Larry Hansgen – WHIO Radio Personality

Phather Phil’s Prayer

Heavenly Father darkness can not defeat darkness, only light can do that. Likewise hate will never defeat hate. Only Your love can do that. Lincoln made the point when he said,” if I make a friend of my enemy have I not defeated him?” Shed Your spirit on us to shed Your light on our dark problems. Have us love one another to show others how to live. When we meet a person for the first time, help us to not make a quick judgement, but
remember that there is nothing in a caterpillar that would make us think of a butterfly Amen!

All Photos from the Meeting are Here

CNO Election Season Week 2

Jean Pummill spoke to us about how the process works. Next week is the last of the 3 weeks. Three of the nominees got up and spoke for a short time. Summaries follow:

  • Sarah Umbreit, nominated for a 2-year term for the board, truly enjoys CNO. Proud that we are very focused and here for the children. Involved in Childhood cancer committee, golf and others.
  • Jane Fiehrer, nominated for a 2-year term for the board, likes our club because it makes volunteering fun and has for 20 years. Involved in everything from Tristar sports to being a past board member.
  • Beth Duncan, nominated for a 2-year term for the board, CNO Social Committee chairman likes our club as it has become her social life.

Election Process Speech Notes from Jean Pummill

Record Long Thank You from Pat Behn

In case you missed it, please read the PDF below for the full content of the thank you Pat Behn presented for everyone involved in the 2018 Easter Egg Hunt on 3/31/2018. It was a great event and Pat wanted to make sure people were recognized for their extra efforts.

Pat Behn Thank You to 2018 Easter Volunteers

Jeff Papanek Retirement

Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office Captain Jeff Papanek after 31 years of service is retiring from his position at the Sheriff’s office. He has been a CNO member since 7/17/2014. He plans on finding a new position with the township soon. He thanked Jess Lightle for being the best boss ever. President McAlpine thanked Jeff for all the wonderful “interactions” he has had with the Sheriff’s Office over the last couple of decades while he has been driving around town. Captain Jeff Papanek received a standing ovation from the 80 members and guests as a way of thanking him for his service to our community.

Today’s Speaker

Scott Langer introduced today’s speaker, Larry Hansgen, long time WHIO Radio Personality, the voice of the UD Flyers and a stand-up comic. Scott first made sure we knew that our original speaker cancelled at the last minute and after just 25 phone calls to others to fill in he came to Hansgen who graciously agreed to speak.

Larry, who has spoken to us in the past, went through the events that led him to become involved in the radio business. He was very funny and there were several entertaining stories.

It was an intricate story how he got into radio and ended up in Dayton. He began with his NSA interviews during his Senior year at Bowling Green University. It involved California and the Farsi language. Fortunately, he was not offered this job.

His radio career started after graduation in 1979 in Bryan, Ohio as a high school sports announcer.

He has been with WHIO radio for 37 years and has been involved in all kinds of jobs. He credits his longevity to being flexible and taking on all kinds of different positions and responsibilities.

To become the voice of the UD Flyer’s, Larry had to jump through several hoops. He and Bucky Bockhorn had to record several auditions on cassette tapes covering the play by play of inner squad scrimmage games.

Larry has seen a lot of places in the world. What he values even more is all of the interesting people he was able to meet along the way.

Thank you Larry for informing and entertaining us today!

Today’s Guests

Guest Guest Of
Larry Hansgen Speaker
Kal Tinka Bob Collins
Jeff Zaret Amy Barker


Member Birthday
Ira Thomsen April 05
James Rumford April 05
Roland Rapp April 05
Jeff Rolf April 06
Mercdes Franklin April 06
Robert Clements April 07
Erin Belangia-Sanchez April 09

Membership Anniversaries

Member Month Day Joined # Years
Greg Fay April 3 04/03/2014 4
Greg Griffin April 3 04/03/2014 4
Ira Thomsen April 5 04/05/1991 27
Vincent Reidy April 5 04/05/2016 2
Daniel Samiec April 6 04/06/2010 8
Molly Petsch April 6 04/06/2004 14

New Member Readings and Inductions

Name Sponsor 1st 2nd 3rd Reading or Induction
Cindy Harris Ron Tinnerman 3rd Reading
Nick Tarkany Chris McAlpine 3rd Reading
Jeff Zaret Amy Barker 3rd Reading
Cheryl Probst Christine Balsan 2nd Reading
Andrew Cain Stan Fronzaglia 2nd Reading

Sergeants at Arms

Member Infraction
Chris McAlpine Started meeting at 12:01
Christine Balsan Not wearing Optimist pin in photo for Dayton Business Journal
Gary Smiga Not mentioning CNO until the very end of article in Centerville Dispatch
Charlie Tapp Impersonating Colonel Sanders
Miami University Alumni Miami University last place on college Wheel of Fortune
June Bosworth, Scott Langer, and Tim Clemmer For not doing enough to bring on spring even though they dressed in spring colors

Happy Bucks!

No time for Happy Bucks this week.