives Drug Free)

Anastasia currently works at Bob Evans and also babysits.

Anastasia will be attending Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio.   After graduation she would like to work in a medical field or in criminal justice.

She read us her essay and here are a few statements: Centerville is safe. Centerville is not perfect, but activities and community service that we put on really help. She enjoys Lunch buddies and chemistry buddies and helping younger kids. She loves soccer and loves coaching younger kids.

Michelle Garrison

Michelle attended Centerville High School and she is ranked 1st in a senior class of 664 students with a GPA of 4.9714. Michelle’s Extracurricular and Community Service Activities include:

  • Varsity Soccer
  • Club Soccer
  • HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America)
  • Centerville Concert Orchestra and Centerville Youth Orchestra
  • Scholar Athlete
  • Lunch Buddies
  • BOLD (Building our Lives Drug Free)
  • STAND (Stop Tobacco and Nicotine Dependence)
  • Chem Buddies
  • Volunteer at church as a Kindergarten Sunday School Teacher
  • Volunteer at SISCA Animal Shelter

Michelle currently works at Bob Evans and Mathnasium where she tutors students in math.

Michelle will be attending Emory University in Atlanta.  After college she would like to attend medical school and work in the Medical Corps or as an emergency physician.

She read us her essay and here are a few statements: Having adult positive role models is very important. Community members have helped her go through her high school career. Passions and skills are developed from being around these role models. Good habits will follow us into adulthood.

Danielle Meyer

Danielle attended Centerville High School and she is ranked 50th in a senior class of 664 students with a GPA of 4.3. Danielle’s Extracurricular and Community Service Activities include:

  • National Honor Society
  • Theatre Program (acting, directing, crew and set building) and where she served as President of the S.T.A.G.E Theatre Club
  • Lunch Buddies
  • STAND (Stop Tobacco and Nicotine Dependence)
  • Elk Connector
  • BOLD (Building our Lives Drug Free)
  • Spanish Club
  • Chairperson for the Food for All Food Drive at Incarnation Parish and School
  • Five Minute for Life Student Ambassador
  • Peer Tutoring

Danielle currently works at Maggie Moos Ice Cream Shop and she previously worked as a Youth Drama Camp Counselor at Epiphany Lutheran Church.

Danielle will be attending the Wright State University.  She would like to pursue film acting and the business of the entertainment industry.  She would eventually like to work for the United Nations serving as a Goodwill Ambassador.

She read us her essay and here are a few statements: Young adults must help others. We need adults to help with good influence and encourage kids to give back as well. Volunteering will make you a better person for the rest of your life. Be drug free. Having a food drive reminds everyone that some people do go without food. Community service prepares and teaches. The best students who help the community are not resume builders, they are community builders and leaders.

Allison Ormsby

We will hear from Allison in a few weeks.


Member Birthday
Dick Stevens June 05
Jean Pummill June 06
Bob Vogt June 07
Brooks Compton June 09

Membership Anniversaries

No membership anniversaries this week.

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Brendan Cunningham Mike Bevis Induction
Jeff Umbreit Sarah Umbreit 2nd Reading
Mark Scarpino Greg Wasmund 1st Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Dr.Tom Henderson It is summer again, and he can finally show up to lunch.
Rick Talda It is summer again, and he can finally show up to lunch.
Ken Peacock It is summer again, and he can finally show up to lunch.
Laura Caschera It is summer again, and she can finally show up to lunch.
Mary Madden Left her name badge at home.
Art Hung No show at Saturday’s Fishing Derby.
Myron Rheaume Telling bad jokes, again!
Brendan Cunningham Just inducted to CNO, welcome to the club, pay a $1 fine.
Wendy Hattan Late to today’s meeting.
Beth Duncan Publically announced that for the 50th Anniversary celebration, “DO NOT dress like Don Kelly!”

Happy Bucks!

Member Reason
Bob Lawson $10 for all the wonderful help from the volunteers for last Saturday’s Fishing Derby.
Vida McDowell $5 because it has been 50 years (June 8, 1968) since she immigrated from Iran to the U.S and it has been nothing but great to be in the USA!
Sandy Stevens Husband Dick Steven’s 73rd birthday was today and she remembers when she thought 73 was old.
Myron Rheaume Cal State Fullerton, his alma mater, defeated Stanford #1 and Baylor #2, in the college world series west regional to move on to the Super regional against Univ. of Washington.
Nancy Lehren Last night’s dinner hosted by Children’s Medical Center’s doctors was informational and enjoyable!
Kelly Stone Will be celebrating with long time friends her 35 year UD graduation reunion and 10 years for daughter Christine Balsan.
Beth Duncan Joe Madden has agreed to be the master of ceremonies at the CNO 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner on 6/19/2018.