Great Ohio District Governor of Optimist International Bill Stone

Erin Dickerson’s Prayer

I would like to thank the Schooner Nooners for the inspiration for today’s prayer.


Last week we celebrated the splash Jerry Handsome, I mean, Gary Hansen, made during his year as President. Today we dive headfirst into Beth’s year as the CNO President. We pray her Optimist year will be swimmingly successful.  While we know there will be some waves in the year to come, help us to be synchronized when it comes to helping and serving the children and youth in our community.


Beth Duncan’s First Meeting

We waited with bated breath for the bell to ring and for President Beth Duncan to begin the meeting. Today’s meeting was the first meeting of Beth Duncan’s year as president. Whew! The meeting was awesome.

Thanks for being president, Beth, you are going to be great!

Volunteer Signups Available Online with the Virtual Clipboard

Did you know that you can now signup to volunteer or to participate in social events using a simple online registration form right from your phone or PC? The Member Calendar has a complete list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and social events.


  • Beth Duncan announced the Diaper Drive Contest with the Rotary Club. In a joint effort and friendly competition each club will try to collect the most diapers for The challenge runs from 10/8/2022 through 10/22/2022. One in three U.S. families struggle to provide enough diapers to keep a baby or toddler clean, dry, and healthy. For details of the contest read here.
  • Beth Duncan announced that Lisa Tucker of Bill’s Donuts is collecting socks and underwear for those in need after hurricane Ian.
  • Kelly Stone announced that Watts Middle School needs an advisor for their JOI club. If she doesn’t find someone then the club will not happen this year. Let Kelly Stone know if you would like to be the advisor. She says it won’t really take up that much time and the kids are excited to get started and serve.
  • Nancy Lehren announced that the Childhood Health and Wellness Committee wants more committee members. Let Nancy know if you want to be part of this fun committee that puts on Build-a-Bear events for children that LOVE it.
  • Greg Griffin announced that tree lot setup day is Saturday November 5, 2022 at 9 AM. If you are good at assembling things and/or carrying items, then please volunteer. It doesn’t take long and it ends up being fun!
  • Greg Griffin announced that tree delivery day is November 19, 2022. Two semi-trailers with a total of nearly 1000 trees need to be unloaded, sorted, labeled and stored. We need as many people as possible to show up for this. There will be high school kids to help, but we still need LOTS of members. You get rewarded with your choice of 20+ different hot chilis and soups after the trees are put away.
  • Chris McAlpine announced that Tri-Star Soccer last Friday was a success. He thanked all the CNO volunteers. There were over 100 children participating. High School soccer players really liked running the activity stations. Some of the kids were excited to get autographs from varsity players since they get to play under the lights on the field where this event was held.

Social Events

  • Friday October 14, 2022, 5:30 PM, Euchre Party in the upstairs private room at Bennett’s Publical Family Sports Grill in Miamisburg. The cost is $10 at the event plus you pay for your own meals and drinks. You can register online here.
  • Sunday October 23, 2022, 1:30 PM, Tom’s Corn Maze in Germantown, afterwards the social moves to dinner at Bennett’s Publical Family Sports Grill in Miamisburg. You can register online here.

Officer Installation and Awards Dinner Recap for 2022-23

The CNO Officer Installation Dinner was last Tuesday evening.

President Beth Duncan thanked the social committee for making the night enjoyable, beautiful and yummy. The social committee consists of Sue Jessee, Sarah Umbreit, Erin Laurito and Debe Dockins.

Others Beth thanked for their help were:

  • Beth thanked Greg Griffin for his AV work
  • Bob Collins for his photography
  • Debe Dockins for being the Master of Ceremonies
  • Erin Dickerson for giving the prayer and in Memoriam and for being the videographer

Congratulations to Optimist of the Year Patrick Arehart and Sarah Umbreit.

Congratulations to Rookie of the Year Mitch Bodenmiller.

Read last week’s CNOtes for full details.

Schooner Nooners Video Skit at Installation and Awards Dinner

As a thank you to Gary Hansen last week at the dinner, a skit was put on by:  Beth Duncan, Mike Cordonnier, Joan Cordonnier, Jean Pummill, Jesse Gaither, Evelyn Griffin, Debe Dockins, Brandon Barrett and Andy Dickerson.

View the skit here.

Mike Cordonnier was the lifeguard and coach of the synchronized swimming team. They all wore costumes and there was a stage, props, simulated water and even a bubble machine.

Thank You President Beth Duncan

Thank you, Beth Duncan, for all the time you are about to give your club on behalf of the youth of our community.

Ohio District Governor Bill Stone

Bill Stone is now the Governor of the Great Ohio District of Optimist International. He is also a proud member of CNO. He and first lady Kelly Stone presented a thank you gift to the previous governor and first lady Greg and Evelyn Griffin. They also presented President Beth Duncan with beautiful flowers.

Jerry Stahley is the assistant to the Governor and he was installed as such today in front of his home club.

Bill had everyone stand up that is or has had a position at the Ohio District of OI. There are several past governors and dozens of CNO members who have stepped up to serve the Ohio District.

Thanks to CNO member Greg Wasmund for serving as Lieutenant Governor of our zone and to Pat Behn for being Lieutenant Governor of the Ohio District for many years.

Here is Bill Stone’s Logo Goveror Logo

Governor logo that reads Choose Optimist Hope and Vision 2022-2023

Optimist Clubs are at a Crossroads

The following is the speech Bill Stone gave at today’s lunch:

Good afternoon CNO Optimists, thank you all for being here.

I’d like to thank My First Lady – Kelly.  She has helped and supported me every step of the way and without her, I would not be standing up here today.

I am very honored to be your Governor for the 2022-23 year and I am looking forward to the challenges and the opportunities ahead.  We are at a turning point and if we don’t change the course, our beloved Optimist organization may not survive.  Our membership has been declining and has taken a hard hit from Covid.

We are at a crossroads.  But I feel we have a great opportunity to reach people.  We are coming out of the global pandemic and life is returning to normal, albeit a NEW normal. People are looking for something to do.  People are looking for relationships. People are looking for ways to serve – ways that matter.  People are looking for something OPTIMISTIC. 

This year will be a pivotal year for Optimist International and for the Great Ohio District.  We need to re-energize our clubs and grow our membership.  We have great things ahead of us to accomplish.  And with everyone’s help and commitment we can overcome and succeed.

We are members of the best service organization in the world.  We have an incredible message, the most amazing creed, a great mission, very special members and we are positive OPTIMIST people.  Why would we not want to share this with our friends and neighbors?  Think back to when you joined your Optimist club.  What was it that moved you to join.  What was it that moved you to get involved and stay involved.  Remember back.  Remember that feeling, that activity and then ask a friend, co-worker or neighbor to go with you and see why you are an Optimist.  If everyone would do that, we would have plenty of new members.

My slogan this year is “Choose Optimism – Hope and Vision.”  This comes from my core belief in the Optimist vision statement – “By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities and ourselves.”  This is so important for our world at this time as we continue to return to normal after the last few years.

  • Hope and Positive Vision is what being an Optimist is all about.  This is clearly expressed by the words of our creed so eloquently written by Christian D Larson. Our unique opportunity as Optimists is to use that hope and positive vision to impact our youth, our communities and ourselves.
  • We bring out the best in our youth through the service and activities that our clubs perform.  We run events like bike safety, fishing derbies and Tri-Star sports. We recognize our youth for their accomplishments.  We raise money to award youth scholarships.  And the list goes on.
  • We bring out the best in our communities by recognizing teachers, law enforcement, firefighters and leaders in our towns and cities.  We give residents an outlet to serve in their communities amongst many other things.
  • We bring out the best in ourselves by coming together, learning to work together, and encouraging one another. We have opportunities to step into leadership positions.  We have Personal Growth and Development programs.

This year the Ohio district will be celebrating our 75th year and convention and this will be a year of celebration and success.  My goal for this year is to be the Top District in all of Optimist International and to have fun doing that.  I encourage more members from your club to attend the district meetings and conventions. I will do my best to make these meetings worthwhile and fun.  I challenge you to bring 2 first timers from your club to our November meeting on November 5th in Dublin.  We have some great surprises planned for that meeting.

The 75th Ohio Convention will be held in Dayton from August 10th through August 12th. We are planning a great celebration weekend and a big celebration banquet on August 12th at the University of Dayton Arena.  Please save the date!  You are not going to want to miss it!

The district is not here to be a burden to the clubs, but quite the opposite, the district is here to support the club and the members.  I am available to help in any way that I can.  I will be your biggest cheerleader!  

Thanks to all of you for your support. I know that you will help me make this year an amazing year.

CHOOSE OPTIMISM. PROVIDE HOPE. INSTILL POSITIVE VISION. Wait till you see what a difference we can make together!

Thank You Governor Bill Stone

Thank you, Bill Stone for all the hard work you have done for our club and will do as Governor of the Great Ohio District of Optimist International on behalf youth.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Troy YoungBeth Duncan1st Reading
Judy A. TellisMike Bevis1st Reading
Berneta DaleyMike Bevis1st Reading
David CordonnierJoan CordonnierInduction

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Allan KennedyBeth Duncan
Amy CrouchBeth Duncan
Karen KennedyBeth Duncan
Will LuskBeth Duncan

Happy Bucks

Bob LawsonThe cleanup of the CNO storage is complete!
Charlie GoodwinLeaving for Botswana, Africa tomorrow with Paul Stull
Gary HansenRetired from being CNO president
Gary HansenJust got back from 6 days in Myrtle Beach – it was interrupted by Hurricane Ian, but at least the golf event he went down for was held and he won
Gary HansenWitnessed a Category 1 hurricane first hand and can’t imagine anything any stronger
Karl FrydrykWore nicer shorts than Paul Boeckman (see if there are pictures in the link below, they were quite interesting shorts)
Pat Behn$50 Happy Bucks for recovering and being able to attend a CNO lunch meeting again – she appreciates all the support
Karen Kennedy$11 since her 11th grandbaby is on the way
Kelly Davis Proud that her mother Beth Duncan is CNO PRESIDENT!
Sarah Umbreit$6, Honored to be chosen as Optimist of the Year and for being a member of CNO for 6 years
Patrick Arehart$5, Honored to be chosen as Optimist of the Year and for being a member of CNO for 5 years

Sergeants at Arms

No time for Sergeants this week

Membership Anniversaries

Jesse GaitherOctober 8, 20166
Jim MoganOctober 8, 20166
Deb SaundersOctober 8, 20166
Rachel SelbyOctober 8, 20166
Valorie HuffOctober 7, 200418


Anne KohlsOctober 4
Rachel SelbyOctober 7
Christy GarietyOctober 9
Paula KalamanOctober 9
Laurie WestheimerOctober 9
Lacy OwensOctober 10

CNO Donations – 2013 through July 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

CLICK HERE to see this Week’s Thank You Notes

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here