Erin Dickerson’s Prayer


We are often too blinded by what we hear and see in the media, what society tells us, or familial and financial pressures to see the ways in which you are calling us to follow and serve you.  Help to open our eyes and clear our vision so we may clearly see where you are calling and leading us.


About the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth Golf Classic

Mike Bevis presented us with information behind CNO legend Tom Frazier, for whom our golf fundraiser is named. Tom’s two daughters were in town for the tournament and were at today’s lunch. Mike introduced them and they also spoke.

From Mike Bevis

Our 30th Annual Tom Frazier Memorial was postponed yesterday due to the storms on Sunday and Monday. However, we are not deterred as we know that without the rain there would not be rainbows. So hopefully we’ll be back in three weeks on August 8. A big thanks to our committee for all their hard work and dedication.

You hear us each year talk about the Tom Frazier Memorial golf classic. Did you ever wonder who Tom Frazier was and why we honor his memory annually?

Read the rest of Mike Bevis’ speech, Tom’s daughters’ speech and a poem written by Tom Frazier based on the Optimist Creed in this special version of CNOtes here.

Volunteer Signups Available Online with the Virtual Clipboard

Did you know that you can now signup to volunteer or to participate in social events using a simple online registration form right from your phone or PC? The Member Calendar has a complete list of upcoming volunteer opportunities and social events.


  • Gary Hansen announced that the CNO information and Big 6 tent at the “Party in the Park” went great last Friday.
  • Beth Duncan brought in examples of Optigear to today’s meeting. You can order items anytime online in the size, color and style you want.
  • Evelyn Griffin announced that the 2022 Ohio District Conference will be held August 11-13. CNO is running much of the conference, and she said it would be great if several CNO members were to attend the District Conference. If you are attending and would also like to volunteer to help, let Evelyn know.
  • Mike Bevis announced that the Golf outing has been rescheduled for August 8, 2022. The original date was cancelled at the last minute because of the 3.5 inches of rain that fell the previous day that made the course unplayable.

Community Events

  • 7/30/2022, Bob Lawson announced the Big Back Yard Party will be at Oak Grove Park. Sign-up online to help using the Member Calendar.
  • 8/6/2022, Bob Lawson announced the Kids Day in the Park will be on at Delco Park. Sign-up online to help using the Member Calendar.

Happy Birthday Bob Burkman

Today was Bob Burkman’s birthday! Bob Duffy led us in singing Happy Birthday to Bob Burkman. Not that anyone asked me, but Bob Duffy has done nothing to improve the quality of the performances. What are his credentials to lead the CNO choir? 😊

Bob Burkman said that his wife Carol wanted to be here today to smile and laugh during the singing. He was curious and looked up when his birthday will be on a Tuesday again. It will be in 2033 and he said he will definitely be at that meeting.

We hope your birthday was great, Bob, and that you have a great year!

About the CNO Memorial Educational Assistance Awards

The following are notes from Gary Smiga.

It is my pleasure to be able to introduce this year’s Centerville Noon Optimist Club’s Memorial Educational Assistance Award winners.  The award is given in the memory of the individuals that have passed away while active members of our club.  The following individuals exemplified what it meant to give back to your community with their service and character.

  • Tom Frazier- 1994
  • Tom Craig- 1994
  • Denise Goeckel- 1998
  • Dick Lewin- 2002
  • Corwin Robinson- 2005
  • Steve Fisher- 2007
  • Dave Petree- 2007
  • Jim Hawley- 2010
  • Margaret Barclay- 2010
  • Tom Gravlin- 2013
  • Terry Blair-2014
  • Dave Milam- 2014
  • Ken Bluhm- 2015
  • John Hughes- 2015
  • Mike Hayes- 2015
  • Wes Hamdan- 2016
  • Tim Gibson- 2017
  • Linda Fisher- 2017
  • Brent Moore- 2018
  • Chuck Dickerson- 2018
  • Ed Case- 2019
  • Jeff Brown- 2020
  • Jim Schumacher- 2020
  • Don Wildenhaus- 2020
  • Tom Brozich- 2021
  • Gary Aiken- 2021
  • “Phather” Phil Robinson- 2021
  • Dick Lee- 2021
  • Will Cale- 2022

Please join me in a moment of silence as we remember these fine individuals.

2022 Memorial Educational Assistance Awards

The following are notes from Gary Smiga.

The qualifications for our Memorial Educational Assistance award are as follows:

  1. Be a graduating high school senior that will be attending a college/university offering a two or four-year degree upon the completion of an accredited program.
  2. Be a resident of Centerville or Washington Township.
  3. Have a strong record of participation in community service activities.
  4. Possess a financial need as affirmed by the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

Before I introduce this year’s winners, I would like to recognize the committee who read the applications and made this year’s selections: Gail Aiken, Will Cale, Bob Duffy, and Roberta Taylor.  I am also happy to announce that Jesse Lightle has stepped forward to replace Will Cale.

I would also like to thank the Board of Directors for budgeting funds to support this scholarship program, as well as the entire Centerville Noon Optimist Club membership for having worked in the various fund-raising activities (Christmas Trees, Avenue of Flags, and the Tom Frazier Tee Off for Youth) to allow for this program and many of the others that we sponsor to be a reality.

This year we have 5 first-year award winners.  They are Gwynn Baker, Lauren Hoyle, Shelby Kemp, Spencer Mills and Aidan Zink.

Each of our first-year recipients will be receiving a $2000 check that they can use towards the cost of attendance at the college or university they have chosen.

At this time, I would like to tell you some things about 3 of them that could be with us today.

After their introduction, they will each share the essay they wrote with their application that addressed the question, “Why is it important that community members provide service to youth, and what is the high school student’s role in providing such service?”

Gwynn Baker

Gwynn graduated from Centerville High School with a GPA of 4.76.

Some of Gwynn’s Extracurricular and Community Service Activities include:

  • National Honor Society
  • Leadership Academy
  • Elk Connectors
  • Study Buddies
  • Key Club

Gwynn has also worked at Panera Bread as a cashier in the drive thru and at Compunet Clinical laboratories as a lab processor, etc.

Gwynn will be attending the University of Cincinnati where she will study bio medical engineering.

Lauren Hoyle

Lauren graduated from Centerville High School with a GPA of 4.33.

Some of Lauren’s Extracurricular and Community Service Activities include:

  • National Honor Society
  • French Honor Society
  • Early Childhood Education Program
  • TOP Soccer Coach
  • Care Club

Lauren has also worked as a babysitter, at Main Street Salon as a receptionist and as a painter, painting picture frames for the owner of an Etsy business.

Lauren will be attending the University of Louisville.  After college she would like to earn her masters in school counseling.

Shelby Kemp

Shelby graduated from Centerville High School with a GPA of 4.1915.

Some of Shelby’s Extracurricular and Community Service Activities include:

  • National Honor Society
  • Elk Connectors
  • Key Club
  • Basketball
  • St. Vincent Meal Service

Shelby worked at Dunsinane Swim Club at the front desk and at Dewey’s Pizza as a cook/dishwasher.

Shelby will be attending the University of Kentucky.  After graduation she would like to be a travel trauma nurse.

Spencer Mills

Spencer graduated from Alter High School with a GPA of 4.03.

Some of Spencer’s Extracurricular and Community Service Activities include:

  • National Honor Society
  • Peer Ministry
  • St. Vincent Food Pantry and Warehouse
  • Alter Anglers
  • Football

Spencer worked at Philly Pretzel Factory at the counter, baking and making deliveries.

Spencer will be attending the Ohio State University where he will major in Finance.  After graduation he hopes to return home to be connected with family and to get involved with a service organization.

Aidan Zink

Aidan graduated from Centerville High School with a GPA of 4.18.

Some of Aidan’s Extracurricular and Community Service Activities include:

  • BOLD (Building Our Lives Drug Free)
  • Care Team
  • Elk Connectors
  • Track and Field where he served as a captain

Aidan worked at Journey’s Kids as a sales associate.

Aidan will be attending Ohio Northern University where he plans to study Pharmacy and after graduation would like to work in a hospital.

2022 Renewals of Memorial Educational Assistance Awards

The following are notes from Gary Smiga.

These first-year awards are renewable for a second year with a continued financial need, continued involvement in school, community or faith-based activities, and a freshman grade point average of at least a 3.0.

Now we will welcome two of our three scholarship award recipients from last year who have achieved all the scholarship renewal requirements.

These students will also receive a check for $2000 to apply to their tuition or any other costs of attendance at their college/university.

Trent Bollinger

Trent successfully completed his freshman year at the University of Cincinnati with a 3.567 GPA while completing 39 credit hours (31 earned and 8 transferred) making the Dean’s list in both the Fall and Spring Semesters.

Trent Joined the Theta Chi Fraternity where he was involved with a program called “Clean Up Cincy” traveling by bus around the city to pick up trash and debris.  He also helped run 2 charity events for the USO that involved cooking and delivering spaghetti and “Pie a Brother,” a fundraiser that took place in the middle of campus.

Trent says “Grab a friend, go out and do just a little bit of community service.  It makes it a lot more enjoyable, and even if it’s just a little, it adds up in the end.”

Megan Patel

Megan successfully completed her freshman year at the University of Cincinnati with a 3.358 GPA while completing 47 credit hours (32 earned and 15 transferred) making the Dean’s list in Fall Semester.

Megan is involved in Fly US, Women in Technology, Society of Women in Engineering, The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society.  This summer she is taking Calculus II and is working in the Main Library on campus.  She also continues to serve at her temple with weekly presentations on culture and language and is a member of a regional core team and admin team for the Midwest.

Ellie Spiewak

Ellie successfully completed her freshman year at the Ohio State University with a 3.706 GPA while completing 64 credit hours (31 earned and 33 transferred) making the Dean’s list in both the Fall and Spring semesters.

Ellie joined the Society of Women Engineers which allowed her to connect with other engineering students. The group does outreach with the surrounding Columbus School Districts to help inspire young students that have interests in the STEM fields.  In addition, she was selected to attend the 2022 Fall Society of Women Engineers Conference in Houston.  Megan is also active in Block O, Oval Dogs, and a Coffee Roasting Club.  She also served as an undergraduate teaching assistant aiding students and faculty in introductory engineering courses.


From Gary Smiga

We often hear a lot of negative stories about today’s youth that you might begin to wonder if there is any hope for their future and our future.  Today these young individuals have hopefully dispelled those concerns, as they exemplify the qualities that will allow them to move forward and be the leaders of our tomorrow.

Gwynn, Lauren, Shelby, Spencer, Aidan, Trent, Megan, and Ellie – we are all immensely proud of you and we wish you the best at the schools you attend.

Fellow Optimists, please join me in a round of applause for these fine individuals.

Thank you.

New Member Readings and Inductions

NameSponsor1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
David MitchellMike BevisInduction
Todd MuckerheideMike Bevis1st Reading
Deb GrahamMike Bevis1st Reading
Erin LauritoDebe Dockins1st Reading
Terry LewisBob Collins2nd Reading
Steve MaysMike Fanelli2nd Reading
Cameron LangerScott Langer3rd Reading
David GainesMike Bevis3rd Reading

Welcome Guests!

GuestGuest Of
Aidan ZinkHonoree
Alex SimonBob Duffy
Alex SteenMike Bevis
Amanda BakerProgram
Andrew BollingerProgram
Anna GraceMike Bevis
Dave MitchellMike Bevis
Diana HoyleProgram
Diane BiesiadeckiMike Bevis
Ellie SpiewakHonoree
Gwynn BakerHonoree
John KempProgram
Kari PantanoJim Mogan
Kayla BollingerProgram
Lauren HoyleHonoree
Laurie SpiewakProgram
Luke NeffJesse Gaither
Megan PatelHonoree
Melanie TaylorProgram
Paula SteenMike Bevis
Shelby KempHonoree
Sidney KempProgram
Spencer MillsHonoree
Tara WalkerMike Bevis
Tish KempProgram
Todd MuckerheideMIke Bevis
Trent BollingerHonoree
Willa GaitherJesse Gaither

Happy Bucks

No time for Happy Bucks this week

Sergeants at Arms

No time for Sergeants this week

Membership Anniversaries

Tom LakesJuly 19, 20175
John ShermanJuly 24, 200913
Steve MockJuly 19, 199626


Bob BurkmanJuly 19
Brian NicholasJuly 22
Steve RauJuly 23
Michael KoveleskiJuly 24
Mike YoderJuly 24

CNO Donations – 2013 through June 2022

Click here to see a summary of donations the club has made since 2013

Thank You Notes Received

No Thank You Notes received this week

A Copy of this Week’s Meeting PowerPoint Slide Deck is here

All Photos taken at this Week’s Meeting are here